This is my dream journal, all entries are cronological and lucid dreams are marked in red. Rememberance points marked in green are to help me remember the dream visually and are the main thing I remember.

This first entry is my first dream that I've properly recorded which I posted in my introduction thread, it's just here as a recap

5th Feb - 6th Feb

So I came here cause I figure that if I can get my dreams in order, I can use them to help my creativity and my art. Plus they really just inspire me, I still remember the dream I had and it was great, I was going on Holiday to Nintendo World (Like Disney World but with Mario) and on the plane there they had these cool tiger suits but unfortunately I was an inch or 2 too tall, also you could pee in the suits like the astronauts and you could watch it go outside the window... kinda wierd O.o apparently they were really comfortable and you wore them during the entire flight (not in the dream but maybe they help prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis). Anyway I ended up not going on this huge plane but on a sea plane with seats like in a normal car. I sat next to the pilot. I took a turn at controlling it moving around a lake with a pier going across it seperating it into two areas.

Anyway I got to Nintendo World and everyone was skating round an inflatable skatepark but again I was too old for it, they only let up to 15's skate and I'm 20. They had various types of gaps, kinda like the Tony Hawk's games and all the skaters were dressed in fuzzy mario costumes. Also you could swim underwater in these costumes. The dream ended there.

The closest yet was a lucid dream during the day that wasn't a day dream (I was asleep) where I dreamt that I was in a shop and I saw this pen I really liked for £1000 in blue. Apparently it was worth that much cause it was rare, anyway, I thought it would be great if they released a tonne more so I could get it and i liked the colour and not seconds after a tonne of huge boxes came in through the door then the dream ended. It was quite vivid, but not as vivid as the one I had that morning during the night. The shop was like this one in Liverpool once and the cashier was talkative and a lady. I don't remember why I'm in the shop nor how I got to it.