I have been keeping a DJ for a while now but not online. I won't be transcribing all of my old dreams into here, I will just be putting the dreams that I have since starting this into here instead of my notebook. Also, as the title implies, I feel that it would be more honest and more interesting if I did not edit really or censor my dreams. I will try to keep them as close to what I remember as possible.


I started out walking along a pier to a halloween party. in the background mostly everyone had some standard costumes like frankenstain, a ghost or whatever. I looked down and saw I was carrying a large but thin mattress and I was a bed. Someone else was a giant purple carebear. Another had his entire front covered in a flat canvas with pictures of faces so you couldn't tell which one was actually his. Throughout the party my goal was to find Jessica again and hookup with her. Near the very end of the night, I did find her and we hugged. It was just as the party was dying down and everyone was lookign for a place to crash. By this time, she did have a dorm room instead of the tanker ship and apparently she got the super deluxo huge dorm room. She went around the party and was hand ing out cards that read "Since I gave you a hug tonight at the party, you can crash in my room ~Jessica" I got one as well as about 6 other people and without seeing the room we all knew we would have plenty of space. Before I headed into the room, I woke up.