A few days ago, one morning I woke up and went back to bed. I fell asleep, but not in deep sleep. I was like in between a conscious and dreaming stage, where my awareness was wishy washy. Anyway, in my dream I saw this large marble table right in front of me, and it was weird because I felt a ‘floating’ sensation, and I tried to gain orientation/control by using my hands and grabbing the table towards me (since I was floating in space I though that would also bring me closer to the table) Somehow I knew this was a dream, and I knew it was a lucid dream, but somehow I just could not get the table to move forward! I felt frustrated, because I thought in LD I could WILL it to happen but it won’t happen. I remember purposely slapping my hand hard onto the marble to feel the pain, and I thought, wow, this feels darn REAL (like I still wouldn’t fully believe it was a dream)

Anyway, it wasn’t until after I won’t up, that I realize why the table wouldn’t move. The table was actually the brightness of the sun shining onto the yellow wall of my room. I must have had my eyes half open while in a lucid dream, and I was getting distorted visuals in the lucid dream from the outside environment! So yes it was a lucid dream in the sense that I knew I was dreaming, but no I couldn’t change the scenery because the scenery came directly from the physical outside world! This isn’t the first time this has happened, last time it was with the pattern of curtains in my room. Somehow the image is completely distorted and my brain seems to make up entirely bizarre stuff for me to ‘see’.

Has this happened to anyone else here before, having physical (real world) visuals projected into your dream world as the visual/landscape of your lucid dream?
Then thing is, I’m not entirely sure if I really had my eyes open, or my brain just thought I had my eyes open and extrapolated what it would have looked like if I did have my eyes open and used that information as the background image for my lucid dream.