I figured I'd make a dream journal on here rather than just writing it when I wake up just for the fact that I'm lazy. I'm not gonna do all the highlighting different part with colors, or special stuff like that also for the same reason. I'll probably do that later when I get some more entries in it.

This is the only dream I could remember tonight, and in keeping with the motif of my dreams for the past week+, it's school related, and sorta short.

The first thing I remember is me and some other people walking into a cafeteria at one of my old school. The only person I recall walking in with was [b]Nicole. I guess I have the feeling that I was there a little earlier because I looked up at this particular spot and was a little pissed off because this dude was sitting in my seat. We who just walked in had to sign a sheet or something which made it feel like an after-school program thing. I could see everyone already there doing a word search. I was last to sign the paper, and when I did John McGinley gave me one of the word searches. I immediately broke into it because I am usually good at word searches. It was two papers stapled together, and the word search was 3/4 on the first page, but instead of continuing on the back, it finished on the front of the next page. I can't remember the word list, but I remember immediately looking for the word ben. After I found that, it was men, then zen, which game me some trouble. After I found zen, I just remember John yelling out "Okay people! Three people over here, three people over here, and one in the middle! Come on, let's go!" As I ran to one side, my friend Juan-Carlos was on my right, and an unknown person to the right of him. John came over to us on our left side, and sorta hit me on the chest but kept his hand there like to keep me from moving. "Juan," he yelled, "gimme a letter!" Juan-Carlos replied with N. I immediately went through alphabet to see how far the leter N was from T(I go by the name Tony), because I thought that after that many people went(I still had no idea what we were doing) it would be my turn. After counting the number of letters between N and T, I wierdly got four. John started walking forward, backwards to the other three people while looking at us. "If they don't answer four questions," he yelled while holding up four fingers on his right hand, "then it's your turn." He didn't specify whose turn it was gonna be but I felt it was gonna be mine. He then walked past us and I noticed Juan-Carlos going back to his seat, and I yelled to John, "You said we could sit down?" and he replied "Yes!" back to me in a yell.

Then I guess I woke up.