First off, I'm 19, kind of eccentric, and often have very far-fetched and bizarre dreams but this one really takes the cake since I started my DJ.

I don't exactly remember the very first part of this dream, but I think i died or something and I came back as somebody else with no arms and 1 leg and had some notion it was punishment for something in my past life. I had a similar sounding name but I looked different. My older sister's old best friend whom I always thought was hot and a girl I had a huge crush on a little over a year ago but still think she's very pretty were standing in front of me and I remember telling them who I really was. The scene changed to sort of an ancient Rome-type place (I've watched Gladiator 3 times in the past 2 months) in which I had a father who was some sort of a god and I was too. I also had my arms and leg back. I seem to remember there being other father/son gods there but only remember interacting with one of the sons. Somehow the father's and son's powers were linked in some way to two very big torches. Somewhere in the middle of this I went back to the scene with the 2 girls where there was a weeping willow tree in front of me, and my sister's friend asked me what I was doing, to which I replied, "I used to go here." She agreed and just sort of laughed with me about it. My dad and I were judges in a "supreme" court. I helped judge some of the "cases" but don't remember anything about them. I remember when I was away, my torch would go out, and his would diminish but not completely extenguish, and when I re-lit my torch, his would rekindle to full strength. At the end of the dream, the scene switched back to me standing in front of the 2 girls, and the one I had a crush on kept telling me how mature I was and how great of a man I had become. I kissed her and the dream ended.

Keep in mind that I've never really completely forgiven this girl for breaking my heart when she did.