ok well it seems compared to everyone else here im a bit of a n00b for example my friend th ereal pieman would put my just created profile to shame.
Anyway im not a very frequent dreamer but il record whenever ive had a dream.
For now anyway im going to put down as many of my dreams as i can remember.
when i was in primary school, i remember staying round my friends house one night and in my dream i was walking through a local park when out of the blue a pitbull terrier kind of thing leap out from nowhere in a shopping cart.as stupid as this dream sounds it terrified me at the time.
now we move on to when i was in year seven.
i was walking home with a couple of my friends, when from up in the sky a small, even tiny meteorite fell, with a red glow there was a bag nearby so i picked it up and in it was some tongs some i used it to have a closer look at the meteroite it turned out to be a beyblade with a spirit of a phoenix in it.
this lead to my first lucid dreaming experince i was on a cruise boat with all these very attractive girls and some friends heading for the ice caps and everything just seemed to flow accordingly to what i wished, this lead to a whole kind of beyblade story but it too long to go into any kind of detail.
i had quite a few reoccuring dreams of my self being murdered by this shadowy figure with a knife or gun mabye thats why i didnt have any kind of dreams for several years after that point but recently i have been.
the furthest away i can remember was a white man with no facial features or an features of any kind in a plain white room, suddenly the walls shattered and the man began to run in this plain white world and he jumped of some kind of cliff and sprouted wings and was able to fly.
the next one was when i was having intercourse with an older version of a girl i like, called laura.
the next dream i had was when i was at a fair adn the girl i liked was there although i never saw her this time, i started running to this giagantic dj booth and asked him to play a particular song but by the time i had come back she was gone but my cousin said she had liked her gifts i had bought her a action figure and a pair of jeans, so i felt very happy after that dream.
this dream plus my friends idea lead me to start writing my book, the dream was.
a man was walking through a town at night, the buildings toward over him even though its set it the past and the lights glistend, he was carrying two large boxes, people suddenly surronded the man and he leaped over them and crouched down, he entered his box and pulled out two pots of paint dabbed two of his fingers in them and ran them down from beneath his eyes to the bottom of his cheek, he then pulled out a large ribbon wrapped it around his head covering his eyes and placed a mask in front of it.
then men now drwaing there weapons charged at the hooded man one man swung his blade at him, the hooded man used a box to stop it hitting half of the box slid off and revealed a sword he then drew his second balde from the other box he then ran in easily slicing through sereval men dipping and ducking, then the dream ended.
soon after i had the same dream but something else happened towards the end a young boy also concealed by a hood ran in with a long blade to assist the man it was a fantastic sycronised fight.
i had another dream recently where a girl with pale skin raised her hand towards me then it ended, this reminded me of laura, but i decided to convert it into my story the hooded man holds his hand out and the young man takes it.