Right well I started having this dream quite recently. First time was two weeks go. I've had the same basic dream five times now, I think it is one dream with five parts rather then five separate dreams in the same night, either way I've had this five times.

Right before I start the dream is in five parts, they haven't occurred in the same order BUT the first part of the dream as been the same scenario every time. Apart from that they come in a random order, like five totally different dreams in one. After each one there's blackness, then I feel like I've been thrown into a totally different dream.

FIRST PART(always first in all 5 dreams)

This is always the same. The dream begins with me in a huge field of long grass, yellow flowers etc. It feels like a calm place, there's no buildings at all, in fact nothing right into the distance. After a few seconds just standing in this field I turn around even though I haven't heard anything. I see in the distance a plane coming toward me fast, looks like a fighter jet of some sort. Although it's going very fast, at the same time It's going slow, hard to describe but what I mean is I feel I'm watching something fast but it doesn't travel very fast across the sky. It's flying quite low and as it gets close to me(probably still a 1km away or so but for a plane close) a disk of yellow light suddenly flies toward it. The disk comes from behind me and it homes in on the plane. It cuts through the planes wing and the jet spins out of control and crashes over my head landing in the distance with a big explosion. The dream isn't 100% the same each time. The disk either flips and spins or just spins, also the sound is different, it's either a high pitch electronic sound as it flies overhead or a "waw-waw-waw" sound. Apart from those tiny differences the point is the same, fighter jet crashes because of wing being slices by this disk of light.


I'm in a child's bedroom. It's night and their asleep in their bed. The bedroom door opens and a man, I assume to be the father, comes into the room and turns on the light. He's in his underwear and it is apparent to me he is going to sexually abuse the child. He says the childs name, which hasn't been constant in the 5 dreams but is either "hannah" or "chloe". The child looks out from under the covers and looks terrified. Neither of them seem to be able to see me. I am furious in the dream, I'm shaking with rage. I shout to him, "hello, pervert"(changes slightly although I am not fully lucid I seem to be able to say what I want). He looks at me and throw him and pin him against the wall by raising my arm. I close my hand and choke him, with what seem to be telekinetic powers. I then say something along the lines of "lets see how much pain you can take rapist before you beg for relief like your daughter does". I then raise my other arm and with my index finger i "cut" his skin. It's either slashing his neck or his forehead open slowly, by moving by finger across through the air. I am on the other side of the room to him mind. Then I let him fall to the floor dead.


I am in my room and one of my pet tarantulas(I do keep them) has escaped it's enclosure somehow. It's the most aggressive one I keep and so I try to corner it quickly. It runs across the carpet incredibly fast and up the wall(although they can very fast, so its not that much faster then it could in reality). It suddenly looks a lot smaller then it is in real life. I instinctively grab a magazine and smack it against the wall. It falls to the floor all crumpled up and dead, with bright green blood on it.


I'm in the middle of my street, it's dusk. The sky is an odd browny red colour and it looks like the sky is moving, like there are thousands of insects or something covering the sky all flying about really high up in the atmosphere.

I look down my street and notice things in the distance look all dead or decaying. As I watch it seems like there's this line of shadow passing along the street very slowly. As it engulfs things they rot and decay and look "twisted" and wrong. I can hear strange sounds coming from the darkness(it's much darker behind this line but I can just make things out) and can see strange creatures, some look humanoid but with huge spines and scythes on their limbs and body. A man grabs me from behind and tells me to run, I'm running away from this advancing line with about 10 other people I don't recognize. Then it just ends


I'm at the church next to my college. We seem to be at the weekly "act of worship"(assembly in church basically). Suddenly through the large stain glass window at the front of the church(it's behind the speaker we all face it) a light forms and an angel materializes. It has a silver sword with glows, also the angel has a glowing aura around it. It's like a golden fire.

It's beating it's wings slowly but it's still able to fly. It lands at the front were the speaker is. It looks to a random girl on the front row at points it's sword at her, she stands up and screams, she falls down dead. I get up and run to the front(I'm in the middle) to the girls body, it's slightly burnt. I place one hand on her and her burns heal, she gasps, I have revived her. I look to the angel and it stares back to me with a look of disgust but also a little fear. It says to me " you are foolish to resistance us, you cannot save all of them". Then it de materializes and the dream just ends.

As I said bar the first one about the jet they come in a random order. ALTHOUGH four out of the five dreams have had that angel scenario come at the end. The only one that didn't, the first time, had the scenario with the father and the daughter at the end.

Whew got all that written out finally. It should be quite accurate as I wrote down what I remembered each time in a notebook.

The only trend I notice as they are all quite negative. Their not negative to me personally but: jet crash, pedo father, pet tarantula dies, mutating planet, girl burnt by angelic creature. Not exactly positive scenarios.

If anyone has any ideas on any of them that would be good as it's bugging me greatly. Not sure why I dream this five totally different scenarios up in the same long dream, or what they mean really.