Hello, everyone,

I am completely new to this forum and have never felt it necessary to have one of my dreams interpreted before, however...

Last night I had an unusual dream. In the first part of the dream, I was walking through Birmingham city centre on my way to catch a train. Before I got to the station, I stopped at a cash machine on one of the side streets. I joined the queue of people waiting to withdraw cash.

In the second part of the dream, I arrive home in a flash. At my house (some 25 miles away from Birmingham), I get into a car with what my brain ranks as two famous actresses, although I've never seen them in conscious-life before. I get into their convertible sports car and we drive back to Birmingham. During the journey I am naked from the waist down (with a blanket covering my modesty) and we discuss my employment prospects in the household cleaning industry. As we arrive in Birmingham, there is some kind of civil disturbance* forcing us to vacate the car and in the tumult, I become separated from the "actresses". It then dawns on my dream-self that I need to start the same journey home again, using the same train station as in the first part of my dream. So, I begin to walk the side-streets, making my way to the train station. As I make my way, I see the "me" from the earlier part of my dream, standing in the queue at the aforementioned cash machine. The vision of the earlier "me" is extremely vivid; I had a detailed profile view of myself, standing in the queue, not aware he/I was being watched. I was fidgeting in the queue and being quite animated. but always standing on the same spot.To my dream-self this felt like I had gone back in time.

Please throw any interpretations you can at this! I would love some insight into what this means. Thanks!

* something tells me this was a riot.
*cash machine = ATM machine.
*Birmingham, UK.