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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2009

      Weird dream.... REALLY weird

      Ever have one of those dreams that you feel like someone is trying to tell you something? Well this is one of those. But, which isn't normal for me is I don't get it. AT ALL. So I was searching for a place that could help and I found this place. Which I like a lot just from browsing around. I've been lucid dreaming for a while now. But, this dream just screams something and I am at a total loss as for what. Well I am pretty sure I understand 1 part of it completely, but i don't understand what the rest means.

      I had a place and it was only my place really it was strange. I had bought packages of meat but that I needed to separate into smaller packets and put in the freezer. I had a cat and it was the cat I had a year ago when I was living in AZ, Mr. balls. He was pestering me for the meat so I put him in the bathroom because for some reason I was separating the meat on the floor in the living room. Then the dream skipped two days and I woke up on the floor and the house was a mess. I had left the meat laying around on the floor. Then I realized I left the cat in the bathroom for all that time and totally freaked out. I went and he was ok. He had been going in the bathtub and drinking from the toilet and for some reason I had left a package of meat in the bathroom. There were many packages of ground beef in the dream. And he had been eating that. I was very sad that I left him like that and then I started picking up all the packages and putting them away. All the meat was perfectly fine after 2 days which was strange as well it was even still cold aside from the package he was eating. I knew 2 days had passed because when I woke up on the floor, in the dream, I checked my laptop and it two days later. But, at the end of the dream what woke me up was my own voice in my head and I was pushing some energy out like I was grounding and it said “that it was my fault that things are the way they are.”

      There was more to the voice, but I couldn’t remember the whole thing even though I wrote out what I could when I woke up. I think the 2 days has a lot to do with next week. Because I have A LOT to do Monday and Tuesday. But, the whole cat and meat packages thing are……………..

      Hmm other details. The bathtub where the cat had been using looked all full of mold and more like a month of something happening. There was some green mold on the walls in there as well. After I cuddled the cat and was petting him I went in to clean up the bathroom and removed the meat. The mold was gone off the walls and the bathtub just looked like a cat had been using it as a litter box and there was a few inches of water in the tub. When I first let the cat out the bathtub looked about like some nuclear waste had been put in there.

      I felt really alone in that house. Like no one, but me had been living there for a long time aside from me. The place was trashed when I woke in the dream. It was pretty clean before that. I currently live in a similar house, but with 3 other people. We don’t see each other a lot as we all have active lives. But it’s more or less a college style house really. Where we really don’t do ANYTHING in the living room so the living room is just full of junk and the one tv in the place.

      Hmmm I made it only through 1/2 of a HUGE meat packet. I for some reason had bought about 4 5-10 lb packages. All I have right now is a package of ground turkey in the freezer. Trying to give as much info as possible to help with this.

      Currently I am a contractor. I haven’t had any work in 2 weeks so I am incredibly broke. The woman I am in love with is moving BACK to this country in about 1 1/2 months. Well that about covers that I think. Any thoughts would be great because something about that dream really stuck to me and I feel like there is something I am totally missing.

      Thanks in advance,

      Last edited by shadowsingray; 06-28-2009 at 10:32 AM. Reason: word formatting

    2. #2
      Member Gordon Jerome's Avatar
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      New Orleans
      Quote Originally Posted by shadowsingray View Post
      Ever have one of those dreams that you feel like someone is trying to tell you something? Well this is one of those. But, which isn't normal for me is I don't get it. AT ALL. So I was searching for a place that could help and I found this place. Which I like a lot just from browsing around. I've been lucid dreaming for a while now. But, this dream just screams something and I am at a total loss as for what. Well I am pretty sure I understand 1 part of it completely, but i don't understand what the rest means.

      I had a place and it was only my place really it was strange. I had bought packages of meat but that I needed to separate into smaller packets and put in the freezer. I had a cat and it was the cat I had a year ago when I was living in AZ, Mr. balls. He was pestering me for the meat so I put him in the bathroom because for some reason I was separating the meat on the floor in the living room. Then the dream skipped two days and I woke up on the floor and the house was a mess. I had left the meat laying around on the floor. Then I realized I left the cat in the bathroom for all that time and totally freaked out. I went and he was ok. He had been going in the bathtub and drinking from the toilet and for some reason I had left a package of meat in the bathroom. There were many packages of ground beef in the dream. And he had been eating that. I was very sad that I left him like that and then I started picking up all the packages and putting them away. All the meat was perfectly fine after 2 days which was strange as well it was even still cold aside from the package he was eating. I knew 2 days had passed because when I woke up on the floor, in the dream, I checked my laptop and it two days later. But, at the end of the dream what woke me up was my own voice in my head and I was pushing some energy out like I was grounding and it said “that it was my fault that things are the way they are.”

      There was more to the voice, but I couldn’t remember the whole thing even though I wrote out what I could when I woke up. I think the 2 days has a lot to do with next week. Because I have A LOT to do Monday and Tuesday. But, the whole cat and meat packages thing are……………..

      Hmm other details. The bathtub where the cat had been using looked all full of mold and more like a month of something happening. There was some green mold on the walls in there as well. After I cuddled the cat and was petting him I went in to clean up the bathroom and removed the meat. The mold was gone off the walls and the bathtub just looked like a cat had been using it as a litter box and there was a few inches of water in the tub. When I first let the cat out the bathtub looked about like some nuclear waste had been put in there.

      I felt really alone in that house. Like no one, but me had been living there for a long time aside from me. The place was trashed when I woke in the dream. It was pretty clean before that. I currently live in a similar house, but with 3 other people. We don’t see each other a lot as we all have active lives. But it’s more or less a college style house really. Where we really don’t do ANYTHING in the living room so the living room is just full of junk and the one tv in the place.

      Hmmm I made it only through 1/2 of a HUGE meat packet. I for some reason had bought about 4 5-10 lb packages. All I have right now is a package of ground turkey in the freezer. Trying to give as much info as possible to help with this.

      Currently I am a contractor. I haven’t had any work in 2 weeks so I am incredibly broke. The woman I am in love with is moving BACK to this country in about 1 1/2 months. Well that about covers that I think. Any thoughts would be great because something about that dream really stuck to me and I feel like there is something I am totally missing.

      Thanks in advance,

      Hello Shadow,

      I would like to take a stab at this, but I need just a little bio information.

      I take it you're male, but how old are you?
      What country do you live in and what major part of that country?
      What is your ethnicity (e.g., I'm English/German)?
      What is your astrological sign?
      Finally, when did this dream occur, and is it a one-time dream or a reoccuring dream?

      Hope to hear from you.

      Take care,


    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jun 2009
      I'm male 36
      I live in Washington State
      Irish/Native American
      One time dream this past Saturday night.



    4. #4
      Liz is offline
      Sleep or Stoli? Liz's Avatar
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      The cat is someone vulnerable that you feel you are supposed to be taking care of. Are you the father to a small child and you have not paid child support? Is your your girlfriend disabled in some way? Are you the vulnerable person?

      You left this vulnerable person in the past in “unpleasant” surroundings but you did/are trying (occasionally) to do a better job of taking care of the vulnerable person. What this means, I don’t know enough about you to tell ....but you know the answer.
      You know what are the unpleasant surroundings. Separating the meat carefully means that you are trying to pay what bills come first/dealing with finances by determining who you should pay first, second, what bills to delay, and etc. The many packages of meat could mean that you have a lot of debt (cold meat)......OR this could be your subconscious replaying your last grocery list. The part about dividing up the meat probably means that the meat is money. OR The meat is symbolic of some emotion/love/energy that you give to the vulnerable person...and occasionally your love/emotion/devotion/ is cold (the cold meat). This could mean that you are either emotionally distant or physically distant from the vulnerable person but you do have a large capacity for providing this love/energy/devotion symbolized by the many packages of meat...You know this answer if you think about it.

      You feel guilty about not taking better care of the vulnerable person. (leaving the cat alone without checking on it for 2 days)

      After you provided nurturing to the cat you noticed the mold was gone but then another mess returned- This means you cannot provide just occasional love and affection or child support to the vulnerable person. You need to be loving/nurturing all the time. If you don’t provide continual love and support to this vulnerable person nuclear waste (bad problems) will again show up in your life/subconscious/soul.

      “It was my fault that things are the way they are” is a statement to you from YOU. (your subconscious/your soul)

      “You felt really alone in this house” means that your are lonely for a soulmate or God or both.

      That thing that you were pushing out was the realization of "it was my fault that things are the way they are". Your subconscious was pushing this up to your consciousness to try to help you.

      The house was really trashed at the ending of the dream............you have a lot of “trash” (things that are unhealthy or unpleasant) in your current life or your soul or subconscious. Trash must always be taken out. Confessing to yourself/your god/ and the vulnerable one (if it's not you) that "you are the fault that things are the way they are" would be an excellent start to "taking out the trash"/resolving your guilt and pain. Then, ask for forgiveness.

      Clearly you have much guilt and concern about not taking care of this "vulnerable someone" and the related accumulated "trash".

      Hope things get better for you soon.
      Last edited by Liz; 07-01-2009 at 08:05 AM. Reason: adding things

    5. #5
      Liz is offline
      Sleep or Stoli? Liz's Avatar
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      That was the final edit.

    6. #6
      Member Gordon Jerome's Avatar
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      I have to bow out on this one. Unfortunately, I'm getting more clients now at my website, and I just don't have the time. Liz seems to have given an interpretation, so at least you haven't been neglected. If you still feel you need my interpretation, by all means, go through my website.

      Sorry I couldn't be of more service to you in here.




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