Two near misses last night.

In the first, I was at my parents' house looking through a closet of old shirts. Somehow, I "knew" this was my old closet from when I was a child and these were my old shirts. The problems with that are: one, I have never lived in the house my parents now live in and two, I swear I've never seen the house I was dreaming about (or the room, or the closets, or the shirts).

Anyway, I felt a sharp, but small pain on my wrist and noticed that there was a spider on one of the shirts -- a blue and white striped shirt. The spider was just in the process of crawling up under the collar. I just kept looking at the other shirts, but then the thought came to me that the spider might have been poisonous. But -- strangely -- I could no longer find the shirt I had just been looking at. Then, I had a spontaneous thought that losing something you just looked at is the type of thing that would happen in a dream.

I thought I would try to do a reality check to see if I was dreaming. My RC of choice is looking to see if I can get text to change, but it often does not work. I went over to a bookcase that had some games on it (monopoly was one) to find some text. I was very careful about performing the RC, but it was a false positive. Per the RC, I was not dreaming. Then I dropped the whole thing. Don't remember the rest of the dream.

The second near miss: I was sitting down playing the guitar. I remember trying very hard to make the chords and looking at my hand. Then all of the sudden, I thought I might be having a dream. Suddently numbers appeared on the frets of the guitar. One of the numbers was "386." I tried an RC (tried to get the text to change), but again I got a false positive.