This journal is for me to work on my dream memory and keep track of my lucid dreams. Text in parenthesis represents dreams.

8-15-05 Afternoon - LUCIDITY
(I was riding in a some sort of convertible with a guy and his wife, who reminded me of Angelina Jolie. He hits the gas as we are riding on a bridge over a big roadway and the front of the car begins to lift. The car flips backwards and begins to catch the air and flloat. I am tangled in a seatbelt and hanging below the foating car. I began thinking, "This is what it feels like to face death." I notice that it is taking way to long to crash.)
(I was in some sort of room and I explain to my dad about the car crash and how it all turned out to be just a dream.)
I woke up realized those were dreams, rolled over and tried to obtain lucidity. AS I was fallling back to sleep and I realized that the shapes I was seeing were all parts of a dream, I got the Lucid Dream rush and my bed starts shaking, I got scared so I opened my eyes and my room was a weird green and fuzzy tent. I got up did a reality check and found that I was awake.