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    1. #1
      ...but I digress MrBeelzy's Avatar
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      Nov 2007
      'toon town

      MrBeely's Dream Journal 2008

      I suppose you could equate this to a new year's resolution, keeping a consistent dream journal. I've tried in the past, and it's been tough, but here's hoping that this lasts. Reading and replies would be much appreciated, and maybe even help keep me on track, but either way, here we go.

      January 1st, 2008
      After the new year's ever party, packed house, followed by an after-party at another friend's house to get out of the crowd. Sleep was light, as I was still very drunk, and came in one or two hour intervals, divided by trips to the fridge to get drinks, and move from the couch to my bed and back. I must have moved five times or so, this dream sequence in particular took place as I was sleeping on the couch.

      It was a late autumn, or early winter day, with leaves on the ground, and a light covering of snow. My surroundings were very vivid, and true to life. I was in my backyard, and the gate was open. Mom and Dad were walking down the alley towards the yard talking about the garbage, and how I hadn’t thrown it out, or something to that effect (the garbage I took out when I got home after the New Years party). They didn’t know I could hear them, and I think I was a bit bothered that they were talking about me. It really didn’t matter though, I was dealing with the garbage then and there in the middle of the yard (it was somewhat strewn about the yard, but not in a disgusting way). I then noticed Minnie (our neighbor's dog that had died a few years ago) walking up to the fence, and I immediately became lucid.
      I ran towards Dad with excitement, and remembering one of the tasks of the month for December I asked him what my dream name was. He told me it was “nothing,”
      implying I didn’t have one. I asked him why and he said it was “because you work for the government.” I chuckled at that, and turned back to the yard.
      In front of the garage facing our yard was Tom Cruise standing with a knife in his hand and a smile on his face. I knew he wanted to have a duel of sorts, and I was a little worried out dealing with the knife, but I took it in stride, and picked up the large tv that was sitting beside me (the 30" one that was in a box on M floor that night), and telling him that I would throw it at him. It was all in good fun, and as I motioned to throw it, all the lights (the sun I suppose) went out, so I flew away.
      The same scene repeated two more times, but with more dialogue, and no weapons, each time ending with the light changing from broad daylight to twilight, and with me flying off. The third time though, I had some trouble doing more than jumping until I vocalized my intentions and floated up. Flying is always like swimming to me, so I kicked my feet a little to propel myself as I looked over the neighborhood in the twilight. It was a wonderful experience, with beautiful blues and purples, and everything in silhouette.
      When I landed back where I had taken off, a large robot was there where Tom Cruise had been. I dealt with him quickly, bending the metal, and punching through it. I then turned to the gate, which had become a doorway into M living room more or less.
      I lost lucidity soon, but continued to dream. Sleep was light though, and I had morning wood in real life, which I was having difficulty hiding from the people in the dream, because I was in a robe or something similar. But then I woke up, and moved to my room to write down some notes and sleep some more in my own bed.

      And just shits and giggles, this was the robot:

      If you recognize it I'll be impressed by your nerdliness.
      Last edited by MrBeelzy; 01-02-2008 at 07:31 AM.

    2. #2
      ...but I digress MrBeelzy's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2007
      'toon town
      Hmmm, a few days to record from the fragments I managed to jot down after the dreams.

      January 2nd, not a whole lot of sleep, maybe five hours, but at least four different settings, one of which I have to look back at and think how lame it was that I missed lucidity. In no particular order, here we go:
      In the parking lot of a large box store at night with M and D. We make our way in, and to the back, running around, acting like children. Hiding in clothing racks, giggling, and all sorts of childhood shenanigans. This is a common thing when in stores and malls while dreaming, maybe I'm trying to relive those experience. They were like giant playgrounds. Hell, I'm still immature in real life while shopping.
      I was in aunt C's house, or a house remotely resembling it. It had three floors, the upper two of which were actually used in the dream, and the lower which remained dark the entire time. While upstairs J, C, and I took some LSD, and the effects hit me almost immediately. I spent some time enjoying the expected visual effects, looking at the frost on the window. It grew and shrank with patterns of color within it, but in a very forced way. It was not as the same thing had been in real life the first time I experienced it. The same happened one the house's main level, looking at my computer screen saver. It was altogether unlike the real drug. Either way, the house was bustling, with family, and various other composite characters, and I wanted to get J to come with me on an adventure outside, but it was to no avail, I just stood by the screen door at the back wanting to go outside. I lost the dream soon after.
      Number three: floating down a stream in a dingy with my dad. The stream was glacier fed, smooth ice on either side of it. I spent much of the time sliding down it beside the dingy. The experience was a lot like driving through British Columbia as a kid, looking out the window. The ice on either side became more like a beach, with people setting up chairs on it in swim suits, umbrella's, towels, all that junk. Dad kept dropping my gloves and stuff in the water on accident, and I was worried my backpack was going to get wet. One really memorable thing was this stream that fed into the one we were in, which was like a giant water slide, made of smoothed rock that ended in a giant bowl. It was a familiar scene, and I remarked that I remember going down it. As I remember it now, I had been there in a dream before.
      Now for the interesting dream. My dad walked into my room silently, and I could really only see his silhouette in the dark, but I knew it was him, and he was going to use my laptop. I was worried he would be mad at what I was downloading or that it had been on all night, so I wanted to get his attention, but I found myself in sleep paralysis. Rather than realize that dad was really just a presence I felt, and not really there, I spent effort into making moans and grunts to get his attention. He left the room, I woke up, and realized he had gone to work hours before, and that I had missed out on an opportunity to go lucid.

      January 3rd had no dreams, as it was the first day of school and I had to wake up only a few hours after I was used to going to sleep. Three or four hours of sleep + sleeping pills is not conducive to good recall.

      January 4th produced two fairly detailed, if not short dreams, but I've typed too much for today. This weekend I will get it all typed out, and hopefully (likely) go lucid at least once.


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