So here I start my dream journal which I hope to update daily or more if I remember other dreams throughout the day.

I've always been able to remeber at least one dream per night, and recalling them to my Wife always amuses me because they are so strange to her, but I have had bizarre dreams my whole life and hope I always will...

Just after I left school nearly six years ago I began looking into lucid dreaming, and after a bit of reading I had some minor successes. In the few weeks that I practiced before joining the Army I managed to attain lucidity three times that I can remember;

All lucid dreams start the same for me, everything is random and unfocused then suddenly, as if surfacing from underwater, everything is crystal clear. Accompanying this is a slight stinging in my eyes as if I havn't blinked for a while (my eyes may have actually opened in the real world - I'll never know!).

1, I became lucid in a street I lived in when I was a kid, I could see everything from my childhood, even all the kids I used to play with. Suddenly it hit me that I was having a lucid dream and I immediatel tried to control it by flying...unfortunately I barely managed to take off and ended up scraping my face along the road for a hundred meters. Then I couldn't hold it together and woke up.

2, I became lucid in an old abandoned school, but it was partly underwater and falling apart, leaving floating wooden platforms everywhere and broken plumbing floating in the air.. I didn't like it there very much so all I did was smash up some wood and wake up.

3, I became lucid on a kind of miniature indoor mountain range. In front of me I notice a large black dragon and climb onto his back. He then takes of towards the roof, I can vividly feel the beast beneath me but he's untamed and I can't control where he's flying no matter how hard I try, I wake just before he ploughs headfirst into the ground.

I induced all these dreams by chanting "When I dream I will realise I'm dreaming and become lucid" in my head as I fell to sleep, that was it, nothing else.

Due to unstable sleeping conditions in the military I havn't practiced since I was seventeen, but now I'm out and sleeping in the same bed each night I really want to nail it!

Tomorrow I'll record some regular dreams I've recently had that are fresh in my mind, but it's late now and I have to go.