[SIZE=2]This is it. My dream journal. </span>

Right now...
To improve dream reacall.
To attain more lucidity.
To have longer stretches of lucidity.
Identify my dream signs

I&#39;ve revamped my approach. I&#39;ve achieved some of the above and am ready to get a little more detailed. Going to give this a shot and see how it works out.

Restricting regular dream posts to 100 words or so to save time.
Lucid dreams will be fully detailed, as a way to bring more of a focus to them than regular dreams.

Lucid Dream Ratings

Level 1
Lucid but immediately awaken
Level 2
Lucidity lasts a few seconds up to aprox. half of the dream
Level 3
Lucidity lasts for half or more of the dream
Level 4
Lucidity lasts for most of the dream
Level 5
Complete lucidity beginning to end

[u]LD Control Ratings

Level 1
Lucid no dream control
Level 2
Lucid but with very restricted dream control
Level 3
Major dream control of self and the environment in the dream
Level 4
Level 3 control plus the ability to conjour dream characters and manipulate them
Level 5
Absolute godlike control from the beginning of the dream to the end

Regarding Lucid Tasks

I also wanted to work the lucid tasks into this somehow, and simply decided upon a + system. It&#39;s merely placing the appropriate + rating after the Lucid Dream Rating.

+ (one + signifies the monthly basic lucid task was accomplished in said LD)
++ (two +&#39;s signifies that the advanced basic lucid task was accomplished in said LD)
+++ (three +&#39;s signifies that both lucid tasks were achieved in the same LD)

eg, I post a LD, and after the title of that LD I write (( Level 4 ++))
Simply implies, at a glance, that my LD was a level 4 dream and in this dream I accomplished the advanced lucid task

<span style="color:red">Lucid dreams written in red.