Since I joined this forum I've already described some of my dreams

The first dream I ever remember having is when I was 6 and I was being chased by 3 lobsters:

Starts off a normal day at primary school. I have to go to lessons and my mum takes the car, and when we get there the inside of the building suddenly seems like home.
I go in and we have to make cakes, and I remember seeing some cakes ready and they made me think of soap. Then I suddenly have this feeling, which I can only describe as the feeling you get when you are late, and I ran down the road and under a 3-wheeled car and past my mother and sisters and some friends doing the washing up WITH CAKES.
Then I feel like I am in danger, and for some reason the thought LOBSTER comes into my head and within a few seconds of that thought 3 red shapes come over the hill.
I run back home and then realise my mistake and try to leave.
I walk in the front porch and try to open the door, then I turn around, and 3 lobsters look at me.
They are about my height and are red all over except for those funny wollen caps you see burglars wear. (NOT BALACLAVAS) and I turn towards the door, then I feel a wollen cloth pulled over my head.
I sink into darkness...and wake up in the safety of my bedroom.

This dream is really weird, and I have only one theory about what caused it; the fact that I remember going the the Sea Life Centre around about the same time and that I saw a lobster in a tank.

Another weird dream I had, which makes me cry, is where I'm stuck in the cloak-room in Primary school (I was about 8 when I had this dream) and my mum was looking for me. I shouted really loud, but she didn't hear me and she left just as I got free and I run into the car park as she left.

I remeber very well waking up crying.

At this point in my memory my dreams are fuzzy and I can't remember very many. Here are a few more that I had before joining DV:

I remember being on this bus that was full of hot tubs and lots of women. VERY inapproptiate.

Another one is when I found myself in this bed (and this is strange because I am not gay) I was on the recieving end of anal sex.
Thankfully I think, if my memory serves my rightly, that I realised that I would never let myself into this situation. I think that this was my first and only partil LD. !!!
Thankfully I;ve never had a dream like that again.

Thursday Night on the 25th January 2007:

I had a dream last night with this weird old-style computer animated person talking to me (as in his face was made up of loads of squares). I when he faced me, he looked like Abraham Lincoln, which makes me thing, hey, isn't he dead! However, before I go lucid he turns around and the back of his head looks like the back of someone I recognises head, and so I do not retain awareness.
I wake up soon after.

Friday Night on 26th January 2007:
NOTE I remember most of the events in the deam but not the chronological order so I am going to say them in the order that just seems right.

I wake up and come downstairs in the kitchen. My mum is making something I don't like for breakfast (this is unusual as I usualluy make my own breakfasy). I look out the window and see a nice beach and a clear bue sea. There are sailing boats as well (WTF! doesn't go lucid).
I alos go into the bathroom, and find that a bottle of soap that has been empty for weeks is full.

Yep these dreams are all pretty weird.