well this isnt a lucid dream but just a wierd dream. i woke up at 5am. went right back to bed. continued the same dream...woke up at arond 10:30am, ate breakfast and hung out for about an hour, then at 11:30am i went back to bed and continued the dream to where i left off.
im guessing that the two new kids represent two kids on my swim team that i have recently joined (so they would be new to me) and the wig is something that i dont know about one of the kids but i will find out but i still wont care.
i wrote it down as soon as i woke up so sorry if its a little confusing, i wrote exactly what i remembered.

So 2 new kids appear, a dark haired one and a light haired one-brian. I end up becoming best friends with both of them, and liking both of them. But then I like brian more. Then I fin out that brian has a wig (hahahah). Anyways I still like him. I send him a note asking him to prom, but he thinks that it is from a different girl so that same day/place I go over and get food and my friend who works there says that me and brian would look really cute together, she asks if we are friends, I say “well we use to be really good friends maybe even best friends but I don’t think that he even wants to talk to me anymore. I really wish we could go to prom together”. Brians overhears me say this and when I go to eat lunch he gets up from where hes eating lunch with ciara, the girl hes going to prom with and says “Emily can I talk to you for a minute?” so he takes me around a corner and pushes me up against the stone wall and kisses me then he takes both of my hands and looks into my eyes and says “ we are friends, and we will always be friends, im sorry we are not going to prom together.”
Next day we are in some auditorium watching something later it is fireworks and brian had gotten out of his seat next to ciara because I had asked him quickly to help me with something. After we are done I say “do you want to go sit in the front row with me to watch the end?” he says that he has seats with ciara (which I knew) I pretend I don’t know who it is and I ask “who?” and he says “ciara the girl im going to prom with” so I ask him if he is dating her. He syas “ no, I don’t want to date right now” I ask why then “what if there is someone who you know and are good friends with” he still says no. that’s when I go online and ask Michael…Michael doesn’t know. Brian still doesn’t know that I really really like him and that I would like to date him. I keep asking stuff to brian online but my aim always shuts down when he responds and im trying to read it.