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    Thread: Dean's Journal

    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2007
      Wednesday, 2th of may 2007:

      Dream 1:

      I went to visit a friend in Hyderabad, India (this is the third time I had a dream featuring him and the second time I went to visit him.),

      We went on some sort of airplane called "the sundae" (I got the sundae name from a brand of ice cream over at McDonald's , where I went yesterday at a friend's party).

      At first we got kicked out because mum opened the window of the airplane, but I persuaded the stewardess. The airplane itself was kind of odd, because there was no "ground", your legs would float in the air. We passed Morocco and what I remember is that the landscape looked a lot like our place, the trees next to the river, etc.

      I also remember noticing that it smelled SO nice, the flowers smelled very nice (we passed a flower field), mum said they smelled even better than normal.

      After that I somehow became afraid I wouldn't find the home of my friend, and I somehow let my spirit (in the dream), or my little brother (I'm not sure), IM him if his home was close to the airport.

      After that I can't remember much more

      Dream 2:

      Another friend of mine was somehow blind, and there was this very large room at school which looked like a cinema viewing room. (I went to the cinema yesterday), somehow there was a program running and my friend decided to hack into it, and found some cool code, when he "looked closer" he could somehow see again,

      I do remember finding it strange that he could look at the code and then become able to see again?!, since you can't see anything when you're blind and I think I even asked/told someone that.

      After that I just remember that the teachers got really angry (one of these is my teacher in real life), and that the road home was really dark

      Older dreams worth noting:

      Dream 3 (somewhere last week):

      This is one of the coolest dreams I've ever had:

      It was a dream about Tsjernobyl, the reactor exploded and everybody ran, but somehow police gathered around the area and sprayed some kind of substance on everybody that passed. I remember panicking and searching for a way to escape.

      For some reason there were also rich people in the area with servants and I believe they wanted to "enslave" the survivors of the disaster. I walked into one of their houses and was almost caught, I then stole one or 2 of their horses and got the hell out of there. The owners chased me throughout the dream, after that I hid in several Inn's, always under the table cloth, and what was odd was the fact that they could see me but did not respond to me, (they always sat on the couch right across).

      I remember that the last part took place on my own street in real life but an altered version.
      The street let to 2 roads, South America on the left and if you kept going straight you would end up in North America.

      I went to the north, they went to the south I think.

      Also: The entire dream was in some sort of cowboy/wild western theme.

      Dream 4:

      Me and a friend were playing on the computer when all of a sudden I saw something coming through the door, I looked and 2 men in black clothes pushed me and my friend to the ground, they sliced my ribs and I woke up.


    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2007
      2 More dreams :

      Dream 1:

      I warned my familly that the temperatures in 10/20 years would like 50 degrees,
      I then went a sort of timemachine and jumped ahead like 10 years.

      At that time my mum and dad were devorced and the temperatures were indeed higher.
      Everyone was also asking me where I had been for the last ten years etc.

      My sister wanted to bring mum and dad back together and suggested we went fishing,

      A little while later I remember I was in this house and my other little sister got really sick and "The game" (Rapper) saved her life somehow.

      Dream 2:

      I don't remember much about this dream, just that it had Paris Hilton in it and she had these cards on which I could choose someone whom I could meat (celeberety's). And she wanted to go somewhere with an ocean or something.

      Dream 3:

      I remember I a was working on a gameengine (which I really am btw), and there was this enemy which had some kind of disease, and couldn't see properly. I laughed at him and somehow he infected me and I got eyeproblems aswell.
      I remember we were on some kind of ship btw.

      Can't recall much after that.


    3. #3
      Join Date
      May 2007
      3 Dreams last night, but I forgot 1 lol:


      This was a nightmare, we stayed in this neighborhood which had a number of killers.
      I don't remember alot about the dream but I do remember that a few people were captured by the killers, including my little bro and sis (and tortured). I also remember we were on this roof, with some dogs and my little sis wanted to run away for some reason.

      2: I had a child, but my parents were traumatised because their own child died because of themselfs.
      They had a pool next to the living room with sharks in it, one day their own child (a girl) was killed by the sharks.
      The mother had been severely traumatised since and refused to get help, I did not want to raise my child in such an environment.

      Then we were on some kind of mountain, some sort of theme park.
      I then played basketball with my son (he was 4 years old and almost 2 meters long).

      I also went on a rollercoaster with him, and he didn't like that at first because it was to rough for him.

      After that my mum walked out of a tent with a ring with the NOD symbol and Kane on it,
      (It's a faction out of the C&C franchise).

      I asked if the merchant had another but she said no (not that specific one), and she offered some others,
      I then said which one I really wanted and she began hand painting it,

      I don't remember much after.

      3: Forgot this one



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