The first thing I remember about my dream is that I am going to see an old friend at one of my old high schools. I know somehow she is not there but I see this guy (we'll call him J) coming towards me.

I should explain. J and I have a history in the waking world as well as in the dream one. I was pretty much in love with him for a long time but it was never realized. I've been able to deliberately live out fantasies in my dreams before and naturally a few of them involved being with him.

So the first odd ting I notice about J is it looks as if he is wearing a heavy leather jacket in the middle of the summer. Also, the school does not have a roof, just interior walls. He is walking towards me and looks to have tears in his eyes. I don't ask him what is wrong (as he is a strange person). He and I talk for a little bit and I think we walk around for a little while and I am (as usual) eager to please him. I think I do him a favor or something.

Then I *DREAM* that I wake up but I wake up into my foyer in my apartment. I walk into my bedroom and J is sitting on my bed. He's wearing one of his favorite shirts and I'm in a white oversized men's dress shirt and boxers. I decide to be nonchalant at him being in my bed for some reason or another and pull out a small black memo notebook and start to write. I don't remember what I'm writing. I think it was poetry I was making up as I went to try and distract myself from being so close to him.

He comes and lays close to me and asks "Is that about me?" The question is very embarassing since I used to often write about him in my journal and he seems to finally have caught me at it. I reply snappily "No, it's not about you. You're a person, not a train of thought." This sounded normal to me at the time but I would never think to say something so succinct in waking life.

Well then I get up and as I do so I get a mental image of him kissing me on the thigh as I stand. I look at him oddly and walk to my kitchen, which now has no top half of the separating wall. He comes in laughing and says "This is so weird, but I should kiss you. I just really should." This has happened in dreams before but it's always been at my initiation. I calmly say, "Yes that would be nice." We kiss and I remember his ex girlfriend having told me he was a great kisser but his lips are stiff. His face has also gotten flatter and hard like a mask.

He and I continue to kiss for a minute when my friend L BURSTS into my apartment in a leg brace and tells me I'm going to be late for work. Thinking I've already awakened and feeling generally out of sorts I panic and start to get dressed for work. Suddenly, my friend R walks in. This entire time, J has been telling the both of them that we kissed. R says "I don't know how I feel about that." This is important because I kissed R in waking life last night. So I'm confused and getting ready for work when my alarm goes off and I actually do have to get up and go to work.

A few things stand out in this dream. L WAS recently injured in WL, I was oversleeping for work, and it carried through events that happened recently, which is normal I suppose.
Triggers: buildings missing walls, people in odd places, out of place clothing, succinct statements

Question: During this dream period I kept waking up and hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock, but as soon as I fell back into sleep I returned to the same dream. Is this a common experience? Something to look up on the forums, I suppose.

Night of July 2nd 2006
My first dream involved living in an almost exact replica of a townhouse I once lived in in Alaska. My friend L was there and (like in most of my dreams) she was mad at me. This is probably precipitated by the fact that she's been mad at me for about 4 days in WL. She is telling me how she's angry that I'm not keeping my room as clean as I should when the room I'm in really isn't that messy.
Also it might be interesting to note that I am sleeping in the room my parents were in while we lived in the house. L is in my old bedroom. Could she possibly be another version of me? An angry me? Who knows.
Then I'm having a sort of intimate encounter with Steve Carell, a random woman and Jenna Fischer. The guy who plays Jim on the Office looks on with indifference. I'm not particularly attracted to any of these people but I am attracted to "Jim", the one person not touching me. That's all I remember of that part.
Then I woke up and reset my alarm because I had the day off. I went to sleep again and I was on a date in a setting I could only describe game like. It was very open but there were borders on where you could go. There was a little garden trellis with benches surrounding it and I found a ring there. I was with a Dude that I have recently gotten to know better and I think he put the ring there for me to find. He asked me if I was pleased with it and while the jewels were very beautiful, it was far too small for my finger. I put it on my pinky but it kept trying to slip off but never all the way.
Then somehow I knew it was time to go into this sort of competition. Then everything really did become like a video game. However I spent most of my time walking around looking for my right group and not actually doing any sort of action. I think I was finding multiple groups where I would fit in and I think that says a lot about my personality.
