• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2006
      I prefer to keep my dreams unknown to other people, so I'll only provide small details about my dreams. Unless ofcourse I care like sharing the experience with all of you. In which case I will post it in Lucid Experiences or General Dream discussion. Matter o' fact, I would prefer that no one reads my entries at all, except for me. So please provide me this common courtesy.

      November 13, 2006

      Last night I had a really random dream, I dreamt that my family owned a martial arts equipment shop. An asian guy came in, he looked familiar, from a movie I've seen before. After that I can't remember much. I remember he and someone else got into an argument and started fighting. Thats pretty much it.
      [broken link removed]

      Hope is an inevitable absolution and therefore life cannot exist without it. ~XsupremeX

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Nov 2006
      I havent updated my dream journal in a while because I've been really busy lately. As a matter O' fact, I havent visited Dreamviews in a while... So I decided I would today since my dream was really, really, interesting and I wanted to remember it.

      Alright, I had two dreams that I can remember, although one I dont remember anymore because it was my first dream and its been 20 minutes since I woke up....

      December 5, 2006 LUCID BUT NOT CONTROLLED

      This dream was very vivid. Most of the dream took place in a car. One of my best friends was in the dream with me, Sang. We were taking a trip somewhere in an old car, at this time I cant remember what kinda car it was, only that it was old. Sang was driving and I was riding shotgun. There was someone else with us aswell. I cant remember if it was a fictional character or not though. I think it was someone I knew as well, but I found him to be quite annoying. When we were riding in the car, we were talking most of the time. During these conversations, for some odd reason, this guy wanted to fight Sang. So when we were going under a bridge like dome, we stopped. We all got out and they began. I'm not sure how but I remember the person with us made a really stupid move... by trying to look good and not fight, he messed up big time. He tried performing a variation of the jump spin kick. When he did this somehow one of his legs that were in the air was pushed upward and backward, resulting in him doing a backflip on his face. After they were finished, all of us went back in the car and continued are journey. This part I'm somewhat clueless about. Why he did it mostly. Perhaps the fight? Anyways, during the ride he poured gasoline all over the back seats in a straight line, going from the floor up to the seats and into the back windows. Alright this part gets really foggy.... I hadnt seen him pour the gasoline or anything. This part is when I started to realize I was dreaming, but I hadnt totally at this point. The reason I started to, was because a new character came into play. Some wierd looking pet, I'm not even sure if it was organic, it could have been artificial. This pet belonged to the stranger. I remember it all of a sudden burst into flames, thats another reason why I started realizing I was dreaming. I yelled back "Wtf is going on?" or something similar. I can not remember his reply, although I remember it was a negative remark. Something about revenge.... Soon the whole car was ignited. I can't remember why, but I wasted time to throw out his pet. After that, I knocked the stranger out. (I'm not sure if thats entirely true, Its really really foggy at this point). We were still driving at this point, soon we stopped outside the road on the curb next to some really tall meadows. I dont remember why, but for some odd reason Sang wouldnt get out of the car. So I grabbed him and threw him onto the grass. Then we ran. After a while of running we reached some housing. This part I'm going to try to describe in great detail seeing as how this is when I became Lucid. Everything was very, very, very vivid at this point. Very beautiful. There were 5-6 houses. One house was all alone, broken down somewhat. (Looked like a house in a movie I'd seen, but not as broken down) (I cant remember what the movie was called) The broken down house was on the left side, the other houses were on the right. The other houses were beautiful. In between them was a semi large gap. Enough for another 2-3 houses to fit. Inside that gap was a path to an apple orchard. This is when I became Lucid. Before I became Lucid, I related the broken down house to someone I know (Bob (Moms old G/f)), I thought it was his, before I realized I was dreaming. I related the house and the apple trees a lot.... thats partly what made me Lucid, because there was an apple orchard outside of bobs house in real life. Across the street. For some reason I related all of this to a movie, which I can't remember the title. Well, since we got to the housing that is. I remember I thought the broken down house was going to be a killers house in 20 or so years, indians beeing killed left and right by the owner of the house. All of this taking place in 20 years. Also, all of those beautiful houses would gone. I can't remember what else I was thinking in my dream. All I know is this is when I became Lucid, I dont remember what triggered it. But I do remember it was something to do with that broken down house and indians. Soon after I became lucid. I tryed to make sense of everything, soon after I woke up.
      [broken link removed]

      Hope is an inevitable absolution and therefore life cannot exist without it. ~XsupremeX


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