This is pretty much a copy paste of my homework assignment if anyone is really interested. When this is all over i will still be doing this but in my own format. I will have a lot of fun doing this and will have a lucid by the time the project is over. Feel free to leave comments about any interpretations.
Night of 10-16

Feelings: None

1. People with no emotions almost like manikins are sitting in a lawyer’s office eating ice cream. One little girl sitting in a brown leather chair stands out the most. She is sitting there with her ice cream with a very discontented look on her face.

2. This was a dream about having a lucid dream. In this dream my step brother wants me to wake him up slightly in the middle of the night so he can experience a lucid. I tell him , “no, why should you get a lucid before I do, its not fair&#33;” and get mad at him. All of this is taking place on a Mario-like plane with large fluffy clouds taking up the entire sky.

3. In this dream I flew to California with my step dad and saw my stepsister in her house which was my old step fathers house. The house is a mess and laundry is everywhere. The only nice thing in the house is what my stepfather brought with him in which was a desk with a computer. The only thing I remember particularly about the dream however was my stepsister wearing a red bandana showing she was is in a gang.


1. Today is my real life mother’s birthday. Ironically enough, I didn’t even realize it was my mother’s birthday until she pointed it out to me. This really does show that the subconscious mind is completely different from the conscious mind. The little girl is suppose to represent my mother who is unhappy. My grandmother (who is a lawyer) has been flying across the country and world to visit people and places. This week she is gone in Mexico and left her dogs for us to watch. My mom has been getting upset about these things, this particularly. The ice cream represents that she is getting what she wants and others around her are but she isn’t satisfied nor is she really happy.
2. This is I think the effect of me reading for a few hours last night about lucid dreams.
3. This dream maybe shows that I am concerned about my step sister. I don’t think about her much but I know that she isn’t doing well. The red bandana is for the most part true and she is in a lock down facility in California. Maybe in some way I am relieving stress about her so I don’t have to worry about her during the day.

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