• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2006

      My Dream Journal

      I'm a complete LD noobie, and have only been keeping a journal for the past week or so. The possibilities of LD leave me in awe, and I hope to improve quickly. I look at LD as a method through which to further understand my nature and come to terms with it. My goal is to master the ability and use it as an alternative to hallucinogens in expanding my mind.

      Notes taken on waking
      Write up
      "====================" -> Later dream/dream shift.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2006
      April 29, 2006

      My first recording, couldn't really recall much. It was a wonderfully fast-paced dream, funny thing is not much happened.

      Black diamond that could stop someone
      God in a spikey bush
      Running around, lots of jumping

      I was running around in a concrete jungle, filled with ledges to jump to and from. The motivation was to find a black diamond or something that could stop my enemy, can't remember much else. I think I was running back and forth, since I can recall seeing the same places several times over the course of the dream. One of these places was a large, thorny bush that I believed was God, can't say why though.

      Put someone in a bag for three days
      to impress a girl?
      Playing with lego in my room at my parents house.
      Centered on a white scientist lego figure

      I remember that the lego figure was broken into its individual lego bits, and that once I let the person out of the duffel bag it came back together.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      May 2006
      April 30, 2006.

      Got kicked out of and then raided a castle with H and Z.
      Inside had hanging giant beer bottles and archers on the rafters.
      I think we got kicked out for being cows?

      Once we got inside H shot the archers and started swinging on a bottle.

      M was in charge of the castle.
      Apparently we were about to write an exam.

      Earliest recall is of a wooden fort, to which I felt I belonged. For reasons that felt like discrimination, myself and a few others were kicked out of the fort. The surroundings were grassy hills, the fort made of logs. One of us threw a spear at a window of the fort, but didn't hit anyone. I felt angry and wanted justice, and decided to attack.

      Somehow we found our way inside, the interior was shaped like my university cafeteria, but wood and without all the tables. The enemies were grouped on the other side of the hall, with a bunch of novelty sized beer bottles, seven feet high, which were being suspended with metal chains. The enemy group was unarmed, but had archers in the rafters (though I never saw their bows and they didn't shoot). I started shooting the archers, who fell from their posts like rag dolls. There was a few bad angles and I missed a couple shots.

      The group noticed us, but didn't do anything. I felt a sense of confused urgency, and finished shooting down the archers (I had a bow btw). When I looked back down, H was on top of one of the suspended bottles, arguing with the enemy group. At this point (maybe?) I noticed their leader was M. At some point, H started talking about exams, don't remember much else.

      Then the dream shifted. I was in an indoors mall that felt like it was outside, and decided I wanted a PSP. There was a gaming store nearby, but when I got there I found out it was a Gamecube store, so I turned to leave. I noticed the Gamecube store was at the back of an art store, and that there was a side enterance to a very expensive-looking strip club. Inside was a woman dressed in green, Laura I think, who was the main attraction. She wasn't skinny, but still somewhat attractive, and was lying comfortably on a big couch.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      May 2006
      May 1, 2006.

      I was in India, riding on an animal with bird feet. We were in light jungle, and there was mud on the path. A boar in front went through, having trouble. I steered around the mud. We were then in a large, green grassy park that had tennis courts, and a tether-ball game that used a bat. I kept looking for wild marijuana.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      May 2006
      May 2, 2006.

      Zombies in a big-ass house, not scary though. We found an armory in the house and secured the basement. There was a horse upstairs that got chest-bursted.


      Room with hooks and loops of rope on the walls and flying small enemies. Had to climb while shooting with my lighter, which had an added laser function. There was an exit at the top of the wall. Once there, an enemy hamster jumped at my neck, I twisted and he landed on my shoulder. I shot him with my lighter-gun, but it had switched to torch and just pissed him off. He ran down my shirt, which I felt and made we wake.

      The hooks and loops room was in a dream I had a few nights prior, I'm still hoping it will show up again. I've got an idea of how to get past it.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      May 2006
      May 3, 2006.

      Basketball in my junior-high gym, a bunch of us just messing around; waiting for something. There's a bunch of balls in use, but only two good ones. There's also a deflated ball, which I play with several times, always missing. MHB is there and has one of the good balls, not always though cause they're always changing hands. There's a short, ugly black kid in the group I don't recogize, he has a big mouth which I found amusing.

      He makes a joke/threat to someone involving a superman doll, and I ask him how he thinks up his insults. He replies that it just seemed like a good insult.

      Earlier on, I said something hostile, he responded immediately.[/color]

      The kid had spunk...


      Multiple video game dreams.

      EVNova -> a bunch of new ships, some of them huge. On buying the largest ship in the game, I'm warned that the second largest ship is now hunting me. On leaving the station I see it on the mini-map. Initially it seems to use a tractor beam on me, but once I realized how absurd that was it stopped working. At first I ran because I didn't know the capabilities of my ship. I was trying to get to my Mod system to tweak the ship, but decided to land after one jump. This was because the other ship was following me. I couldn't manage to stop the ship on the planet, so I turned to fight. I had two secondary weapons, a blaster and something else. The something else shot out huge tentacles of firey energy, smacking the enemy. I manuvered myself being him finding I outmatched his firepower (which was purple tentacles). I thought I had him, but then another ship showed up and started healing him. I changed target and began using primary (an orange laser) and secondary on the little guy - quickly tearing him apart. I could hear the bigger ships commander yelling at him to jump out, and then, to use the escape pods. Neither happened, the ship blew up with everyone on board.

      I switched back to the big guy and started using blaster + primary, which quicky evaporated his shields. As his armor fell into critical, I started thinking about boarding it and then woke up.[/color]

    7. #7
      Join Date
      May 2006
      May 4, 2006.

      Started in a forest, fighting a giant human-shaped robot. Very anime-samurai style fight, eventually ran up his arm to his head, which I smashed open and put a bomb in. I then escaped to a hill with two huts on it, just as the explosion went off.


      Had just finished a shower, but was outside my university residence. There was a group of people outside having a guided discussion. The main doors were locked, but I saw my high school physics teacher go through a side enterance and followed. Setting changed to a stairwell at my high school, fairly crowded. I knew I could get changed upstairs (was still in my robe with my towel and soap). Met J on the stairs, who lol'ed at me a bit for the robe. Then one of the grade eleven guys got into a tussle with J, maybe trying to take whatever he was holding. As I walked down the hall, H came up to me and gave me her phone number. Another girl did the same. It made me lol and I woke.


      An outdoors part of sorts, me and one of the three had a car with beer in the trunk. We grabbed a few and chilled. Two beautiful girls came over complaining about their sprite or whatever, we offered them beers. I almost woke, instead became a bit lucid and kissed one of them. Then I woke.


      Tried to become lucid while being Bart Simpson on a skateboard. I tried to speed up but crashed into Chief Wiggum and woke.

    8. #8
      Join Date
      May 2006
      May 5, 2006.

      Starts as me browsing a thread on the best way to take over the world. Someone put a lot of effort in, had detailed maps with troop placements etc. Talked about how he would scare the locals into fleeing, then cut them off and kill them. That afterward, town centers would be vacated and the farms left empty. It then shifted to a cinematic of peasants moving if file down a dirt road. A row of artillery appears on the horizon and opens fire, killing many. Suddenly, I am one of the peasants, and realize that the artillery is set at a specific range, so I run right at it. Others follow. As we approach, the enemy changes to those red cardinals from the three musketeers, only they have a bunch of swords and throw them at us. My king begins to duel the enemy king, and I throw a sword I picked up in an effort to end it quickly. I miss. Another cardinal notices me and throws a sword at me like a frisbee. It almost hits me. He pulls out another sword and moves in to kill me. I dive and grab the thrown sword, but instead of turning to fight I run full speed at the enemy king, who had been wounded in the duel but was still fighting my king. I jump at him and stab deep into his back, killing him instantly. I turn to defend myself, but all the cardinals are sheathing their weapons, telling the new king they were happy he won and treating him like an old friend.

      All except the one I had been fighting, who looks at me and then the new king, and says in the G-man voice "Kill... Freeman." I stab him in the chest and the king smiles at me. He tells me I've been very useful and that he wants me to visit his chief wizard for preservation.


      Walking around on my university campus I notice a PA system set up. Curious, I follow the wires and find the input, which was one of those beige TV cables whose end is just a hollow with a metal rod in the middle. Deciding to provide them with a bit of publicity, I plug the cable into my ipod and play the new Tool album. The song came out different, the same lyrics but slower, without drums and less instrumental. Hearing it blasted out filled me with peace, and joy at the thought that it was doing the same for others.

      Worried that I might get in trouble I stop after one song. I had been walking the whole time, and the cable stretched out behind me. I wanted to put it somewhere hidden so only I could use it. Ended up wrapping it around a bush outside of a church. I decided to come back on May 6th, just before the marijuana march and play "The Pot" at full volume. This made me happy and I woke.

      I think my dreams have gotten weirder since I started trying to LD. If my dreams were always as fun as I've found these I think I would have remembered them. It's like while I don't have actual awareness of being awake, I know I'm going to remember it and subconciously work to make them more interesting, which turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the dreams being interesting then helps me remember them.


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