• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2005

      'Dreams' rhymes with 'beans'

      So I just registered here, and it's been a great ride so far. The few hours I spent here yesterday improved my dream recall for last night about 200%, which I am thankful for. I've had LDs before, but none in a few years, so I hope to get rolling again. And a word of warning: I am not a female, regardless of my nickname which hasn't got anything to do with the female name of the same spelling.
      The first entry will follow tomorrow; ANTICIPATE!
      Pink elephants are perfectly normal.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2005


      Last night was both satisfactory and disappointing:

      Good news: A lucid dream with nice control! Because of the bad news, which is that my cat threw up in my bed just a few moments after becoming lucid, it was a short one, albeit very vivid. I was sitting in a car with my parents when I realized that I was probably dreaming. I made a reality check, inspected my hands and found that I only had 4 fingers on my left hand (Which has always been a very accurate and important dreamsign for me). I flew through the roof of the car and cruised around for a while, and then my cat vomited. After I had made painfully clear that this was indeed real, I cleaned up and got back to sleep.

      I remember other dream fragments from all over the night, but nothing worth writing here, it's all in my analog journal anyway.
      Pink elephants are perfectly normal.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Mar 2005


      Only one remembered dream this night, but a nice one at that.
      First thing I remember was being at some kind of award show, where the main cast of Lord of the Rings was getting some kind of award. There was some audience present, not a lot though. Some woman passed me by, passing around snacks and I took some. She asked me to hold the tablet for a while and i did, eating some more. She took it again, thanked and went away. I left the room with a friend and we went to search for a hotel to stay. In that particular city the hotels were separated of everything else, and because we didn't want to walk all the way to them (with that high crime rate and all), we returned to the core. We went to a bank, because there was a nice-looking girl working, and I asked her out for coffee. She said she'd love to but she had to work, and that I should come back again later. So I thought that "Ha, with me dreaming and all, I don't have to wait that long!", ducked behind a counter and turned my clock forward until four (The bank would close at that time). Then I returned to her only to see that she had aged by about 40 years. So much for me being clever.
      Anyway, I then asked out another girl from the bank, and we went to get coffee. Turns out she had a crazy husband waiting outside, and spoke only danish. We had a fragmentary conversation, and I understood that they wanted now coffee but rather my wallet. I said no and the girl went away, the husband started begging and threating. I looked into my wallet and noticed I only had 5 swiss francs, and said so. The man went away too. Then came a gangster with a big knife (REALLY big) and wanted my wallet too, but I jumped away hong-kong-wire-kung-fu-style over cars and roofs. At that point my personality changed for a while and I became Jackie Chan. Jumped around for a while, and then a joung guy shouted to me "Hey jackie, how long's it take you to climb that concrete pillar over there?". The view changed to 3rd person and my personality also detached to the status of observing, and Jackie had makeshift wings made of yellow plastic tubes attached to his back. He jumped all the way to the top of the pillar and jubilated. Then I was lying on my bed watching TV with Jackie's bloopers that always come after his movies. At the end I was involved and joking around with the crew. Somewhere at this point I awoke.

      I just remembered another fragmentary dream, where my family and I were in an igloo and there was an angry icebear and an icebear tamer and a girl and she had a husband too. Then we were at my childhood home, sitting around and playing a board game, which I won during my first turn without touching the game at all (I didn't know how to play and somebody showed me). That's all from that one.

      What's strange with the first dream is, that I at one point knew that I was dreaming but I didn't really go lucid. I think I was sort of dreaming about being lucid.
      Pink elephants are perfectly normal.


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