Ha....yeah. I had this dream last night.

I was in class, a class i am scheduled to take next year and I just got a paper back. It was graded, I think it was an 86% or something, and I go to turn in the assignment due today. All the while I am having a conversation with a fellow classmate and discover there's going to be a trip to japan coming up. Yay. All the sudden I'm parachuting down onto a bridge in Japan and the people look at me wierd, and snigger at me. I look around and see other people taking off their parachutes, so I take off mine. All the sudden everyone has their parachute on again and they ask me why i don't have my parachute on. I just shrug and put it back on. Then I see someone on the ice below the bridge trying to walk over to a white t-shirt that had fallen down there. I can see the ice isn't solid and try to yell at them to stop, but i can't talk. They fall through the ice and start to drown. I am paralyzed and doing all i can to tell someone to help this person. Eventually I wake up and realize that i failed again to lucid dream.


I had three dreams, but I can only remember one:

It started with me watching a play at my old highschool being put on by my friends. I watched, getting kind of laughing because it wasn't very good. Then some other friends come out and start doing crazy things, mostly risque jokes. Eventually it ends and its time to go to class. I leave the building and enter a foothills type of wilderness. Now I have no way to get to class. I spot my academic advisor walking up the hill towards me and I ask her if she will give me a ride to class. she says thats fine and i follow her to her car. The car is in the driveway of this huge house, the driveway is circular with a fountain in the middle. Instead of getting into the car she walks into the house. I'm about to follow her inside when a friend of mine pulls up in a shaggin-wagon. He gets out and we both head into the building. Inside its a weird synthesis of my highschool and college commons. I here someone talking about remodeling the school. I look around and some shops are starting to open up, like a mall. most of the stores haven't opened yet. Me and my friend walk into a pastery shop with bundt cake on display. I turn around and see my academic advisor walking around inspecting the the stores, as if she's running the mall. I start talking to the baker of the bundt cakes. As i coverse someone walks in and starts inspecting the cakes. That person then goes on to tell the baker that they made the cakes wrong and starts to show the baker how to mix the batter better. Just when the new cakes are ready the mall claims to be closing and i have to leave. So I walk into what i thought was an exit, but it ends up being a storage warehouse, so i walk around until i see some people I know doing some construction work outside. I start contemplating how to get home and then my alarm clock goes off.