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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2005
      Melbourne, Australia

      The perfect person

      I was wondering if this has ever happened to anyone. I had a dream about a year ago in which I met this girl with whom I instantly clicked with. She was basically my interpretation of the perfect person. You know...beautiful in a way that only you fully appreciate, a personality that seems too good to be true and matches your own perfectly. The whole "soul mate" business basically.

      Anyway, the first dream I had consisted of me living with her in the mountains with a bit of a farm thing going and overlooking a lake. Basically the type of life I want to live one day. It was a pretty awe-inspiring dream.

      Then, last night, I had another dream, except in this dream, I hadn't met the girl before. I was driving through the country with a friend and we pulled up beside another car that had broken down. This "soul mate" girl was the driver of the broken down car. We picked her up gave her a lift into town and spent some time with her while her car was being fixed. Basically we clicked and by the end of the dream, we were utterly in love.

      Now I dunno about you, but I always tend to dream about people I know or at least recognise. However, I didn't recognise this girl at all. It was like meeting a real person for the first time. She was perfect though...and the feelings I felt for her in the dream felt incredibly real. Kinda makes me wonder if the girl I'm dreaming about actually exists...then I'd get the chance to use one of those oh-so-lame "I met you in a dream" pickup lines .

      Anyway, give us your thoughts and experiences.
      Fat Baz[/b]

    2. #2
      Member angeleyes_boro_uk's Avatar
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      Feb 2005
      Middlesbrough North east UK

      the perfect person - me too

      I know exactly what you mean.I dream of people ive never met and on about 3 occasions when im not even lucid ive dreamt about my "soul mate" it caused me no end of problems though because im married ~ (obviously not to my soul m8) ive never told me husband but i totally believe now im married to the wrong guy sad really. I suppose only you would understand if i said sometimes i thinka bout this person - even though I know there not real. Crazy.But hey im a true believer in fait. have you ever toyed with the idea (here goes angel banging on about past lifes again .quick run) that the person may have been someone from a past life or do you totally not believe in any of that? have you ever tried to draw your dream girk or do you find it hard to remeber what she looks like when you wake up. I cant remeber what my soul m8 looks like when im awake. I only know that its him when hes in my dreams (do you get me at all???)

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Feb 2005
      Melbourne, Australia
      I get what you mean. It's like seeing a photo of someone, but being unable to describe what they look like. Its utterly frustrating. I'm not one to discount ideas of a love from a previous life either. Anything is possible. Maybe its an actual mental link with someone that actually exists somewhere on the planet (or beyond)?

      I suppose you could debate forever about things like this. All I know is that it's a pretty intense feeling, and I wish I could dream about them all the time. Maybe I'll give this lucid dreaming a proper go. Although it beats me as to how you could purposely dream about someone you can't even begin to describe.

      Fat Baz

    4. #4
      Member angeleyes_boro_uk's Avatar
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      Feb 2005
      Middlesbrough North east UK


      baz I think to lucid dream about this person youve probably got to be good at l/din - ive naturally done it all my life. I dont think you need to be able to describe what the person looks like. You could just try concentrating onthe feeling you get when your dreaming about this person - there are some good posts in the Beyond dreaming forum and the home page about astral projecting or projecting into other peoples dreams - i cant do anything as intense as that. but do have a bit of a psychic link with my mum. But yeah anything is possible - and I think if its a comfort to you - youve got to believe that shes out there somewhere. - good luck anyway x


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