I just started to decide to take dream journals today. And well I wanted to know what people thought tonight I had two dreams....and they were totally random.....they werent lucid though. Here they are.first I will share a bit about myself.

Well I fantasise...fantasize....w/e alot and well I guess thats good if I want to get into LD'ing. Something I fanta....w/e alot about is Digimon. Childish? No. Cool? Yes. Ive always wanted to have a digimon dream.....for *cough* something ~.^, anyways here are some goals I have....and I wish to be lucid in these said goals.

1. Dream containing Digimon
2. Going on some quest...being like a swordsman, from ragnarok.
3. Flying.
4. Breathing under water/diving into ocean.
5. flying into space.
6. Smex

How many have I achieved? None sadly . But I will continue to try! Please remember comments are welcome and encouraged. Because if you dont comment, I fell as if you are thinking "This guy is a freaking retard, Im not going to waste my energy typing "your stupid""