• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2010

      My Recurring Dreams

      Hey there. I just wanted to see if anyone knew what this dream could mean.

      Some background info - I am a music photographer, I love shooting music festivals which means a lot of organisation, long hours, hard physical work but I love it, the end result is always worth it.

      Since I started doing this, I have several dreams a year where I am at a festival, or going to a festival, and I've forgotten something. Either a lens, memory cards, or I've forgotten to shoot the most important band on the line up, all of the above.

      When I was younger I used to just attend the festivals, and I used to also dream then, that I'd forgotten to wear something I wanted to wear, I've forgotten a band that was playing, got there too late, etc etc.

      I always feel panic and disappointment, frustration at myself.

      I don't know if this is just because shooting/attending music festivals is such a big thing for me, or it's something that relates to my life outside of it.

      I also have a dream that I run into a guy I went to high school with. He liked me at school and I liked him but I never did anything about it and now it's obviously too late (8 years ago now). He appears in my dreams quite a lot. Different locations etc, but he's there a lot. And I feel this fondness for him but disappointment/regret that nothing can ever happen now.

      Any ideas?


    2. #2
      random psychodribble FifthElement's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2009
      First off, welcome to the forum.
      If you want to know how to become aware of your dreams while you are dreaming, the above dream seems like a good dream sign. (Dream signs that occur frequently in your dreams.)
      A common dream sign can revolve around location, or earlier time in your life.

      Anyway, sounds like you need to examine an aspect of yourself that you may have been neglecting and need to pay attention to.

      You may also experience the fear of not being accepted, not being prepared, or not being good enough.

      Such dreams highlight your feelings of being anxious and agitated. It may be that it is parallel to a situation in your waking life. You may harbor some guilt because of neglect in preparation for music festivals. Although unlikely to be unprepared in real life, it may point to your own fear & anxiety that you may not meet other's standard of you. Maybe afraid of letting others down.


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