So I went to sleep today and strangely enough after discussing the dream I had when I was eleven, I've had another quite like it.

This time, I started off in a forest. It was night as it was in the last dream and I was lounging on a bed of leaves, I suppose it was. I felt relaxed and fairly good, the breeze was cool and crisp again and the ground was soft and comfortable, I was just lazing around.

I started to get the distinct feeling that I was being watched. I know I was looking around, I wasn't moving specifically because I thought if something was watching me I'd like it to think perhaps that I was dead if it was stalking me, but then I heard kind of a giggle I guess.. Although at the same time it was a bit off, it didn't sound exactly like a giggle it sounded a little.. Sharp.. I shot up or tried to, at least. A bit startled by the sound and now on guard.. Well, I tried to.. By time my back had left the ground and I started to feel my hair slide against the ground I became aware that I was suddenly surrounded and three hands were on my chest holding me in place with little to no effort.

I was stunned, sufficed to say.. I kept somewhat of a cool head and as quickly as I could got a look at what was behind me and it was all three of the girls from my previous dream. Dressed in victorian style gowns, very expensive looking and this time I could see more detailed embroidery - The gowns themselves were a deep dark red and appeared and felt to be velvet, the embroidery I couldn't tell what it was but it was gold coloured and woven finely into the dress along with the velvet and a very odd symbol embroidered on the neck of each gown. It was kind of.. A very long face, very flat looking and not human but kind of animal like, antelope style horns, fanged teeth and was kind of scowling. That's the only real detail I could see about it.

All three of them were the same as before. Pale skin, pale lips and I couldn't see their eyes for shadows - Blond, brunette and red-head

Oddly I started to feel very calm like a cooling breeze had entered my body and laid back despite everything. I guess my head was cradled in one of their laps as they began to do.. Well, things.. Touched me in very inappropriate places which was largely the reason I started to feel very offended and disturbed. At first I started thrashing but I didn't seem to be able to move them, I was screaming at them "STOP IT AND LET ME GO, NOW!" - Then I finally managed to get some leverage and pried their arms off me. I managed to get to my feet, spun around and swung. My fist hit a tree and I actually felt pain in the dream, I could feel the coarse feeling of the bark pressing into my knuckles when they smacked the tree and feel the impact and warm pain as I drew back.. I heard the sharp giggles behind me again and turned.

All three girls were standing behind me and I took a moment, feeling uneasily and, yes.. A little frightened.. But as I react now to fright, I got angry. I ran forward and screamed "WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" at which point all three seemed to mock me in a giggle and just made me angrier. I ran after them as they started to move backwards and again noticed that despite my long legs and athleticism I wasn't able to gain on these little girls. It didn't make sense.. And it just made me even angrier, I vaguely realized I was getting shaken up by this but I didn't care. I just wanted to figure out what was going on.

As I continued to chase after them they continued to run backwards facing me and watching me.. I don't know how but all the sudden earth rose up from the ground into a wall in front of me. I punched as hard as I could several times and eventually broke the wall down, I ran forward and it happened again. I could feel pain in my hands as I continued to pound at the dirt and it felt compacted and hard.. It crumbled easily, yes.. But it was painful after a while..

I noticed as I ran and continued to break down these walls that kept forming ever few feet that I moved forward that I was getting tired too quickly and that red and blue glowing kind of.. Mist was leaving my body every time I hit and moved. I kept going, though and eventually I was covered in sweat and my hands were throbbing, my muscles ached and I felt like I could barely stand. Another wall raised and I ran forward but stumbled into it and ended up smacking into it and slumping to the ground. I was shaking all over in fatigue, I could feel the pain and tiredness in my muscles and couldn't do anything

I could vaguely hear something along the lines of speaking but I couldn't understand it. It was kind of echoing and all I could really hear was the sound of my own heart beat in my ears. The red headed woman leaned down and knelt next to me, I could feel her breath on my face as she got too close for comfort and I whispered or tried to "Get away from me." - I remember feeling pressure on my body after that and something against my face then all the sudden I screamed and saw.. Or.. I don't know if I actually saw it, it was more like I was watching a flash of light from outside my body fill the area. It was coming from my body which was kind of glowing faintly. I heard all three girls scream and then all the sudden I felt like I'd been hit by a brick wall again.

That's when I woke up in real life.

Both my hands hurt, my fists are swollen today as if I'd actually been hitting something. Frankly, I'm worn out today. I feel like I barely slept at all and I'm quite frankly getting sick of these dreams. They're weird and disrupting my normal schedule.. Anyone got any clue what this one means? It was a tad bit stranger than the last.