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    1. #1
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      Mavarko's Dream Journal

      Am I doing this right?

    2. #2
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      i don't get this this is my third attempt!

      is this working???

    3. #3
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      It works!!!!!!
      I will be back tomorrow with some dreams!!

    4. #4
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      Drream no 1

      My first dream that I've recorded:

      I was in the school computer lab and two friends are sitting next to me. I am looking at something on the computer. It's something about flying I think this is because I was thinking about lds the whole day and wanted to fly in my dream lol. Anyway, one of my friends said:
      "You'll never fly anyway." But somehow I knew that they were talking about flying aeroplanes, not like a bird at all. Then my sister came into the dream and I woke up.

      This dream was a bit short. I woke up at about six and couldn't remember any dreams even when I tried the water trick. So I fell asleep again. When I woke up I remembered this one.

      No lucidity and not much clearness.

    5. #5
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      Three dreams in one night isn't bad:

      No. 1:
      I was in some place it looked like a wedding. A black guy was doing conjuring tricks and everyone at the wedding was watching. A commentator was saying: "A scientific marvel, ladies and gentlemen. Then someone came into my (real) room to wake me up. I was half dreaming, halfawake, so I could still see this wedding scene. I thought:
      "Ah! I'm lucid." I tried to make a stick out of nothing. But I didn't see what happened because then I woke up fully and it was too late.

      That was the only dream I could remember, but then as I wrote it down I remembered two more:

      A very weird dream:
      Three people I didn't recognise, but who I seemed to know in the dream and me were trying to get to this castle on an island in the middle of the sea so that we could have a midnight feast there. Yes, I know it's kinda stupid. Anyhow, the water wasn't deep. You could reach the bottom. There was a string of seaweed or something that we had to follow to get to the island. When we got to the island, there were these giant sharp rocks which you could get smashed on! It was hard to get up to the castle. One girl went first. She got up and then went somewhere to the castle. I went next. I got up ok and then started trying to force myself through a window into the castle. It was all creepy inside. I didn't get in the window, but I could see. I shouted "Hello?" But the girl who was already there didn't answer.. I went around to the back of the castle and found a door. I went in and shouted "hello" again. All three of the people were there and they shouted back. I went into another room and found them all around a table. Everyone got out their food for the midnight feast. but I suddenly realised that I hadn't brought any. No one seemed to care though. Then the guy on my left asked the guy on my right if he could buy the other guy's crisps. I took the crisps and tried to divide them out fairly amongst the four of us. But somehow I couldn't. I got it all wrong. Can't remember more.

      Last dream:
      Was in a house that was kinda like the castle.There was music playing. I went out into the garden. All of my class from school was there having a party. This girl played a trick on me where a cd shoots out of the cd player and hits you. I thought at the time that it was really obvious and I shouldn't have been tricked by it. Tis boy then tried the same trick but I was prepared. I turned the cd player in the other direction. Then I went out of the garden and down a hill to where one of my friends was repairing a house. I was a small house, like, 5m long, 2m high, 3m wide. The house had a corragated iron roof and tbey had put a new door in in a weird place - just by the corner. They seemed to think it was my fault that the door was in such a weird place, but were to polite to say it. The friend said, joking, that it was because it was just his mum doing it, because his dad was at work.

    6. #6
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      More Dreams

      OK Lots of dreams to report, but don't remember muc of any of them...

      > My little sister was having her birthday party and | didn't know so when I came down for Breakfast all her friends were there, none of whom I like.

      > The black conjuror person from a couple of dreams ago set some sea serpents on me - one blue and one red (yes I failed to notice that giant sea monsters might be a dream).

      > Was having a German lesson and I had to write a story about either a viking or some towers - the towers were just lke the ones from Age of Empires : Age of Kings. Haven't played that in ages though, soo I dunno why.

      > Was playing a strategy game with my dad involving the same towers, but in 3D.

      > Teeth were falling out (!!!!!) and bits of leaf were under them.

      >Was doing some sport and was really hot so my hair was all sweaty.

      > I was at some stall, and I bought a load of stuff. Then this woman tried to rob me. She took all the stuff out of my pocket and quickly gave it to someone else. But I had already seen. I turned around and was going to do something when the woman put her finger to her lips and somehow I didn't say anything after all.

    7. #7
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      Another Dream

      I was going to greece to a camp where I had been before and i know it was in Berlin!! But hey, its a dream...
      Some guy was being annoyig so we pushed him out the window...then I was also out the window, hanging onto a sloped roof.....sometime later (I dunno what happened in between), i was talking to this guy who was with us in our houswe, I think he was half mermaid or something. He gave me two red "stabilo" pens as a present, and showed me a book which had a load of stamps in, which were offers to go on quests with him because he was half mermaid.
      Then I went on a quest. Can't remember what the aim was or where we were going, but I think I had a mermaid guide. we went up to this bridge which the guide wanted to take me across. I knew that going up there was pointless (can't remember why), but the guide wanted to go up on the bridge. The bridge was all rickety, and it was a very long way down. At the bottom I could see some square things, (I only just remembered that, don't know what they were)
      Later in the dream I flown back to the place where I live, and I was in the airport, going past all the cheap shops. One shop was selling furniture, but it didn't have a proper shop - it was just in the corridor of the airport. I was happy to be back in my home town.

    8. #8
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      > I was having all my hair cut off. It wal like I was going to the army. Then I had a little triangle cut in my hair - like Ronaldo used to!

      > All the adults I know were being graded on something I dunno what.

      > I don't smoke, but in my dream I had given up smoking. ???

    9. #9
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      > Long and complicated dream. I was going to a violin lesson, and my sister wanted to hitch a ride on my bike. We for some reason had a rugby ball with us and we were throwing it about. I dropped it and it rolle ober the road near a place i know. I gave it back to some guy who it seemed to belong to. I remember a turkish guy who was playing witha ruby ball to earn money at a street fest. Like busking. Suddenly I was riding my bike witha load of other people on it, lots of whom I didn't know. It was really hard cycling and the turkish guy said that I should change gears. I changed to gear 30 and then the other people were also cycling. When I got to the violin lesson it turned out to be a big party.

    10. #10
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      > I keep a dream journal in a book as well as here, and I dreamt that I'd finished it, which of course I hadn't.

      >There was a big ride at some fair ground,and for some reason everyone went on with bicycles. I had a mickey mouse one! This other guy had a normal bike. We both went on the ride, then I woke up.

      > Started a band but other members weren't taking it seriously. Some little kid had somehow woven a spider web around the door of the house where we were trying to practice so we went out the window. Then two other guys copied us and started a band too.

      > Was in some sort of gathering of dark Wizards. I was a spy.Bill Sykes from Oliver Twist was there and Professor Lupin from Harry Potter. They tried to help me with my spying but they got caught. My sister was somewhere there as well.

      > Was playing a football match with some friends against another team... but it was in my (not so big) garden. We scored immediatly. Later in that dream I remember the deputy head of my school showing me chool photos. I looked weird on them. I had a kind of flashback to when I looked like that. I thought "That doesn't look like me!"

    11. #11
      Member Mavarko's Avatar
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      I had a ld! I was watching two of my Grandmas playing the piano.I didn't know one of them and she played really good piano. Then my sister came in and played as well. I raa up stairs and suddenly realised I was dreaming. Then I woke up. I immediately went back to sleep and started dreaming again, still lucid. I jumped out of a window and was at the top of a tall building. I tried to fly and then decided that I would hold onto the window frame instead. I teleported myself to some Russian guys place, through a kind of vortex. It was great.


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