August 19th, Friday.
Went to sleep at 01:00 am.
Don't remember anything from the first five hours.
Woke up at 06:00 am.
Did some RT.
Tried a WILD.
Fell asleep in the attempt.
Watching television in my house (did not look like my house) with my brother.
Being at the mall with my girlfriend, my brother is there with a friend as well.
I laugh and talk loud and make a fool of myself, I am imbarrased, but can't stop acting silly. I am afraid of what other may think of me. I float down the stairs and moving my legs rapidly so it looks like I am walking on air. Doing this to entertain my girlfriend.
Come home. Taking out of bags what we've purchased. I bought some pets. My brother did too. I take a bird out of a plastic bag and holding it in my hand. There was also a rabbit and some other animals. Then my mother and my brother went some other place to watch television. My father comes home and gets mad because the others have gone. They have a fight and I fear that living in the same house wont work out.
Does not fell like a nightmare at all. But it's not a happy dream. It is all kind of foggy and stressfull. The environment changes constantly. I remeber a rediculously long hallway and yellow stairs.
Woke up 08:15 and laid in bed for a while concentrating on the dream, remembering all I could and repeating it to myself. After a few minutes I could not remeber it as well anymore. I wrote down what I could and get up.