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    1. #1
      Member elfis's Avatar
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      Austin, Tx

      Oneironaut ELFIS DreamTime Logos

      So ... here I go again, trying to start a continuous dream journal. I've never had much luck recording my dreams for more than a few times a week and usually for no longer than a month. But what the heck! I've had some recent success posting recent dreams here over here at DreamViews dot com. So perhaps I can use this new momentum to start the dream journal over again. I've been intending to post and record audio narratives of current and past dreams from my little hand-written dream journal (that hasn't been updated in years) for my Dream Podcast that I started a few months ago. I'll post links to that podcast here and of course you can always find links to past podcasts at my many different websitese; Oneironauts dot com, Elfis dot net, SMiles Lewis dot com etc. Please feel free to email me mp3 audio recordings of your own dreams for the podcast if you'd like to submit them.

      I'm also going to repost here some of the dreamtime postings from my old zine E.L.F. INFESTED SPACES - Journal of Possible Paradigms. I used to collect the strange, anomalous, UFO dreams of my own and others who submitted them to the magazine.

      When people ask me why I am so obsessed with these Anomalous Subject areas I usually reply that's because of my early life ability at significant dream recall. Dreams have always felt important to me. Dreams represent our individual (and collective) experiencing of the paranormal on a daily, or rather nightly, basis.

      The earliest dream I've been able to recall is from around 3rd grade. I remember the house I was living in and have estimated that I was still in about 3rd grade, elementary school. That seems awfully late to remember my first dream - I know lots of people who can remember dreams from a lot younger. Perhaps I do recall some earlier night terror type dreams -- I do recall being frightened in bed at night back when I was young enough to have those roll bars on the sides of the bed so I'd not fall out. I remember falling dreams associated with those first few falls out of the bed. I recall the terrifying sounds of what I perceived to be approaching dinosaurs footfalls that were apparently me hearing my own blood pulsing in my ears against the bedsheets.

      But the first real dream that I can recall is a recurring nightmare I had in early to mid elementary school days. In those dreams I would find myself deep inside a crystalin cavern, rough rocks with stalactites on one side and a smooth pane of glass or crystal on the other side, beyond which I could see an elegant sci-fi crystallin cityscape, to which I could find no access. I don't recall ever seeing any activity in the city but I do remember the lonely longing I had to be on the other side of that glass within the crystal city.

      I suppose this could be an early age metaphor for my feelings of being an outcast always on the periphery of the social cliques associated with growing up in public schools.

      These dreams recurred for a time but I eventually stopped having them, perhaps because I became more accustomed to thriving on the fringes of social cliques rather than becoming a full member of any one clique.

      More soon.

      * = http://modena.intergate.ca/personal/alahoy/
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    2. #2
      Member elfis's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2005
      Austin, Tx

      Abducted by my Higher Self? Thanksgiving 1994

      Well, life has conspired to keep me from recording any recent dreams. So here is a flashback from a rather memorable UFO Dream of mine circa Thanksgiving eleven years ago.

      Abducted by my Higher Self?
      by SMiles

      11/24/94 - Last night I dreamed of UFOs and I was abducted while sleeping in my dad's office within his new home, following Thanksgiving festivities. Sleeping in the bed at my feet was one of four household felines. This one's name... is E. T.

      The dream began in the wooded Texas hill country. I remember flying with someone above, in, out, and through the dense oaks in the afternoon. Once twilight passes the night descends upon a picturesque vista. I sense a house behind me in the dense woods. In front and to the right of me is the drive way canopied by the thick oaks. To my left is a clearing, on the edge of a descent from the hill on which I stand. Through the clearing in the trees the grand Texas hills are eerily illuminated by a dense fog which reflects a bright moon. The fog extends even to our drive way.
      Present also area seven-year-old girl and an authoritative man. We are waiting for the helicopter. Prismatic paranormal lightning tears away the veil of reality, setting the mood on edge as I realize it is connected to this female child. I scale a nearby sloping oak to my left to gain a new perspective on the scene. Once in the tree I consider the danger of such a move but throw aside all fear by rationalizing it as paranormal lightning and thus probably given to different tendencies.

      Then I see it. A UFO approaches from across the hills in the distance. Its neon lights shine brilliant pinks and blues, grandly advertising its presence. It is upon us within the wink of a thought. It emerges through the same fog bank which engulfs the drive way, while another identical ship surges quickly up the drive and out of its misty shadows.

      The gut feeling that I should NOT stick around overtakes me and I turn to run the short distance to the front door. As I turn, I witness thirty to fifty Japanimated gnomes pouring from around the left side of the house. They are about a foot tall, round-ball-bodied, and helmet garbed. I continue running for the door, thinking I will simply leap over them and through the door and lock it behind me. As I leap over them and toward the door I feel myself begin to soar slowly upward. I suddenly remember flying earlier that evening, but I quickly understand that I am not in control and am being pulled backward and upward. I then know I am about to be abducted. The top of the country home and the hills beyond are all that are within my view. Aliens below and spacecraft behind! Then the sensation of an air elemental's arms coming from behind me, under my arm pits and over my head and face. Then black.

      Just black... but then darkness fuzzes into focus, giving the feeling of a fisheye perspective while I sense I am on my back. The only light is from a dim source directly above. Could it be the sun? Could it be a lamp? Yes. Both. Either. The only differentiation between light and dark is the impression of three to four humanoid silhouettes. Obelisks. Standing stones in a ritual/sacred circle. Shadows. Then gone.

      A complex laboratory filled with commotion. All is in miniature and, viewed from my perspective, only inches away from my face, yet I am not present in so much as I can FEEL every minute vibration occurring within this room. There are small rubber conveyer-belts winding intricately throughout. They carry laboratory objects, test tubes, vials, rulers, pens, etc.

      Close up of an object undergoing scrutiny by a Frankensteinian electricity-focusing contraption beaming its energy-thought not, in this case, visibly. I sense it. I can feel everything within this space. I perceive all tactile sensation as vibration. I am not so much frightened as worried. It doesn't hurt, it kind of tickles, but I am definitely wary of proceeding with these unusual sensations. I awake.

      I leave the bed with difficulty because of the cat, E. T. I wander into the alien restroom of my dad's new home. Being at least minimally conscious I distinctly feel I could lie back down and reenter that dream. Or I can shelve it and start a new one.

      As my head hits the pillow I think it would be nice to allow for a more pleasant dream. I am rewarded with the companionship of a beautiful acquaintance whom I have not seen in a long while. In RealTime she has, coincidentally, seen a UFO.

      What do you think? I told this to one of my roommates and he suggested I could interpret it as an abduction by my Higher Self. It could be viewed that way and still be written off as a dream. Nothing seemed that alien save for the actual flying saucer UFO spacecraft (which looked quite similar to the armada in Coneheads the movie). So even they weren't that alien.



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