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    1. #1
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Dream Sharing Research

      [size=18]This journal is an account of research being done in the Resaerch Team on Dream sharing

      Target - Lucidnina
      Target Two - Howetzer

    2. #2
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      First dream account

      This is a log of the first account of any significance. This was several weeks ago from today 03/23/05. Lucidninas' journal

      My intention opon going to sleep was to locate lucidnina in a dream
      * is going to = what I think to be something in relation to the project or the Target. (Lucidnina)
      This at no point was a lucid dream.

      Because I did not write down this dream when I had it, all the facts are not there. Error on my part.

      First dream
      I was in a hallway. Not similar to any I know of. There were many doors to open. I just picked one randomly. As I entered I was in an office building. * This office was constructed much like lucidninas' digital art work in her portfolio. (away fromyou.net) As I looked around there was no one to be found. As I turned agian she was leaning up against something, a table desk maybe. It did not seem to suprise me. Had I became lucid it more than likely would have. At any rate her and I talked about art work -very vague.
      I was talking very close to her, as to be in someone's space otherwise. I leaned farther in and kissed her. We kissed for awhile. I put my hand on her hip. The dream then ended.

      I am going to record my dreams as are.
      Out of respect of everyone involved, I ask that nothing be contsruded as an act of imorallity. For I am going to approach it as such.
      *With respect to this dream;
      To my knowledge lucidnina had a dream where I appeared. She was startled Maybe even unerved. I believe these two accounts to have happened in the same night.
      Lucidnina is going to record in her own journal. A more detailed account of her dreams.

    3. #3
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Second dream account

      Dream account 2 Lucidninas' Journal

      This was a very unique dream. I am going to note the significance first.
      *Both my dream and lucidninas' dream again happened on the same night. The significance is the number eight. Prior to any knowlege of my dream via chat discussion she noted she had a vague dream about the number 8 Also she said I had a hat on wich I later posted a pic that she came across with suprise to how similar I looked in her dream

      Here was my dream.
      I was not a dream character myself. I was in essence a girl's conscious. (many interpretation on DCs)
      She worked on a criuse ship. She was young 19 or so and very pretty. Her name was Jen. I was inside her head as the dream unfolded. Her Boss a woman in her forties. She was very bitter and demeaning. I could put the thought in her head to stand up for yourself. She then did.
      Fireworks were going of outside the ship. As I myself have interest in explosives (I'm a guy ) I put the thought in this girls head to see if she could buy some foreworks. She asked another girl who was a bartender if she could purchase any. The bartenders reply. Ya all kinds. She put a bunch of sparklers and lame fire works on the table. Jen/me said, No I mean some real fire works like H-1000's. Oh. As if to be a taboo topic (Jen/me=we) we followed her behind the counter where there was a host of huge fireworks dynamite, big shit!. We were excited. I think at this point, although a charchter of Jen, most mind thought processes were of my own. I was excited. I asked her how many I could buy. She said I only have *8 left! Well how much are they we asked. These are tne dolars a piece. I said, damn *80 Dollars. Hmmm. Well I don't have eitghty dolllars in cash but I wil take all eight if you take credit cards.
      The dream abruptly ended. (I better go check my credit )

    4. #4
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Dream Sharing Research

      Title - Natural disaster.

      Dream account #3

      Again a non lucid dream.
      The dream began in the midst of a cracking earth and severe winds. Promted by a lot of recent forum talk as of late about storm chases most likely.
      Me and two of my friends Kevin and Shawn were seemingly racing against a pyroclastic blast. Among that threat were lightning and a basic fear for life.
      Suddenly out of nowhere Arnold Shwartzenegger (much like Pierce Bronson's & his indistructable vehicle,in the movie Dante's Peak.)
      As we obviously needed help we yelled for arnold to save us. He was ignoring our cries. As a lahar was vastly approaching he sped of in the distance. We did not seem to have an escape. I don't recall anything after that. ---Thanks Arnold. Some Govener you are.

      I have many dreams with nature involved. I am usually not scared. This dream did not follow that.

      I was unaware of any significance until a returm PM from my target -Lucid nina.

      Lucid nina's dream

      :EDIT!!!: A PM from Howetzer just sparked another dream that I can't believe I forgot!! It was really long and vivid. I went out with my family to the countryside...we went through a corn field to watch for tornados. I guess all this talk about storm chasing got me thinking. I was taking pictures of the ominous sky, it was incredible. We were sitting in this broke down old barn by a river, on the other side of the river was what looked like the "projects" except they had been long abandoned and were falling apart. I tried to get my family to leave as the ominous clouds moved closer and closer, the thunder getting louder...I even saw funnel clouds and some clouds that looked like swirling constellations. Really cool and bizarre.

      *Although there has been no specific dialog or even an appearance aside from one of lucidnina's one dream there has been several similarities accuring on the same nights.

    5. #5
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Mind Clearing.

      As I have been away for a couple of days I Kept the Target at hand.
      Each night the incubated thougt of dream sharing was my focus. As I slept very sound I had no progress and also no dreams but one vague one that I can recall. .

    6. #6
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      My dream recall has been through the roof. I have been averaging close to 7 dreams per night.
      I have had 6 lucid dreams and one which lasted what seemed to be a close a half hour.
      I have posted the details in my private journal due to the content.
      But in some of the lucids I was reaching other realms it seemed. So I thought it should be brought up in this DS experiment.

      I am going to contact my partner with the hopes of rekindling some events.

      I felt auras around two DC in two of the six lucids after reaching a high level of lucidity..

    7. #7
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Ongoing pending a partner


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