Alright I guess Iwill start up a Dream Journal here at DV. I hope to accomplish a lucid dream and better dream vividness.
Non-Lucids - Black
Lucid - Red
Notes - Green

Alright I have a backlog so I will post those first.


Dream 1

BV, and NC and I are on my bus, Wendy takes us to elementary school. She drives onto the school ground and drives along the perimeter of the school on a dirt path. I see all new equipment: a caged in area with a bike with big tires, a bike where the front tire is in place and you do donuts, soccer balls on field, and where a huge play structure use to be is now a little fort(like a can with a pointed roof that is held up on four legs). While we are on the dirt path(in middle of woods now) we turn onto another dirt path, don’t remember the next bit, but we end up coming onto a main road after we go up a small but very step hill. Then we stop and NC’s Dad comes from behind and NC's old girlfriend gets out and they talk for a bit and he gets off and they go onto another dirt road straight ahead in his dad’s blue bronco? BV and I get dropped off too. Except we now both have four wheelers and we are going along a broad , crushed granite trail and mine stops working. But now BV is Spencer from King of Queens and he tries the pull cord and a little bit of oil sprays out but that’s it. So, I take my rifle(dunno where it came from) and I get on with Spencer we then head back to school and I realize we missed first period (spare) and I am now missing the Physics test. BV and I (he’s back to BV) are 10 minutes late. When we arrive he is reluctant to do the test and goes on the computer. I see RW has done the test and Mrs. M says I have lots of time yet we are 10-15 minutes into the period. I sit down to do the test and the first set of questions comes from reading a poem about a race. I then look at a Vodka bottle for help and I see instructions about on it that says some simple chemical formula for it (a + b -> c) and it says it’s better if you wait 99 years from the time it was made to drink which is called a Hunt. It also has a dorsal picture of a purple shark on it that is a bad photocopy then I wake up. I remember being anxious because I had no idea how to do the test.

I also had another fraction of a dream where I am in a huge cafeteria and it is packed and I go to the girls bathroom (just off of the cafeteria) to get a drink because the water works better. I then talk to a few of the girls sitting against the wall in there for a little bit(forget what I say) then head out.

Another part is we are in the huge cafeteria and me KC, BV and RW who is left out, and a few others are playing a game with malt balls.

I do have a physics test on Mar.08/07 and in the past I haven’t done well although I study so, I assume I am afraid that I am not going to know what is on it.


My class and I were playing dodge ball in the elementary school gym. One net was by the wall of the fountain (cafeteria) and the other was at the other end of the same wall. The net was a basketball net. One person there was NG’s friend. I was lazy so I was sitting by our net with the ball and everyone was around. I would kick the ball to the other end and I would still get it when they tried to take it back to our net. I then get up and run the length jump up kick off the wall, turn to my left and try to dunk, but it gets stuck in the wiring under the net. I then tell CG to jump up to dunk and grab the ball but don’t hang onto the net or he might shatter the backboard. Instead, someone is climbing the wiring and they get the ball.


It starts at night with a dirt and hilly terrain. There is a door made of a strong metal. DMX, his other partner ( dude from cradle 2 the grave?) and I start laying down explosive powder. There is a trip wire somewhere and I almost hit it and I am told to “watch out” by DMX’s partner .
It then switches to me and BV wrestling naked inside the compound area which is a house (2 stories) but we are covering ourselves with one hand while we wrestle. I get the upper hand somehow and I go and get something that I am going to throw at him. I lift it above my head and just before I throw it his mom comes from a room behind me and says something like “don’t throw that at him” and I put it down. Then the steel door at the bottom on the stairs (to my right) blows open. It is night out and I see DMX come through then I wake up.


Dream 1

First dream I really don’t remember much I just remember a really skinny path with very steep slope on either side (almost like crest of a mountain). It is winter because the path is snowy. There is somebody driving a four wheeler on it and then somebody behind him telling him something is wrong or he did something wrong (the lead guy) but I don’t really remember. It involved a 4 letter word but I also do not remember what it is. And at the end somebody was trapped behind a weak wooden gate and they were rescued.

Dream 2

Me and my sister were upstairs playing in some house in a furnished attic like room with an old portable phone on the floor. I think we were playing with the phone too much because he yelled up “next phone call and I’m hanging up” I said he shouldn’t because the next call was going to be the radiologist’s secretary and that she was going to put the radiologist on the line. I then look around the room and see a weird object with rectangular casings at different heights. I realized different sized lip glosses went in their and that if I got them all I would have a cure for my dad’s illness. Next thing I remember is a trying to get all the lip glosses but I was at some entrance to a mansion. But now I was the Simpson family. Anyways they walk through the first opening and then the opening in front of them and the one behind them closes but the gates are really high, plastic, and grated with big diamond shapes. But each gate is a few layers of this plastic. Marge tells Bart to get them out and he climbs up one side and cuts one layer on one side with a knife. The layer he cut was just vertical lines plastic (like prison gates but without the horizontal ones). Then I wake up.

Dream 3

This one involves a man in a bowler’s hat, bifocals, a beige mustache where the ends came off his face, a beige/gray sports jacket, and black slacks. He was also a little overweight. He was on a wharf and he walked up behind a guy who was sitting on the edge. The guy turned around and he was John Stamos. Anyways, the old guy pulled out an old pocket watch and he threw it down like a yo-yo when he did the cover popped open and a penny was falling out he then snapped his wrist up and the penny flew back inside the pocket watch, the watch closed and it went back up to his hand. He did this two or three times. That’s about all I remember. Well he might have done it once more but the penny got away and he started to chase the penny very cartoonishly ( hands stretched out as far as they will go and back bent right over).

I also had another! But I forgot to write it down right away when I woke up and it left me

Note:I watched the tonight show with Jay Leno before I went to bed and he interviewed John Stamos.

Mar. 11/07

Dream 1

We are at BS’s house in the basement. LP and BS are dancing. Although BS doesn’t know it there are two cameras on and RW takes 3 very sexy still photos of her. I remember one photo is like a nude body shot but her left arm is covering her breasts and her right is covering her well you know. The 3 pictures were the only thing in my view and they were kind of rotating (like selecting a weapon in a videogame).

Dream 2

I remember my friends ( I only remember seeing KC and BV) and I going to McDonald’s for Lunch (during school hours). One driver is BV in an SUV and the other is I don’t know but they are driving an SUV also. Anyways after we get out of McDonald’s I see a stray dog walking and he goes to this lady. She doesn’t do anything, then he follows her and jumps in her car. She gets out. Anyways I decide to go with my other friend this time (apparently I went with BV first). But, I see my vice-principle (Mr.M) is going in that one so I decide to go with BV again. It is packed and we are driving back to school. We then see that lady again and apparently, she’s a hitchhiker so BV picks her up and she rides shotgun. Now it is just BV, me and this hitchhiker, who has a slight mustache yet it’s a woman. She starts talking crazy and I say we should drop her off but she threatens to open the door and jump. At this point I am scared. I look down at the clock and it says 11: 59 am apparently lunch gets over at 12. So I tell BV to hurry and he starts to speed. We are just out of the intersection by the mall and taking a left but then a cop car comes out of nowheres from behind with the sirens on and one in front of us comes out of a speed trap area ( he was on our right). Anyways BV pulls over but, he turns sharply left and pulls over on the left side of the road! Three cops come over and tell him to get out and I want to get out because of the crazy lady so I try to open the side door (in a van now, like a box one) but the male cop says one person at a time so I wait. When it is my turn, I haul ass getting out and I start talking about this crazy lady and how she is crazy and fucking suicidal and I want her gone. I am hysterical by now: pulled over, late for class, crazy homeless lady with us. The scene then switches to my house and the three cops are there but not in uniform. The male has like an open plaid button up shirt with a white shirt underneath and longish wavy hair and in jeans. The female is wearing a red skirt down to about the knees, a read top (like a vest?), and dark red hair with the hairstyle of Anna from the tekken games. Don’t really get a view at all of the third female cop just like a very blurry outline. But from what I can tell she looks like Catherine off of CSI: LV (new episodes) because of the hair. It gets a bit foggy here (my memory) but I have three cats and it is now like the mother cat is possessed but with the crazy old lady. The cat is freaking out like attacking everything very savagely. She goes under a bench and the male cop bends down to try and get her but she runs out and starts running from one length of the house to the other. She eventually gets out the front door and comes back with blood just under her chin like she killed something. I think she was looking for the father of her cats or something I am not sure, but that’s all I remember. My longest dream I remember yet.

Note 1: I also had a dream fragment but I am not sure if it is connected to the previous dream at the beginning or not. But it goes:
Me and a group of people are at the rotary track at the elementary school, going around on bikes in the winter and I was the third to go.
Note 2: I went to BS’s house for my friends party that night. My longest dream yet and one of my most vivid next to my first one with the bus and physics.


I was at my grandparent’s house near the bathroom and I am looking at something and my grandfather says jokingly, “you know what a razor looks like?” Then I was in the junk room there except it was bigger and there was a bed on it. On the bed were Kevin Federline and I. He was shot in the arm. He was telling a story about how someone (or maybe it was him?) faked getting shot but then they accidentally shot themselves. Anyways, he wanted me to call 911.
I then remember a soccer ball hitting my cat in the head that is in a rocking chair at our house and eventually died (which I thought was real but apparently wasn’t). It then happened in real life (still my dream) with a soccer ball hitting him in the head. I started to bawl my eyes out because I knew he was going to die and my mom came over and comforted me and asked what was wrong but I just kept bawling as I was very upset that my cat was going to die.


I dreamed I was in our house but the kitchen was a little different the box behind the door that always holds boots has been replaced with a section of the counter but lower in height. My sister was sitting there playing one of those really fat game boys. Anyways, I left the house to go to the bus stop but where the path meets the small hill there was a little fawn. I was surprised because it got so close to me so I was wondering where the mother was. It turns out that the deer was only a few meters away and it was dead but, from no apparent cause. I felt quite sad as I hate the death of animals. So, I went down to ask my dad what to do and he said put him in the woods. I end up maneuvering the little fawn onto the back lawn then onto the other path in the woods. I wake up here. Now that I think back, the little fawn looked more like a kid (baby goat).


I only remembered a dream fragment last night. I walked into a kitchen with the entrance on the side. I looked left (toward the 3rd person perspective) and I saw a dead body. That’s what was being focused on and I remember the eyes being wide open along with the mouth and there was blood coming out of the corners of the person’s mouth.