• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
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      Feb 2006

      dreamaccount2000 dream journal

      Attic fan - Jan 1, 1970

      I used to have this dream all the time when I was a kid. I usually had it when I stayed at my
      grandmothers house but I also had it at my house. Both houses had attic fans.

      I would dream that I woke up to go to the bathroom or the kitchen. It is still dark outside and the house
      is dark. As I would walk down the hall I would hear the roar of the attic fan as it came on all by itself
      and I would look up and see the shutters open. I could see the blades spinning and the fan we suck me
      up towards it.

    2. #2
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      Feb 2006

      Blue Light jan 1, 1970

      This is another dream that I had alot as a kid.

      I would be in my bed and I would see this little speck of blue light. (not a dark blue just a real light
      blue). The speck would start to expand and it would seem like that it would soon engulf everything.
      Thats all there was to it but I was very scared of that light.

    3. #3
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      Witch - Jan 1, 1970

      This is yet another nightmare that I used to have all the time as a kid. I had this one a lot when I
      stayed at my grandmothers house.

      I am lying in bed and I get up to go to the kitchen. The house is dark. I am going to the kitchen
      because my grandmother always keeps sprite in one of the cabinet and I want to get one. As soon as I
      open the cabinet I see a witch and it chases me through the house

    4. #4
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      My First Ever Lucid Dream

      My first Ever Lucid Dream - Jan 1, 1986

      This dream took place some time around 1985 or 1986 I think.
      I am laying in bed and my the headboard of my bed is a bookcase.. I am looking into the bookcase but
      its like it is a window and I can see cars outside going up and down the road.. This is what clues me in
      that I am dreaming. I get up out of the bed and I feel light as air. I walk or float rather into the living
      room. I go thru the door outside and I get the feeling that there is some presence there and its not a
      good feeling. I see some people and they are coming after me. I panic and try to get back in the house
      and I wake up

      This dream happend just a few days after picking up a magazine called Omni Magazine. There was a
      article about Lucid dreaming in it and that was the 1st time I had ever heard of it.

    5. #5
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      OBE - Jan 2, 1986

      This dream also happend somewhere around 1985 or 1986.. This happend shortley after I had my first
      lucid dream.
      I am laying in the bed on my back. My wife is next to me.. I notice that everything just looks and feels
      real strange. I notice that I am laying flat on the bed however I notice that my torso is like sitting up.
      Its like my physical body is flat on the bed but my spirit body is halfway out (from the waist up)
      This kind of freaks me out. I am thinking if my wife sees me like this it will really freak her out also.

      I try to lay back down into my body but I slide onto the floor.( my spirit body slides onto the floor, I can
      still see my physical body in the bed.. I keep trying to get back into my body but I keep sliding out..
      Finally I get back into my body and wake up.

    6. #6
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      Lucid Flying

      Lucid Flying - Jan 1, 1992

      This dream took palce somewhere around 1992 or 93
      I am sleeping on the couch. I look towards the dining room and kitchen and I see a strange lite and
      there are some thing out of place. I notice that I am dreaming. I decide to test it to be sure so I get up
      and I jump.. When I jump I go up and come down real slow.. Its like I am floating... I am thrilled
      becasue I know that I am dreaming... I start floating around the house and I decide that I want to go
      I fly up towards the ceiling and I feel myself going thru it.. For just a minute I am afraid that I will get
      stuck but I get thru. I start flying up above the trees and looking down.. It is one of the best feeelings
      in the world.
      I start to fly lower and I hear this load humming noise and I see all these pipes everywhere,
      horizontial, vertical, criss crossing, ect....This goes on for a very long time. This was the longest lucid
      dream I have ever had...

    7. #7
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      Cars - Jul 2, 2003

      I am at a big building that looks like a church. I am watching a movie there. The movie is rocky but it is
      real weird and distorted. I leave the movie and my wife and I are driving home. We live in the house
      that I used to live in on hancock road. We see cars parked everywhere in our neighborhood. My
      grandmother is with us and we are going to take her home. My wife passes up her house by mistake
      and there is a car across the road and she hits it. My grandmother then drives us to her house and
      almost wrecks us in her driveway. We go in her house. my uncle is there watching tv. I ask him what is
      going on with all the cars parked everywhere. He says that president bush is after some Cuban
      communist group. Somehow all there communist have ended up in my hometown. My wife and I decide
      we are gonna spend the nite at moms house. my cousins son is at my grandmothers and we want to
      take him with us.I carry him towards the car but suddenly he turns into a dog. I tell my wife that we
      cant take him because daddy does not allow dogs in the house. I go to my house on hancock road to
      pick up some cloths. Cars are parked everywhere even in our yard. One of the communist people
      come to my door. There is a big mob of people behind him. He claims that he owns my house. He says
      that his grandfather left it to him in his will. I tell him that he is crazy and I lock up. I head to moma's
      It is late and my wife and I go to bed. I tell her that I am worried that the mob will rob our house. She
      says that we have nothing worth taking. I say they might get my cd's. we go to sleep. I wake up and
      look at the clock. It is 8:15 am and I am late for work. I cant find any cloths. There are 3 phones in
      my room. None of them work. One of them is made of wood and has small dowel pins for buttons. It
      keeps falling apart. My arm is killing me. I ask my wife to call the palce i work and tell them that I will
      be late for work. She wont do it so I yell at her. My arm is still hurting real bad. I finally realize why
      my arm is hurting. I have been sleeping on it again. ( I have done this several times in the past few
      weeks) I realize that I am dreaming. I manage to wake myself up.

      This is a dream i had in july and it was the dream that inspired me to start keeping a dream journal

    8. #8
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      Feb 2006

      Short Black Haired Girl

      Short Black Haired Girl - Jul 3, 2003

      I am driving down a road. I am young. Maybe 20 years old. I am about out of gas. A man stops and
      takes me to his gas station. A girl about 17 years old with short black hair comes out and fills my car
      with gas.for some reason she needs a ride and leaves with me. She is an average looking girl but for
      some reason I am very attracted to her. I have to stop at my grandmother's house . I am thinking of
      asking the girl out but my grandmother comes out to the car so I wait. My grandmother gets in my car
      and gets it stuck in some mud at her house.
      Daddy comes over to try to help us get it out. I tell the girl that I am sorry and that I will try to find her
      another ride. She says no. she will wait. I have to run to mama and daddy's to get something. I see
      grandpa henry at daddys house. I think this is a bit odd since he is dead. He says hi and I shake his
      hand. I see mama outside and I notice that my car is no longer stuck. I ask her if everyone is still at
      mimi's. she says --yes, she( the black haired girl) is still there. I hurry over there but on the way I
      remember that I am married. As I get there I see her leaving in the back of a truck with a bunch of
      other people. She smiles and waves at me.

    9. #9
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      The Kite

      The Kite - Jul 3, 2003

      It is daytime. I am at work. For a while I am in the basement. Not easy to breath in there. I get out.
      I have a cell phone with me. A string shoots out of the phone with a kite at the end of it. I fly the kite. It
      gets caught in the power lines

    10. #10
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      Red Baron

      Red Baron - Jul 4, 2003

      I am in the army. I see a red baron plane on the ground. One of my buddies wants me to fly drills
      against him in my plane. I refuse. I walk around in the woods and pee. Through the woods I see a
      former co-worker. I go back to where the red baron plane is. Turns out that gary ( a truck driver)
      owns the red baron plane. I try to get him to fly drills against another plane. He refuses. I walk
      around and come across the chow line. It is very busy there. I ask if I can help. A man tells me yes. I
      begin stirring some food that is cooking. Some of it splatters in my eye. It is hot.

    11. #11
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      Feb 2006

      Doors That Wont Close

      Doors That Wont Close - Jul 4, 2003

      It is night. I am at Eden church but Eden church is in Chicago. The service is real long. Everyone starts
      leaving. I am looking for something but cant find it. They start turning out the lights. Daddy comes in
      and tells me to hurry up because mama is ready to go . He goes back to the car and all the lights in the
      church go out and they lock the doors. I turn the lights back on and unlock the doors and go outside. I
      tell mama and daddy to go on and I will take my car. By the time I get to my car a towing service is
      hooked up to it. They are going to tow it away. One of the towing guys is a guy i knew in high school. I
      try to get him not to take it but he says that he has to.
      I go back into the church to find my cell phone and call mama and daddy. It is real late and the youth
      start coming in for a youth rally. I cant find my phone. There are a bunch on top of a shelf but none of
      them are mine. As I am walking to the other side of the church a young girl puts her arm around me
      and says you will make a great date for ms. Louisiana. I tell her that she is going to make a great
      ms. Louisiana.
      I leave and start walking. I see the police station. There is a low fence around it. I see a big dog, a
      bird, a monkey, a little dog, and a brown tiger all behind the fence. The tiger jumps the fence and
      runs after me. I run into a house near the police station which just happens to bethe preachers's
      house. I cant make the door shut so the tiger gets in. my wife is there. We are going from room to
      room trying to escape the tiger but none of the doors in the house will close. I try to make the tiger go
      out the front door but he growls and takes me down. He has his front paws around my arm . My arm is
      going num . He pulls my arm down. He wants me to rub his belly.
      The tiger says he wants a blanket. I get him one. Since it is weird that a tiger can talk I figure that he
      must have been human at one time. I ask him how he got turned into a tiger. And he says how did u
      get turned into a bird that time?

    12. #12
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      Ronnies Mother

      Ronnies Mother - Jul 4, 2003

      Miki and I go to see Ronnie's mother. We knock on the door but she does not come so we go on
      in.we look around for her. Miki ask if she is still married. I say that I think her husband might be dead.
      We go in the kitchen and Paul and Mark's daddy are there. They are looking for
      Ronnie's mother also

    13. #13
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      Angry Truck Driver

      Angry Truck Driver - Jul 5, 2003

      A truck driver calls. Its late at night. I am on call. It is hard to hear him on the cell phone. I try to find
      him a load. ( the cell phone has a mini computer on it.) it wont work right. I still cant hear him well

    14. #14
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      Asleep at Church

      Asleep at Church - Jul 5, 2003

      I am at magnolia baptist church. Bro. Mike is preaching. The service is real long. I lay down in
      the pew and go to sleep. Miki is in the choir. I wake up and the service is still going on. I tell miki that I
      am leaving. Luke is with me. We give johnathan a ride home. ( he is still a little kid) I ride up
      town. I see vicki on main st. we go to the pizza hut to get some food. Pizza hut is now on the corner of
      main and 82. They have changed their name and now serve hamburgers.

    15. #15
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      Multiple Car Wrecks

      Multiple Car Wreck - Jul 7, 2003

      i am driving down hwy 82. I see a school bus flip from like 3rd ave. into main st. this causes like
      multiple wrecks that cover 3 road. 82,pine,main and 3rd ave. I turn down main. Cars are piled up
      everywhere. Bodies are laying all over the road. It is a bloody, gory mess. There is a news reporter
      filming the bodies. I almost get sick. Blocked by cars I have to get out and walk. I climb over wrecked
      and parked cars.
      I go to the old Dixie building on pine street. Me, my wife , and two of my sister in laws are
      fixing up this now empty building. When I walk in and my two sister in laws are painting the inside of
      the building red. They are griping because my wife has been gone a long time. At least twice, one of
      my sister in laws ( whom I think has on too much make up and is inappropriately dressed) refers to
      miki as a bitch. I tell her that she better watch her mouth. My wife finally gets back. She starts painting.
      I tell her to stay back because I dont wanna get paint on my shirt. She keeps on til she gets paint
      on it.
      I yell at her.

    16. #16
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      Small Diner

      Small Diner - Jul 8, 2003

      The whole family goes to a small diner. We sit down at a small table with 2 black men. One of the black
      men start talking to another black man who is standing by our table. He calls him a mother fu**er. I
      am thinking that he should watch his language. Josh ask one of the black men what he is having. He
      says cube steak. He ask what we are having. Josh says buffalo (fish). The guy seems surprised. I tell him
      we like buffalo.

    17. #17
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      Porn Tape

      Porn Tape - Jul 9, 2003

      I am at my grandmothers house on 12th ave. I find a porn video. I go to my room and put in the
      video. People keep coming in wanting me to go places with them. I cant see the picture on the tv but I
      can hear people having sex.

    18. #18
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      Daddys Uncle's House

      Daddys Uncles House - Jul 11, 2003

      It is late. Daddy and I have been on a long trip. We spend the nite at someones house that I think is
      one of daddy's uncles. There are a bunch of other people there also. We go to our room to go to sleep.
      Someone comes in and I realize that we must have his room. I say that I will find another room.
      I leave and stop by the bathroom. I lock the door. There is a big window behind the toilet. I notice that
      it is cloudy but very , very light outside which I think is weird because it is very late. Someone then
      wiggles the door knob. Someone is there waiting. As I leave he says that he always forgets to lock the
      I go to my new room. Daddy is already there. He is asleep. The tv is on. Some cartoon is on. I am
      looking for a pillow. There are a bunch on the floor. I find a bunch that I like and pile them on the bed
      and go to sleep.

    19. #19
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      Dipping at Church

      Dipping at Church - Jul 11, 2003

      I am at church looking for a spit cup during the service because I am dipping. I find one but it is small.
      I find a water cooler in the sanctuary and some larger cups. I get a cup and sit down. I see an old
      friend from high school and his wife sitting on the pew that I am on.

    20. #20
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      Grandparent Dies

      Grandparent Dies - Jul 12, 2003

      I am at my house. A bunch of people are here. I go to the bathroom to pee. I think that mimi has died.
      I am very upset. It seems to me that everyone is just talking and not upset like they should be. Daddy
      comes to the door to check on me. Then in a little bit I hear mama and daddy talking about how some
      people are upset because they are not going to have time to get down here from texas for the funeral
      and they think we should wait. I realize then that it was not mimi that dies but verna.(my other
      grandparent who in real life is already dead)

    21. #21
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      Old Girlfriend

      Old Girlfriend - Jul 12, 2003

      My wife and I are at this big auditorium. There is a black lady singing. She is famous but im not sure
      who she is. An announcer comes on stage after her and says that several christian groups and also
      limp bisket will also be performing.
      I go to a booth in the fore way of the auditorium. There is a girl behind the booth. She is between 35
      and 40 years old. ( in real life I do not know her.) she has short blonde hair cut in a fancy kind of style.
      She is a girl I had a crush on in high school. We start talking and she is like mad at me because I broke
      up with her or something. There is some reason I broke up with her and I try to explain this to her but
      other people get in get in line and I cant seem to get to talk to her. (I am frustrated)
      My wife and my sister in law come to a near by booth. my sister in law has bought a big picture. She is
      wondering how to ship it to her house. A lady behind her tells her to ship it ups.
      All this time I am still trying to talk to the girl and getting frustrated. Finally I get up to her booth again
      but she is coming out of the booth. My wife walks up. They know each other and begin talking. They
      are being real short with each other. The girl pulls out a gold watchband that I gave her in high school.
      It has a watch on it now. She makes some mean comment to my wife.
      My wifeand I head home. We are riding a bike. We are on the marie saliane road past daddys house
      heading east. It is dark. There is no light on the bike. I mention my concern of no light to my wife but
      she dismisses it. I remember that there is a very dark tunnel that we must pass thru. I tell my wife that
      we need a light to make it. She says we can make it without the light.
      As we enter the tunnel we are stopped short. Army tanks and equipment are moving into the tunnel.
      All kinds of explosives and weaponry are there. The infantry is there also. I ask a near by solider what
      is going on. He advises us to take cover because soon all hell will break loose. For some reason we
      have belongings in the tunnel. Too many to carry. I go thru them and pull out a few books , annuals
      and pictures that I want to keep before we take cover.

    22. #22
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      Desk at Work Disappearing

      Desk at Work Dissappearing - Jul 13, 2003

      I am at work. I get up from my desk and go to see my boss. On my way back I cannot find my desk. I
      go ask mike about it. He tells me that he has moved my desk. My desk is in the back now away from
      everyone else. I like it.
      I go to lunch. I am looking for the trailer that I am fixing to move into. (rent) I already have some
      stuff there. It is not far from where I work but there is one main road with many side roads. Trailers
      are everywhere. I am having trouble finding it.
      I go to pick up some groceries. On the way back I am pushing a buggy of unsacked groceries and
      trying to find the trailer. A guy comes by who is my roommate and puts 2 boxes of cherrios in my
      buggy to take to the trailer.
      I find the trailer and go inside. John wayne and Glen Campbell are in my trailer. They are dressed like
      cowboys. They start to fight. I help Glen.

    23. #23
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      Throwing Cd's

      Throwing Cd's - Jul 14, 2003

      I was at church. Mike was preaching. a former pastor is also there. My cell phone rings during church
      and I talk. We are given some cd's with revival information on them. We start throwing them at people
      like Frisbees. A little black boy with a bb gun passes by. I also remember that some kind of repairman
      was present

    24. #24
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      Feb 2006

      Playing Chase

      Playing Chase - Jul 15, 2003

      Me, my youngest son, my nephew, 2 childhood friends, my uncle, my brother in law, and my sister in
      law are all at this place. There is a bunch of woods on one side and a meadow with hills and tall green
      grass on the other. There is some kind of building on the far side of the woods with a pond separating
      the woods from the building. At the building there is a funny looking car that my sister in law wants to
      buy and funny looking slim bus that daddy wants to buy. There are 2 broken down bridges that connect
      the woods to the building.
      Me, luke, dustin , jerry, and glen are in the meadow playing chase. We go to the building and daddy
      mentions that the bridges across the pond are in real bad shape and the guy that owns the building is
      old but that he must be in good shape because he had to swim the pond to get to the building.
      All of a sudden we are in jerry and glens front yard. It is like we are teenagers again but luke and
      dustin are still there. Keith and johnathan are there along with a couple of people that I don't know. We
      are all playing chase and wrestling and having fun. At one point I tell johnathan to turn around where I
      can see him because I tell him that I have not seen him in years. We all play and wrestle some more.
      It starts getting dark and everyone starts going home. I tell jerry and glen that it is time for me to head
      home to. I tell them that I had a good time and I don't understand why we don't do this more often like
      we used to. Jerry and glen follow me across the street to my house. We see that daddy has bought that
      funny looking bus. Glen cracks some joke about it and we all laugh. Jerry and glen have to go in our
      back yard to try to find a u-joint they dropped there. I hope they find it so I wont hit it with the lawn
      mower. I notice that the yard needs mowing. They find the u-joint.
      I walk in the house. No one is home. I walk under the carport. The bus is gone. I figure that daddy
      must be trying it out.

    25. #25
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      Punks - Jul 15, 2003

      I am in this big hotel. I leave my stuff in the room after checkout and go back to get it. 4 bald guys in
      white sleeveless t-shirts and tattoos are there. They start trying to talk bad and one of them trys to pick
      a fight with me. I jump on his back. He is on his hands and knees and I am beating him in the head
      with my fist. He is bucking like a horse. I am controlling him but he shows no signs of wearing down.
      The other 3 say that if I beat him it dosent matter. I will still have to fight all of them. It is like some
      kind of initiation.

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