ok, this is my first journal entry from last night, which contained perhaps my first real experience, however short, with lucid dreaming... here goes.

I was in england with a friend from school, who has been back in the country for a while. For some reason we were in England, at some kind of popular alternative club. I saw an English friend, Will as we were lining up, but only in passing, and only said hello to him.
As we went in, there were gambling tables all lined up near the entrance, covere in huge piles of cards. It seemed the dealers would throw the deck away each round.
My fried went over, and gathered up a full deck of cards, we play a lot of games like chess etc at coffee shops around town, so i figured he wanted to play cards a bit too. we wandered over tot he dance floor, and had a look around. after a while the music changed, and everyone was getting in to sleeping bags. the music, if it was music, i dont recall wether it was that or strange noise, i recall thinking it was odd. after a short time all the people got up with blank faces and started leaving the club, it was obvious to me they had been brainwashed somehow. We left also left, exclaiming how lucky we were not to be affected by it, we got onto a tour bus and felt quite relieved.

the scene changed here, and shifted to a basement, where a man seemed to be pulling teeth, or breaking teeth, i dont recall exactly what he was doing, but teeth were involved, perhaps some kind of torture. or maybe he was just a dentist, although I got bad vibes from him at this point.
People came to steal some kind of vast fortune or treasure he had hidden away, apparently in the ceiling of his house. The boss climbs off a saw horse into the manhole into the ceiling, which is filled with jagged bit of concrete and reinforcing bar. as he crawls to another part of the ceiling, where he obviously thinks the treasure is, he crawls through some kind of lasers, which I think must have been for a silent alarm, as they didnt do anything, however passed through holes drilled in the oppisite side of the ceiling partition.
He finds no money in the ceiling at all, and is very angry about it, so he sends his henchmen to search the house, in which they find nothing, but a pair of muddy footprints leading to the carpark, which is empty.
I am in the bus with the bad dentist, who turns out to be quite a nice guy, and I am driving, helping him to escape the other guys who want his treasure. He suggests going to his island, Distiller island" where we'll be safe. there is some argument about which way to drive, north, south etc. eventually we drive north, and pass through a town of narrow, cobblestoned roads.
a bit of a change here, we're on foot, with the dentist, and my brother. We go around a lake, still going north, and pass through some houses. We lose sight of my brother, but can still hear him somewhere ahead. we pass through a house, and get caught by the lady owner, who says "thank goodness the plumbers are here to fix my sink, i wondered when you'd get here."
I am with a workmate instead of the dentist now, and we unblock the sink. the ladies son is pointing a small rifle out the door onto the hillside, and tells his mother he can see a deer. his mother says something along the lines of 'thats lovely dear' and dissapears.
the fat little boy comes over, and tells me it wasnt a deer he saw, but my brother, and that he had shot him. I was of course very angry about this, and took his rifle and threatened him with it. for some reason i gave it back, and he threatened me in return. i took it, and broke it over my knee and threw it on the floor. he was grumpy about it.

Here the scene changes again, and is perhaps the first moment of lucidity i have experienced and recalled.

I'm in a strange house, the light is funny, i think kind of ornage and yellow and red. perhaps funny patterns on the walls and ceilings.
I leave my room, and look at my watch. I rememebr thinking of a time, but noticing that the watch showed no particular time at all, and was in fact just a blurry mess.
This where the last two days of reality checks by looking at my watch often has paid off.
I look again right away, and think of a completely different time, and realise i must be dreaming, and see the watch for the blurry mess the face of it is. "I must be dreaming".
I walk down the hall and encounter my mother and father, just getting out of bed.
I tell them im dreaming, and my father tells me not to be so silly, and the notion is ridiculous, I look at my watch again, and think that the time hasnt changed after all.
I am dissapointed and wake up.