Wed 6/6/07
I dream I am in Turkey. I actually traveled to Turkey in 1989 spending two months traveling up and down the Mediterranean coast line. Not unlike my actual trip my dream is convoluted and meanders through the dreamscape. There is also a sense of “uneasiness,” that prevails throughout.

There are Turkish people in my dream; they seem to like me and treat me with a sense of deference. I am with a family in their home. They accept me as a traveler in their country and I try to respect them and their customs. Someone wants me to do something for them. They want me to purchase a doll and an electronic component. The component is either a capacitor or a transducer. I don’t remember which one. I am worried about this. I don’t feel comfortable buying the items. I feel like I am being used to procure materials for a terrorist attack. The dream continues to unfold but it never occurs to me that I might be dreaming.

The dreamscape changes: I am in an office building. I have my own office but don’t seem to know what my employment entails. Across the hallway is another office: Office of Turkish Security! I decide to tell them of my concerns.

The dreamscape changes: It’s a lovely evening scene of a sidewalk. The sidewalk is lined with trees. At last it occurs to me that I am dreaming. I am on my back. I feel as though I am having an out of body experience. As I focus on the scene I feel as though I am rising up and yet at the same time, sliding on my back over the sidewalk. As I rise up the branches of the trees scrape my face. I raised my arm to protect my face. I break through the trees and immediately faced with the sharp outline of a gigantic window shaped like a Cathedral. It’s almost like looking at just the frame of the window but there is no glass. I pass through the huge structure and remember that I want to “experience the divine.” It’s too late. I am beginning to lose my grip/control of the dream. I am beginning to awaken but before I do I receive a strong visual, of a youngish woman from the waist up. She is leaning on a windowsill looking out. She is about twenty-five to thirty years old with olive skin and lovely doe eyes. Her hair is curly and shoulder length. She almost looks Greek. She wears a forlorn expression on her face. It is almost like she is a prisoner but that could be my own projection. The dream ends.

Did I experience the Divine? If so it was not what I at all expected. Was the young woman an expression of this quest? Does she represent the Divine as a feminine presence that is imprisoned within myself and can only see out the window of my eyes?
