This is how it started. (Sorry, its a long read)

Me and a mate (neil) were driving around my town (he cant even drive), and we decided to go to the pub. The pub was located where there is a house in live.. Anyway , we were still sitting in the car when something scary happened. Something banged, like an explosion, (then the pub change to the bingo), there was a little fire at the side bit, i started crying, i knew it was a saturday, my mum and dad would be in there, i was devastated. I knew i had to do something, i said to neil, 'do you think it would be helpful if i threw a brick through the window, then they could get out the window', he just said we would try. Then i did, a few people got out but there was no sign of my mum and dad, all i could see was a few people from work. Then another explosion type thing happened... Someone was still there, 'go away, its a bomb'.
We had to go back to the car, reversed it a little so we werent near the (pub,house,bingo). I was devastated. Then a few of our other friends drove up in the car.. Then neil heard this noise 'whats that noise?' he said 'Dont know' i replied.. Then i looked up at the top of the building (there were around 15 guys with guns.. sort of like an army tribe or something...
I dont know why but we wouldnt stay in the car.. we got out, and i dont know what we hid under but it was like a very thick blanket (stupid i know), but it was rather really thick.. Me and Neil got under this blanket, and my other mates were under the other. I could hear them speaking, had to make sure they were still under the blanket.. i shouted to them 'stay under it'.. The guys were still trying to shoot at us (i dont have any idea why they were, it was sort of like a war, except we didnt fight back), then i said to my mate 'You gave me a fright there, dont do that' , he replied 'I didnt do anything', 'you touched my head' , i said, then he looked at me.. He said i had blood coming from my head, on to my face.. You've been shot he said. (It was that thick of blanket it must have only just got me and no more... )
I said to him ' You know i do love you/ And if you are ok, please tell my mum and dad i love them too , and my nana, aunties, and brother. .He said 'I'll tell everyone, will you do the same', i said 'yes'
They were still shooting.. then i dont know what happened.. we were in another scene.. (i think i olk up at this point, but fell back asleep)
There was thousands of people in this room, people shooting from above , we were all sitting down so i kinda hid amoungst the others. I kept saying I dont want to be shot again...
My mum was there, and all the other people above. I was still hiding, but then the people shooting changed to these people, telling us how brave we were and they were happy to see us alive and such.. I was glad it was over.
A few friends from the pub was there, one said to me ' That was scary', i said, 'I know, i'll have scars for live, getting shot is the worst thing that could happen'
My mum replied, 'It wasnt even scary, i wasnt scared at all.. '
I didnt believe her though, nobody did..

I know it may not sound scary but it has to be the scaryiest i have dreamt for a while, especially getting shot.

Anyone think they know what it means??