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    1. #1
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      Jan 2006
      This is my second dream journal. The other one is lost on the old fourms so I'm going to attempt to transfer everything over.
      Matt Reynolds
      Cultural Anthropology & Folklore

    2. #2
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      Jan 2006
      THE PUFFIN DREAM. January 24th, 2006

      This is not my first dream which i have remeber or recorded, this is simply the first one i have recorded online. I had many dreams this nite but i have one predominant one.

      Heres what i remember:

      I remember walking down a very long waterfront or harbourfront. I had no sense of time, the whole trip down it was fast except for one part. The whole time i was walking with someone who i dont know in real life but i did in this dream. As we walked, i remember looked to my side the whole way, watching a puffin swimming along (a puffin is a bird so this is extremely unrealistic). He swam along diping below the surface and coming back up. As he did this, myself and the person i was with spoke to the puffin and he spoke back. This is where i now approched the time in which time slowed down excessively and all of a sudden i could see myself in third person along with the girl who was there with me. It was very hazy and at the time i was unaware that it was in third person. At this point a little metal row boat fell upsidedown on the puffin, i remember the upsidedown part vividly. From there me and the girl ran up the road into a store and then i woke up
      Matt Reynolds
      Cultural Anthropology & Folklore

    3. #3
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      Jan 2006
      Twisted Staircase & Missing Arm Dreams.

      I lived in a very large old victorian house with a spiraling staircase, but it wasnt circular, it was squared off. I remember chasing my mom down the stairs which seemed endless. For some reason i wouldnt let myself lose sight or her either, i just ran faster and faster trying to keep up with her. Reaching the bottom she was suddenly not there but i didnt realize while i was dreaming. Instead im am looking at a school buddy, matthew gough. He laughs at me and then i turn to find another person, Eric Johnson. He tells me that its okay to cut off my arm.

      I awoke, or i may have faded into this next dream. I was in the back of a classroom. It was a random classroom i had never seen before, everything was foggy around me except for one person sitting next to me, justin courage. For some reason i was halfway through cutting my own arm off. He stares at me in amazement. At this point i say "how am i going to get through the bone?". He doesnt pay much attention to this. I then for some reason have a little pocket knife in my hand and put the knife to my exposed bone. I start yelling and begin cutting. I yell because i expect it to hurt but it doesnt so i stop yelling. I then simply remove my arm without and blood. I lay the arm in the desk infront of me with TWO HANDS! At the time this made sense. I then look down to find my arm is infact missisng from above my elbow. I look to justin courage to see his face is flushed and red and he has a look of discust on his face and says "dude your f***ing nuts, your moms gonna kill you!". I begin to feel regret and then wake myself up hopeing it is infact a dream.

      The Pool Dream

      From what i can remember i was swimming for my 3rd time in a random pool i have never seen before. It was huge, i would estimate a kilometer long and about 50m wide. This time for some reason when i got out the pool i couldnt find my clothes. I ran down a huge isle of lockers, longer than the pool had been. I then left and went to like a poolhouse area where aparently me and one of my friends (justin courage) lived. At this point i was somehow clothed. We decicded we had to eat. For some reason when i looked down i instantly had a box of "pizza pops" except for some reason these were in a triangular shape instead of round, and they had a weird steam lift top for making cooking easier. At this point danny wadden comes over and begins speaking to me, i cant remember what he said, and from this part in the dream i begin to awake.

      Rec Room and Computer Room LUCID DREAM (number 1)

      As I entered the room I noticed it was my downstairs rec room, and it was from the past, before it was rennovated. As i walked through the doorway i stopped. Wait, where am i going, what am i doing, am i in a dream? i thought. Yes! I am dreaming! Suddenly i felt so heavy and i was being pulled down backwards to the point i fell on my back, proped up against a wall. Still in contol i forced myself back up. I then tried jumping because i remember you should go higher and land softer if your lucid dreaming. When i jumped i only came slightly off the ground, about an inch or so. I felt sooo heavy still. I tried again, same result. Loseing lucidity i wandered into the next room. I gained control again when i got into the next room and saw my friend aaron hawco. We sat down, crossed legged, indian style. I am dreaming i told him. I should be able to put my hand through your head i told him. I tried once, but only to bitch slap him across the face. I tried again through the forehead, same result. I then desperately tried to put my hand through the wall next to me. Instead i felt how hard and cold the wall was, the texture the same as waking life. I then woke up.

      Summer Camp, Stay Alive LUCID DREAM (number 2)

      For some reason i was on an old boat, what seemed to be a small ferry from one place to another. While i was docking, for some reason, the captain, who was a lady in a dress, jumped out of the front of the boat and began to guide the boat in by hand. This would be completely impossible if i was on a ferry, she was treating this boat like it was a row boat or something. But i let that thought go, and let her pull the boat to shore. When we hit the shore i turned around to find that i was now actually in a row boat and all the people that were there before were suddenly gone except me and my friend eliot. We had docked on a beach at like a summer camp. I climbed out of the boat. Noticing there were a good few people in the water swimming, i was suddenly jumped from behind. Surprised, i begin to choke and start to drown. Forcing my way up i get air, but only to be forced back down again. I realize that maybe if i play dead he will let me up, as killing me doesnt seem to be his intent. It works and he lets me up. Extremely angry i begin to yell at the guy who had held me down. Then i realize i know him. Its Chris, who i had worked the whole last summer with (but in waking life he is actually Mathew Churchills dad). While hes saying hes sorry i notice he has earplugs in his ears. I think this may have been of some importance. I accept his appoligy and get out of the water and walk up a path with eliot, the only other person to get out of the boat with me. We stop next to a small cabin in a patch of bushes and being to change. After changing, we begin to pack our bags. At this point we are stopped by someone who is taking photos for what he says is a contest. He says he needs a picture of a monster, but since he knows they dont exist he was going to use a camera trick. He then leaves and me and eliot finish packing our bags. Upon finishing packing and standing up we see a dirt road. Eliot askes if we should stay and wait for his dad to pick us up. For some reason i feel compelled and say no, we should walk, your dad may never come. So we walk. Walking down the path, i notice its much like a quad(four wheel atv) path. The path windes and windes until it comes to a long straight section. At this point i notice that there are antique knives everywhere laying all over the ground. I fall in love with them and pick up a few of my favorite. Eliot says this isnt such a good idea, these antiques and they shouldnt leave the forest. I tell him i wont take them, but i lie and keep them in my hands. Reaching a downhill, now a growling starts. I try to ignore it, eliot hasnt heard it yet. Then about another 20 feet down the path a voice suddenly starts to yell in a deep devil like voice, "those who continue down the grid will be punsihed and i will surely eat them". At this point i think i became lucid because i said outloud that this is like a dream and we should change paths. Eliots doesnt argue and we bolt through the woods over ungroomed terrain. Suddenly i trip and fall landing on my stomach. When i stand back up there is deep snow everywhere. Eliot is still behind me and a girl is now infront of me. Not even mildly surprised by the climate change or the girl infront of me, the three of us now continue on. The snow is up to my chest now, but i dont feel the cold. The girl infront of me turns and says there is a ghost over there, we must go this way. She then pauses and looks me in the eyes and says "STAY ALIVE". She turns and leads us away from the ghost which to me looked like a floating shape. We hide behind a cabin. Now up to my shoulders in the snow i begin to feel hopeless. The girl looks at me and eliot again and says shes going to walk ahead and find a path we can take. She begins walking. Not more then 20 feet ahead of me and eliot i notice a gruesome figure (of what looks to be some sort of person that had been ran over by a car) opens his eyes and starts walking towards her. I now become intimidated and force myself to wake up in real life as i know its a dream.

      Staircase and Elevator of Senarios LUCID DREAM #5

      I remember running up and down a staircase, it must have been at least a 10 story building as there were many stairs and landings. I was being chased, i cant remember by what, it was some kind of creature. I would make it all the way to the top only to find he was there and i would run all the way back down to find him again. Finally when i reached the top and was insanely tired, i began to run across the top floor, down a hallway. The monster thing chased me, and he was gaining. At this point im not sure if i became lucid or not but i turned to face the beast. It then replyed "what are you doing, your scared of me". I ignored it and ran towards him. When i reached him i somehow just ran right through him like he was a ghost. I did this a number of times and then began to run again. I was now being chased by a mutalated looking teacher/professor. I cant remember where i was or how long it went, but again at one point i grabed him by his white hair and faced the monster and told him he was just an old teacher of mine. Next, and im not sure how i got there but i was in an elevator. There were a few other people in the elevator with me, and everyone was droped off at some point except me and one other person. It had a few standard buttons near the bottom of the panel, almost on the floor, but above that was a cluster of about 60 strange looking buttons. Each button in itself was a cluster of about 8 green dots and 8 red dots all intermingled. As i looked around the elevator there were 4 doors, and one didnt seem to be working and was quite scary looking inside. Each of the cluster buttons brought the elevator to a new location, and everyone on the elevator knew where they were going except for me and the other person left on it. When everyone got off and it was down to me and that other person, we looked to the scary door and noticed that noone had ordered that senario. Frightened, we tryed to ignore it. We began randomly pressing buttons trying to find a senario. It was such that i could leave the elevator and go to this new senario and still come back to this elevator to find a new one. But i woke up, only to be very angry because of all the places i missed out on traveling to, imaginary places. DAMN, lol

      Summoning Cars and The Hospital Lucid Dream #6

      Just after waking up from a dream i said the words "i will lucid dream" and immediately went back to sleep. As i entered i found myself on a road and instantly became lucid. Walking down the road i noticed there were no cars. The stoplights still worked but there were just no cars. So i decided i wanted to drive a car, so i decided to summoned cars, "I want cars!" i yelled. And instantly cars started driving on the road from around all the corners. I looked at the truck driving towards me. Coming at an intense speed towards me i didn't quaver or doubt myself, i simply put my hand up and yelled stop. It stoped about two feet infront of me in an instant. I noticed it was the company truck for the shop i work for "Appliance Solutions" and Corey, one of the guys that works there was driving it. Still standing infront of the truck, i was afraid if i walked around to the side and got in he might drive away. So i decided to try and will myself into the drivers seat, like teleporting. After several minutes of standing there and beliveing i could do it and repeating the phrase "i want to be in the drivers seat" i felt myself floating towards the windshield and then suddenly inside the car in the drivers seat. Surprised, i began to adjust my seat and get ready to drive. It was standard, something i have never driven in waking life, but while i was dreaming i didnt even think about it. Putting the pedal to the floor i was easily doubling the speed of all the cars around me. Going faster and faster i suddenly crashed through the wall of a building. It didnt hurt at all and im not even sure where it came from. From there i dont remember anything excpet being outside my car inside the builidng. I met up with kyle brewer and a few of my brothers friends. When i met them i walked up to them and told them i was lucid. Rite away i wanted to test my lucidity again and began pushing both my arms through kyles head and chest. My arms easily passed through him. Enjoying myself i turned to find a beautiful girl i had never seen before walking towards me. I thought right away about having lucid dreaming sex, i had seen it on this fourm before. Not long after she lost all her clothes i heard someone walk over to me. It was kyle again, he looked and me and scolded and said "you are abusing your lucid privliges" and i woke up.
      Matt Reynolds
      Cultural Anthropology & Folklore

    4. #4
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      Jan 2006
      Sept 5th Non-Lucid Dream

      Part One
      I was in a stadium with my mom and my younger brother Mark. We ordered 3 pizzas to our booth. The first one we opened was a triple crown pizza with stuffed crust. For some reason my mom wanted to give one away.

      Part Two
      I was in the car with my mom and found a parking spot in a lot. From there we walked down a weird curvy concrete hallway with ashfault walkway and an open to the outdoors roof. We entered the building where we got on an elevator and went upstairs one floor. We then exited the elevator and walked into a crowded waiting room, everyone began to stare at me. As I walked through the room I passed a desk with a girl on the phone and stepped over the phone cord.

      Part Three
      I was unaware of where I was and I was playing music on a synth like instrument with various labled buttons. It was myself and my younger brother Mark playing and making the music, and the music was very epic sounding.

      Note: its been a while since Ive been dream recording and these three dreams are kind of hazey.
      Matt Reynolds
      Cultural Anthropology & Folklore

    5. #5
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      Jan 2006

      Part One
      I was offroading in a grassy meadow alongside a fence. I distinctly remeber one very deep pot hole while we were driving through the meadow.

      Part Two
      It is snowy, and I'm walking through knee deep snow. I come to an open area with ice underneath. I keep going through the ice but don't get wet. At this point I start to become lucid because I notice that touching water without getting wet is impossible. But I lose lucidity and head down a step embankment. I then start to sneak back up with my friend Courage and Eliot to throw snowballs at Allan who still hasnt made it to the embankment.
      Matt Reynolds
      Cultural Anthropology & Folklore

    6. #6
      Folklorist MattReynolds's Avatar
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      Jan 2006
      Non-Lucid Dream Sept 8

      Part One
      I was in a large mansion like house being chased around by some sort of demon. This dream is quite cloudy and I cant really remember all the details because this was my first dream of the nite. I do remember running from room to room through french doors trying to escape. The house also had kind of a hindu like vide to it, like random weird decorations and shit.

      Part Two
      I was in a strange rock and escalator area which was outdoors and all around was just endless open fields. I was studying the rock formations and jumping on and off them for some reason. All of a sudden there was a little kid there telling me to drop off this huge drop off one of the rocks. All of a sudden I had a scooter in my hands and was getting ready to jump off the rocks on the scooter to flat pavement, but I then refused..

      There was some more that happened between now and the next paragraph but i cant recall it.

      Next I was in some sort of mall like thing and me and my brother were lost or trying to leave and a security gaurd came over to us and asked mark for ID. He then took my brothers ID and wallet and began to run out the front door. We chased him down and my little brother grabbed a big piece of railing (im not sure where he got this) and then hit the big black security guard across the face breaking his nose(no blood came out). When then took the ID and wallet back and left.
      Matt Reynolds
      Cultural Anthropology & Folklore


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