I had a dream last night and I don't have all the details, but I remember that me and some of my freinds were going to be foregin exchange students in Europe. I was going to Germany and one freind was going to France, another to England. We were looking at a map of Europe talking about it but it seemed to be an older kind of faded map.

Then after that all I remember is that I was (what seemed to be) the lobby of a hotel. It was all very royal and fancy looking. There was like velvet furniture and gold and just very..royal? I guess that explains it. I was in the lobby (which had no windows) And I started walking up steps and I was heading towards a hallway on my right. Then some of my freinds came out to greet me and I was really happy that they were there. I'm assuming that I was in Germany at that point? I don't know. But when I was in the lobby with my freinds it was all just...really perfect. I felt happy and there were some other emotions (good ones) that I don't really know how to explain.

I have no idea what if means lol..usually I have some kind of idea but I don't this time