• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member Smurf's Avatar
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      Mar 2005
      Living in the UK

      Dreaming of Dreaming

      The other night I had a dream that I was dreaming. It sounds wierd, however in this dream I was having another dream. I awoke of my first dream, being in bed and all I thought I was awake but soon I awoke again and this time I was really awake. I didn't think It was possible to dream about dreaming! Cool Stuff.

    2. #2
      Member Smurf's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      Living in the UK

      Dreams are Changing.

      Since Iv been in the UK going to Uni here Iv noticed how changes in my lifestyle affect my dreams and my desicion making in my dreams.
      For example before I went to Uni, I would always fun from attackers in my nightmares, if I had a fist fight I would always lose. However since
      Iv come here iv been working out in the gym a lot, I started to play Lacrosse (Full Contact Mens game that involves beating the hell out of each other)
      my self confidence and esteem has gone sky high.
      and now when I have dreams where someone pisses me off, I will actually start the fight and win. Even guys that are bigger than me.
      Crazy I know, but I like my new me more

    3. #3
      Member Smurf's Avatar
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      Mar 2005
      Living in the UK


      Had a couple of dreams, most of them really wierd. Thing was, I didnt even get close to having a LD.
      I was dreaming I had ordered some DVDs off of Ebay, and when they arrived they were not real DVD's but fake
      from China, ie Illegal Copies. I was really pissed off and showed my dad. What happened next I cant remember.
      Also the dream took place in a house I had lived in 8 years ago...

      Had another dream, that I cant remember for now. Maybe it will come back to me.

    4. #4
      Member Smurf's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      Living in the UK

      Just Remembered

      A dream I had a week ago freaked the hell out of me. Just before I had gone to sleep I had watched Pulp Fiction... a drug abuse movie.
      Anyway In my dream I had actually gone through the whole heroin thing. Only a little later in the dream I realized that the needle I had
      used was not fresh but had been passed around and I was convinced I had gotton AIDS, thats when the dream became a nightmare.
      The wierd thing is, I have never done any hard drugs in my life, and never will. Im scared of them and know they will screw me up. But
      in the dream I took the drug like it was the most normal thing in my life! Crazy. I was so relieved when I woke up and remembered that
      I was only dreaming.


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