First off, I'd just like to say that alot of my dreams involve people in my life, at school ect. I rarely have a dream which just has me in it and random ppl I don't know. Be aware of this... If theres any info thats important to the dream about anyone I'll tell ya! Now... on with the sho-I mean diary...

These are previous dreams I've had a while back that I wrote down...

30th September 2004

My mum was driving me to school (I'm only 13, I'm still at school unfortunetly ) but for some reason or another we were driving in the opposite direction than to my school yet in my dream that was somehow the way to school O.o. It was raining rather heavily and I'm looking out side the window as we drive when Ben appears! Ah the horror!!! (He's in my class, I used to have a crush on him which he knows about and he has blonde hair and blue eyes) cycling on his bike right next to us (he does ride a bike to school but as far as I know he doesn't live anywhere near me but then again school is the other way so maybe in the dream he does!)
And he's talking to me through the car window (whilst cycling.. on the road.. in the rain.. not looking at the road..) and the suddenly POP! He's in the car! And I'm like MEH!? And my mums driving us both to school... (What on earth happened to his bike!? O.o)
Next thing I know me and Ben are signing something in some kinda house and the scenery is all dry like the dessert and it's all hot and sunny. (I think it was supposed to be in spain or something) And then theres a arch which goes into some cafe and we walk in and WOW! All my mates are there having some kinda party! (People just keep popping up!) Ben then kinda fades away from the dream forgotten and I hang with them for a while eating loads of food and then we all go and walk off round the tennis courts at my school (What! I was just in some cafe in spain and now I'm at school? O.o) and we're going to get ready for Kat's wedding... (I'm guessing that was what we were celebrating but im riding to school and then end up in spain and tehn at school... I think my mum took the long way round...)