The Soaring Boat. - Normal Dream

I was with my neighbor in his skiing boat out on the lake, and this little kid that was with us decides that he needs to show us where he wants to go. He shows us this little spot, about 1 mile away, that leads to a city. Well my neighbors dad decides to let the kid drive the way to the city. He hits the throttle to the max for about ten seconds, then i see it. A ramp about 25 feet tall dead ahead of us, I put my hands over my face, and i get an aerial view of the boat soaring in the air. I DO A REALITY CHECK, BUT I DO NOT REALIZE THAT I AM IN A DREAM! and then I woke up.

The Wave Runners - Normal Dream

I am with the same friend on a dock, just getting off the boat, I guess my mind was still tripping out from soaring in the air on a boat...and we get on two Wave Runners. We go skipping across the water, full throttle of a couple of wakes, then i spot it. A HUGE wave coming dead for us. If you have ever been to sand dunes, this wave looked like one, in the water. (Keep in mind, that we are in a lake.) I point it out to my friend, and he says that it is normal, and goes racing off towards it. I of course, am hesitant of this, and stay put for a while, while my friend climbs up the beast of a wave, i see it coming closer to me, and i wake up.

The Rude Friend. - Normal Dream

I am in biology class, and one of my friends come up to me and says that i am very rude. He walks away, and the class is staring at me. He leaves the room, and then everyone tells me in unison "It's ok, everyone hates him anyways".

Camera Trick. - Normal Dream

Another one of my good friends comes over to my house, with a video camera in his hands. He shows me this trick of his, that you wave your hands in front of the camera, and it makes this weird visual effect on the camera. Then my dad comes down from upstairs, and tells me that we are going camping. I look outside and i see his truck hooked up to the trailer in the backyard, and i'm thinking to myself, how the hell did he get that back there. (There is no way for him to get the truck back there.) and then i wake up.

The Hockey Rink. - Normal Dream

I was in the middle of a hockey rink, with this announcer guy, There are teams all around us being held in cages. The announcer then yells out, "Let the next two teams out"! The teams come skating out onto the ice, and there are two hockey pucks released. The first team to score a goal wins cried out the announcer. The whole red team skates for a puck, and one member from the white team skates for the same puck. The member from the white team causes some controversy over the red team and the puck. Meanwhile the white team has just scored a goal, winning them the game. The red team went back into the cage, while they watched the white team shoot pucks into the net. Then i woke up from that dream.

The Attacking Wolf. - Normal Dream

I was inside my old house on a farm. One of my brothers present friends was outside TXTing on his phone. I whip out my video camera(lol) and start video taping outside. I kinda get bored with video taping, so me and my brother go outside and sit on the step in front of the door. I see something moving out by the barn, and a gray wolf, leaps out of the darkness and scares the bajeebees out of me. I grab my brother by the back of his shirt, and pull him inside, and slam the door on the wolfs face. Last thing i remember was me breathing heavily. Then i woke up.

I can remember waking up and being thirsty, but i did not want to walk downstairs and get a drink, so i decided to go back to sleep.

The Magical Spell. - Normal Dream

I wake up, and i am on the shore of a beach, dying of thirst. i see some kind of person coming towards me, and casting a spell on me, saying some kind of gibberish and all of the sudden, my thirst was gone. I try to ask the person a question, but he just smiles at me, and looks away, and starts walking down the beach.

I took 1 100mg tablet of B6 right before i went to bed last night. here are the results.

The Epic Fight - Normal Dream

I was with both of my friends, at my old neighbors house, which i have now recognized as a dream sign. His friends and some kids that go to their school, clashed into a fight. There were knives and the whole lot of weapons their. I backed away, and ran towards my house in fright. My friends also retreated to my home. We were walking into the front door, and all of the sudden, they start yelling at each other. They bring their feud out to the grass and start punching each other over the face, and in the stomach. All of the sudden, one of my friends drop. the other friend goes down to check his pulse, and he looks up at me with the most serious face i have ever seen in my life. He said to me, "I think i just killed him." He drags the body out onto the street, and runs inside to safety. We sit down on the couch and don't say a word to each other, then we hear some sirens. We look out the front window to my house, and we see my friend laying on the street, with a whole bunch of firefighters around him. He gets up slowly but surely, and walks to the ambulance. Then i woke up.

The Horrible Computer. - Normal Dream

One of my friends was over, playing The World of Warcraft, on my crappy computer. He was showing me something that was going wrong, and i ask him, "do you want to go on the better computer in my room?" He stares blankly at me, and says, "why didn't you tell me you had a better computer before?" I try to tell him that he wasn't paying attention to me earlier, but he interrupts me. "No, thats it I'm out of here." he shouted. he left my house stomping on the floor.

Open your Bible to the Book of Cory. - Normal dream into a lucid dream

I was sitting in English class minding my own business, when this kid in there asks' me to open my Bible to the book of Galatians. I pull out my bible, flip through the pages, and i can't find it. Then he asks' me to go to the book of Cory. I think to myself, What did he just say?, there is no book of Cory in the bible. So i do a reality check just to be sure, i'm not dreaming. I do the nose reality check, while i shut my eyes, and sure enough, i notice for the first time that I am in a lucid dreams. I fell my stomach turn, and i open my eyes, and i see pitch black. NOTE* - When I first heard of lucid dream's I decided that i would go to my friend's house, and tell him that he was in a dream, and see what happens. So i close my eyes, and say to myself, When i open my eyes, i will be in front of his house. I open up my eyes, and i see black, i try it again, but still no luck. So i thought to myself, screw this, lets try some flying action in this lucid dream of mine. I shut my eyes, and say to myself, When i flex the muscles in my body, I will hover in the air. I open my eyes, and flex the muscles, and i just start floating in the air. I stop flexing, and i will go down. I started to get excited at the thought that i have finally done something worth while in my lucid dream, that i start to lose my vision, and i wake up.