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    1. #1
      Member texaspyro's Avatar
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      Aug 2006

      Texaspyro's dream journal

      Alright, time to start a dream journal.
      Let's see, this last night I had a lucid, I remember that before the lucid I was roaming about in a T72 tank. I have a shit load of russian gear on me and I was just yelling at people over a loud speaker.

      It then seems like I was teleported home. I remember being very upset that all my gear and my fucking tank was gone. In any case, I figured that I needed about 20USD to get it all back, how I figured that, i'll never know.

      So, I get a job, I remember first going to it. I went to my garage I think, and I started punching holes in paper...

      That was my job I guess.

      I went back into the house to go to the bathroom and I grabbed my cat. I took my cat into the bathroom and set her down. I then moved to the toilet and looked out of the window. The moon took up about half the god damn sky lol.

      This is when I realised "Hey, I am dreaming! " At that point I thought to myself "Let's see shall we?" (I have very realistic dreams as far as visuals go, everything is very clear.) I looked down at my hand and waved my other hand over it and a hand gun magically appeared in my hand! I thought "Wow, that was easy!" and I aimed the weapon and fired it into a tv that had suddenly appeared in the room.

      My attention then turned to the fact that I had access to any girl I wanted so I tried to make one appear. Didn't work. I tried closing my eyes and waving my hands like an idiot. Nothing worked.

      Eventually I lost lucidity and woke up with an urge to piss.

      I think next time i'll try using the Gmod menu to "spawn" things in my dreams.
      I saw someone talking about using a controller of some sort so I think the Gmod menu might work pretty well.

    2. #2
      Member texaspyro's Avatar
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      Ok, let's see, got a few dreams to record.

      First one last night was wierd as hell, all I remember was I was going down a road, houses on each side, it seemed like there was something wrong.
      It seems like I remember something about fire, or something very destructive.
      As I was riding down the road I could see people I knew by there houses, but they were not moving, they were just standing there, looking terribly sad as they watched me move by. It was very odd, I also remember everything being in a shell shaded/anime type style.

      The last lucid dream I had was kind of odd too. I need to work on prolonging the dream and controlling my surroundings. I was in a shop, like academy or something when I became lucid. I had a gun in my hand, it was a revolver and I remember slowly bringing the hammer back slowly to see if I could hear it. I think I could. I lost lucidity shortly there after though.

      Oh, and one other one last night, I was playing red orchestra, but I was in the game. It was pretty insane, I was shooting russians and they kept on firing back with something that looked like and panzerfaust merged with a panzerschreck, it sounded like a machine gun when fired even though it only fired one, albeit large, projectile. I remember chasing down a russian who had one, and I had picked up an SVT 40 earlier and I was pointing it at the door, trying to yell at him to surrender. Then I think another russian jumped out and shot me, I then respawned but the dream also ended.

    3. #3
      Member texaspyro's Avatar
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      Aug 2006


      Alright so, got a new one. Not lucid but pretty damn interesting.
      So, awhile back I played the game fear, but oddly enough, I find the girl in the game "Alma" to be god damn adorable. I guess that's why this dream was the way it was.

      I am not sure how the dream started, all I know was I found myself in kind of a hallway maze. Alma was appearing in front of us every so often and the grim reaper was chasing us and her. Alma at this point is still a ghost so we can't really help her, we are running through this maze and we come to the occasional ghost which seems to want to harm us. We are all armed with remington 870s and mossberg 590 SP shotguns, so we blow the things apart. We keep running through the maze untill we notice these small white rooms. We decide to go into one and see what is in them. I find a doorway in one and I go inside, I turn a corner and there she is, Alma, not in her little girl form but as a young woman, 18-19 years old. I grab her and tell her to come with us, she follows. The grim reaper seams to be getting close, anything he touches would evaporate into this fine black mist.

      So, we keep running, not really knowing where we are going, we get to some point and theres some ammo so we reload. I had a side saddle on my shotgun but looking back it was fucking huge. Could fit like 20 shells which is completely unrealistic but I didn't seem to notice.

      So, we get to this large room and I go up the stairs, there is the thing... like this floating black pocket in space. It moves towards me and I fire but it just moves. I am not sure why but I then run at it and rifle butt the fucker. Of course it doesn't do anything and the thing gets close to me and then just disappears. At this point I figure, these things can't hurt us, all except the grim reaper, which I have an idea in the back of my head is getting closer and closer.

      We keep running and notice us passing the small white rooms. We figure that we should go into another one and see if there are any passages in it. We do and, of course, there is. We run like mad, knowing that the reaper is close behind us. Some of us lag behind, Alma and I are side by side through the whole ordeal. We get to a room, a dead end, but we don't see it as that. We somehow know that if we get everyone in this room that we will be safe.

      Alma and I get into the room along with a few others. I see that not everyone is there so I go back to look for any stragglers, I find two and we shag ass back to the room, with the reaper right behind us. We all pile into the room and I turn around to see the reaper reaching for me, we all get out of there just as the reaper touches my shirt, I wake up with no shirt.

      It seems like I awoke in a college or something, Alma and I walk down the hall, I without a shirt, and walk by my english teacher Mrs. Heatly, We chat with her a bit and then we go inside the class room, I am freezing. I find some old russian badges and I ask if alma knows what they mean. I remember for some reason thinking that Alma spoke russian. She sais she doesn't know but they are very expensive in Germany. And that's where it ends.


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