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    1. #1
      Member oneironut's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2006
      Welcome, and thanks for taking a look at my dream journal. A daily diet of books, movies, and video games usually results in some odd dreams for me, so hopefully you will be entertained. If a dream is lucid, I'll note it by the title.

      Today's entry is definitely game-influenced, specifically my frustration with jumping puzzles...

      Game Over
      Wednesday, December 06, 2006, 2:30 a.m.

      I’m in a futuristic elevator, and things aren’t going well. I hear faint explosions in the distance, the cabin is shaking, sparks fly from the control panel, and I get the feeling the elevator cable is ready to snap at any moment. I’m obviously eager to get out when the doors slide open, and I rush out to find myself…

      …in an even worse mess. I’m standing on a small metal platform jutting out from the rock wall of a cavern that doesn’t seem to end in any direction. Suspended by wires all around my platform are various pipes and catwalks. I’m studying this arrangement and trying to figure out how I’m going to navigate it when the platform suddenly drops beneath me and I go sliding off the edge. I don’t scream, and the only feeling I have is annoyance over screwing up and having to start over.

      Fade to black, and I’m back on the platform again. I move faster this time, and with a running jump grab onto the edge of a catwalk above me just before the platform falls. I try to pull myself up onto it, but I can’t get my legs over the railing. My hands finally lose their grip and down I go again, tumbling head over heels in the darkness and getting VERY ticked off. I must not want to play anymore, because this time I wake up.
      Last edited by oneironut; 05-04-2007 at 01:41 PM.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau
      My Dream Journal


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