• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member Swesent's Avatar
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      Swesent's Blockbusters

      I have decided to picking up my Dream Journal keeping again. I did it for a while before but stopped due to lack of time and motivation I think. This night I failed to wake (myself) up in the "between movie breaks", I just slept through the night. But since I am, and always have been, an early morning person (and maybe due to the "training" I've had before), I managed to remember two dreams very distinctively as I woke up.

      So sit back, relax and enjoy the show at the Swesent Mindmovie Theatre!
      These movies are rated 'E' for Everyone.

      "Back to school" (2007-07-20)

      I found myself at the entrance level of my former highschool as it once looked like when I went there. My clothes were a bit on the nicher, lighter and more summer, last day of school before summer, side. (Everyone was dressed up like we gathered for the last day before summer, and not to begin our autumn term, which was the case.)

      It was only my class there. Even though I could not recognize a few of the students spread out over the school's first two floors, it felt as if they all were classmates of mine. The air inside was cool and a very nice contrast to the warm weather outside. I could see my friends spreaded out over the area and I nodded to a couple of them as I walked accross the polished stone floor in my black, nicer than everyday, shoes.

      Suddenly I found myself downstairs, on the bottom floor, right outside the dining room with a bunch of other people. There was also some older guy there who carried a few papers, who seemed to be the one who was going to check that all of us were there. He suddenly told everyone who were down there to gather up so he could tick off the present students. He noted my presence amongst the first few and since many of my friends were on the second floor, I decided that I should go and tell them to get down here so they wouldn't miss the procedure.

      I then found myself climbing the stairs to the second floor and then walking around up there, telling people that the headcount had started. Some little heavier guy in wet-combed black short hair, white shirt and black pants and shoes acted quite surprised that they had already begun.

      Next thing I know, I'm walking over to my old desk (where I used to sit) in a certain classroom. Inside are many of my classmates doing whatever. Some sitting by their desks, many are talking and joking with eachother, some are rumbling through their backpacks (girls looking for their makeup kits and brushes - people puting away their MP3-players etc). In the classroom was also one of my teachers - an older lady - but I can not get a positive ID on her. She told me specifically that I should have my old seat in there, whilst she were browsing through some papers in her folder.

      There's where the dream seems to stop. An over alll pleasant dream with my friends inside a very sparingly populated highschool as it once looked before they renovated and rebuilt it later on.

      "Puddlewreck and anger" (2007-07-20)

      I found myself at home, in our smaller house where we lived for many years before our latest move. Rooms and layout were quite a bit distorted but still I knew that it was my once Home Sweet Home. I was inside my little brother's room (he is six years younger than me) and he was there with me, and we were doing some random pottering - can't remember exactly what though.

      Suddenly he, judging by the tone of his voice in his remark, quite annoyed, mentions something about a very unnecessary purchase I had done many years back - where I supposedly had bought a very expensive card for a trading card game (something I have not done in RL). I could tell he was annoyed - not for his own sake, but for some reason because my g/f was currently short on cash. It was like he meant that if I had not bought that trading card many years back, I would have alot more money now thus my g/f wouldn't be in such a cash crisis. (Don't ask me about the relationship and connections in this though??!)

      I just keep my mouth shut at his remarks - but he keeps nagging about it and suddenly I tell him off in a somewhat high voice. When doing so, our mother comes to the door and aid me by telling my brother to let it go and stop the fuzzing.

      Now, somewhere prior to this, our mum had made my brother upset because she had baked something and put WAAY too much filling on whatever it was (some pie of some sorts). (I'm guessing he got mad about her not following the recipe since he actually studied cooking and stuff in highschool in RL.)

      So now, angry and upset about having been told off by both me and our mother, he bolts out of the room over to the stove (which I could barely see from within my brother's room) on which there was an enormous pot filled with pizza-stuffing (mainly a mix of warm, but not yet melted, pieces of cheese and ham). (I figure I got that part from the fact that we had pizza for dinner that day.)

      Anyway, my brother picks up this quite large plate with a baked out pizza-dough on it, he then takes a large ladle and violently starts to dip it in the pot and throw on piles and piles of stuffing on that pizza - at a very fast rate! No-one says anything, we just watch him go on and on with that ladle, and once he has a pile of stuffing, almost as tall as himself (which he managed to accomplish astonishingly quickly) he shouts (probably intended for our mum); "What is wrong with this picture?!?" in a very mad tone.

      Next thing I know, me and my mum were standing by our front door, which has a quite large window on it. Both of us looking through that window, we see a perfect summer day (the outside view is how it looks like from the apartment where I now live btw, and not what it looked like from my old family home in RL). The sun is shining and the entire yard is made of asphalt, except for a smaller 30 x 30 square of grass. What's strange about this is that this square of grass has a very very spread out puddle of water in it, almost covering 1/3 of the small grass field.

      Next comes a dark blue Volvo with a younger couple inside (the guy is driving) and it's going at a very high speed. As the car comes speeding towards the puddle, the driver speeds up even more, going insanely fast considering the second apartment's wall they have sitting infront of them merely a few feet after that grass and puddle. Suddenly my mum says; "Oh no, he's going to try to drive over the puddle!"

      I was quite surprised, cause I didn't see the horror in this. I mean, it was just a puddle?! No, this guy was going to get totally wrecked coming right into the brick wall ahead of them! The car enters the puddle... then, coming no longer than half-way over the puddle, the car's front begins to sink rapidly in the puddle - and its speed coming to a full stop btw. I felt even more surprised now having witnessed this non-expected event. The guy who was driving managed to exit the vehicle instantaneously, but the woman had a bit more difficult time to get out of there. At a point I felt an impulse rushing out there to help them but I hesitated.

      Next thing I know I'm sitting in the kitchen - me alone. And it must have been a friday because my mum is always home on fridays and only my dad goes to work. Now he had just gotten home and came into the kitchen and begun comlaining about a bad smell coming from the large cage I had there with a few pets, as well as from a couple of not so recently cleaned kitten litter box thing (you know, where your in-door cats make their business - don't know the word for it). (I can connect that part though with me actually cleaning out those in RL that morning in RL.)

      That's when I woke up.
      Even though I tried to induce some lucid dreaming, it didn't happen this time.
      Maybe if I had managed to see the strange thing with that puddle, or maybe with the fact that my old highschool looked like it did several years ago (considering I WORK there every day now) - I could have begun questioning something. But I swallowed everything on that plate.

      (Comments and suggestions of improvement are greatly appreciated!)

    2. #2
      Member Swesent's Avatar
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      Jul 2007
      I can only recall one dream for this past night. Since I have da misses sleeping next to me, I'm having some trouble waking myself up in the middle of the night using alarmclocks and the like. I just have to trust that I'll at least remember some tiny portion when I wake up...

      This movie is rated 'E' for Everyone.

      "Crowded holiday celebration" (2007-07-21)

      I'm in this large yellow-tiled room which reminds me of a pre locker room inside a big swimming-hall facility. There are plenty of people in here, both ones I know and people I have never met before. It is a gathering for a holiday celebration - that's one thing I already knew as soon as I got there. I was accompanied by someone I know too, probably a close friend - can't identify him/her though since he/she was always a step infront of me as we pushed through the crowds.

      It was a yellow and well-lit room and everyone was wearing different clothes. Some peeps only wearing shirt/pants/socks and some completely dressed for being outside on a cold winter's day. As we approached a second smaller room, I stumbled upon a younger kid who I got to know when I was working as a teacher's assistant in a sixth-grade class a couple of years ago.

      We said hello to eachother and stood there talking for a brief moment. I kinda wanted to check how things were going and such. Whilst we stood there talking, a door opened on the other side of the room. Someone either went in or came out through the door. Beside that door was an actual locker room - a typical one to be found at an indoor swimming-pool facility.

      Now, before the door closed again, I could see one of my own old classmates standing there next to a locker, getting dressed after having showered off from a recent swimsession. For a brief moment, I felt - in this non-lucid dream - that something was off. I got the feeling that something wasn't quite right due to the fact that this kid I was talking to, and my own classmate I just saw - they did NOT go in the same class!

      Sure, in reality it wouldn't be so strange to see two people of different ages who I both know at the same location - but in this dream it almost became a sign for me that it was wrong, in some way. Had I primed myself more to question weird things in my dreams, THAT would have been the moment for me to become lucid - but the opportunity slipped by as the door closed, I said goodbye to the kid and proceeded into the next room.

      The next room was just as crowded and on the far end I could se someone dressed up as Santa and that's when I realized that the holiday celebration was for Christmas Eve.

      That's when I woke up this time.

      What I have learned from this dream is to try and focus myself on questioning stuff in my dreams. I will try to accomplish this by doing a Reality Check every time I experience the slightest thing out of the ordinary in RL. May it be a car honking in the distance, a bird passing by closer than usual, our cats doing something out of the ordinary... anything at all!

      I know I had my chance... I blew it, and next time I'll try to be better prepared!
      Last edited by Swesent; 07-22-2007 at 09:29 AM. Reason: Layout correction

    3. #3
      Member Swesent's Avatar
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      Jul 2007
      Only one dream this night too - although it was a longer one than usual. Unfortunately I can't remember all the details exactly but I'll try my best.

      This movie is rated 'E' for Everyone.

      "The wait for the dead" (2007-07-22)

      I'm in the outskirts of this old run down prairie-town located on a very small hillside along the shoreline of an actual place from the MMORPG "World of Warcraft" called "Westfall". (No, it's not "Moonbrook" for those of you who are into this game, this was a slightly different town, somewhat smaller but with the overall same look and feel to it.)

      There weren't many people in this town - maybe seven - eight villagers tops. I remember having been talked into dressing up as and impersonating a standard "Texas" kinda lookish cop in order to have full and free access to entering, roaming around and leaving the town. My visiting this town had something to do with zombies roaming that place at night - but I'm not clear as of what specific purpose I had there. Maybe I was just assigned to go there and observe or maybe to help killing off a few in an attempt to keep the infestation under control.

      As I entered the town I remember spoting a real, female, sheriff/cop standing beside her very white and recently washed cop car (surprisingly clean considering the sandy and dusty surroundings). I passed her about 20 feet away and we might have nodded to eachother as a polite "Hi" from one cop to another. I just wanted to get away from her because strangely enough, at that moment, I was more afraid that she was going to notice that I was impersonating an officer and what consequences that might bring, than running into any zombies.

      It feels a bit weird but I wasn't actually very afraid of the zombie-thing even though I knew how dangerous and scary such creatures can be - especially if ran into at night. Now it was only in the middle of the afternoon though as I swept through the swinging doors into the saloon. In my hands I suddenly carried a large rifle, if maybe not even a shotgun - it just materialized as I was about to enter the building. Something that I, annoyingly enough, did not find at all strange considering it would have been a perfect spot to realize I was dreaming.

      Suddenly the dream shifts and it's nighttime. I'm lying in a somewhat comfortable bed on what feels to be the second story of the saloon which I just entered. It was kinda like a false dream awakening. That would also have been a perfect spot for a programmed RC but oooh no - no allowing of any lucidness tonight! I remember thinking to myself; "Well, now it's in the middle of the night. The zombies should be up and running by now." But that didn't scare me - the fact that a zombie could come stumbeling through the doorway at any moment, that didn't even worry me at all.

      As I carefully lifted the quilt I could se (and feel) a grey hairy rat running down to the foot-end of the bed. Maybe a little bit unsetteling but nothing that made me want to hurry out of bed.

      And slowly I woke up. (I'm thinking at just the right time before this dream started to transform into a real nightmare - although, when thinking about it, it must have been several months - if not even more than a full year, since I had any nightmares.) Kinda miss the rush a little, to be honest. I mean, I like to get a good scare every now and then from a B-horror movie - why not nightmares...

      This night I had one semi-perfect spot to become lucid with the rifle suddenly appearing in my hands from nowhere and another ideal moment as I woke up in the bed on the second floor. If I only had a more rootened habit of doing an RC as soon as I wake up...

    4. #4
      Member Swesent's Avatar
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      This morning I have the luxury of remembering what feels to be my "main" dream for the night and a tiny fraction from another. I am also extremely interested in learning how to WILD but I doubt I'll be able to for a while since I have my g/f right beside me and she turns around quite a bit when going to sleep, so I can't really lay there uninterrupted for long. Today I'll buy a box with some vitamin pills covering all the vitamins on the B-scale. Was it B6 and B12 which were good for dream recall (and I'm guessing a normal day's dosage of the rest of them B's won't hurt me either). Kinda curious how long it will take before they start to give any noticeable effect - I'm guessing at least a couple of days...
      Something interesting to look forward to nevertheless.

      This movie is rated 'E10' for Everyone +10 containing mild and suggestive violence.

      "Jurassic menace" (2007-07-23)

      I'm inside a breeding- and laboratory facility together with my parents, little brother and my g/f. It looks like your average high-tech facility seen in recent movies, pretty much similar to the ones found in the original Jurassic Park movie. With us is also one additional guy who seems to be a hunter of some sorts - I guess he could be some "Dr. Alan Grant" substitute, equipped with a rifle of some sorts. (It has been YEARS since I last saw ANY of the Jurassic movies btw.) There with us were also my g/f's collie and one of our two in-door cats.

      All of us were wearing light body armor (but only chest armor, nothing for our legs and only regular boots). You see, the trouble with this place is that it had been overrun by some pretty intense and fighsty dark-striped orange dinosaurs - something similarly shaped as the Tyranno- ones. These little fierce critters were two-legged, between 4 - 6 feet tall, very muscular and powerful and equipped with very sharp claws and teeth.

      The rest of us were equipped with smaller side-arms which we did not hesitate to use every once in a while. As all of us were spread out (me and my g/f sticking together) I remember thinking about our poor cat - it seemed HIGHLY unlikely that these flesh-seeking creatures would leave her alone. Just then, I saw her trotting by a doorway with the looks of being in total controll of the situation and not at all scared or hunted. That calmed my worries down a bit and I knew that our little cat could take care of herself.

      All the rooms and hallways were well lit and suddenly I can see one of these mini-dinos taking a leap at me. They usually tried to attack our legs/thighs and I wanted to keep it from doing so. I had already had a couple of bites from them - luckily enough their teeth, allthough razor-sharp, were very short and their jaws not very strong so they did not cause any fatal damage upon biting you - but it still hurts like h*ll!

      I bent down and put my right hand up against the incoming critter's chest, feeling the strong pull from it trying to get within biting distance to me. Within seconds I managed to lift up the dino, holding the squirmly thing in mid-air and I remember standing there thinking about if I should throw it into the wall a few feet away, with all my strength (maybe to conserve ammo or something, I don't know). But I was unsure wether it would be a strong enough impact to kill it or just hurt it mildly/severly. For some reason I did not want the thing to suffer either. And before making up my mind, the dream shifts and I found myself inside what seemed to be a hotel room with all this surveillance stuff in it.

      My whole family and my g/f was there with me as well as some surveillance experts who were sitting at a table filled with monitors, computers and all kinds of high-tech equipments. Suddenly I was given an assignment... The survey team, together with my parents, told me that I had to enter that breeding-facility and make my way to the furthest room within it, to press three power-switches in order to activate the entire complex - which, in turn, would help someone with something. The cameras showed that the entire place was pitch-black (not well-lit as before) and somehow I no longer had any clue whatsoever about these loose dinos, how they behaved or how threatening they were, even though I had just been there!!

      And it was only I who could do this since both my parents were occupied with something as well as my cousin (whenever he came up on the table) (and of course I wasn't going to allow my g/f to go in there instead of me) - seems like only ONE person could do this mission btw... I remember feeling very anxious about this - I knew that I could easily get very scared in there - all black and everything - but sure, if I really put my mind into pulling myself together and concentrating, I thought I could maybe do it.

      I asked about the lack of light in there and was instantly informed that I were to be outfitted with night-vision goggles. Later on I asked my father what to expect in there, how dangerous those creatures would be. He didn't answer but went into a walk-in closet and shut the door behind him - I figured he was going to get something... Here's a REALLY weird part - only a few seconds later he comes out of the closet again wearing some redicullous outfit, goofing around, carrying a camera. A behaviour I could never in my real life see happening, EVER! I almost got physically SICK watching him as he fooled around a bit before sitting down on a couch beside me, still carrying the video cam.

      My best guess was that he wanted to draw my thoughts and attention elsewhere in order to stop worrying about the mission to come. He then pressed play on the camera to show me what had been recorded - I thought they had actually recorded the baby-dinos so I could get some clue as to what they looked like and how they behaved. Of course it began with a couple of commercials which were followed by a completely black recording (since the entire facility was in a lack of light) - so watching that didn't help me much.

      The dream shifts for a third time and I find myself outside some house/room rental Inn-complex together with what seemed to be our entire bunch of relatives. It was night-time and the entire area was in a very greenish glow. Most of us sat around a few wooden table-combined benches just having a merry time. Drinking beers, talking, joking, laughing... I knew that this was some strange sort of celebration- / farewell party before I were to be sent out on this power activation mission...

      THAT'S when I got handed a PERFECT spot to become lucid - the ONLY THING I had to do was a Reality Check - but oooooh nooooo - no letting myself have some lucid fun tonight either!

      You see, it suddenly came to me that "Hey, wait a minute - something is not at all right here. My parents would NEVER EVER send me out and put my life on the line before themselves like this (just as I wouldn't in RL)." And I KNEW that something was VERY off here and for just a flash of a second I think I can recall thinking "Hey, this must be a dream."

      Had I only done an RC at that time, I would have been in lucid bless for sure! But I did not and here's where the dream takes a cool turn; I suddenly came to remember TV shows like "Scare Tactics" and the like where they scare peeps for fun and came to figure that this has got to be something like that. There were no dangers at all waiting for me in that facility - probably only a big surprise or something as I got to those three pwer switches.

      Upon realizing that, I kinda start making small insinuations that I had just figured out what may be going on. My father noticed, in some way, that I had found out about this fact and discretely signalled to me that I should keep quiet about this discovery - probably to act surprised once I got to see the surprise once the mission begun.

      And that's the end of the major dream for that night.
      Yet again, I had a perfect, rock solid chance to become Lucid but probably due to lack of repetitive RC-training, I blew it once more. Really sucks, but I know I'll get there again!

      Below follows a VERY short piece from a second dream I had that night - the only thing I can remember;

      This movie is rated 'E' for Everyone.

      "On the parking lot" (2007-07-23)

      Me and my mum was out driving in my home-town. I don't know which one of us were driving the car (kinda strange if it was me since I have no License in RL). We pulled up in this rather large parking lot, sloping a little downwards and plenty of green grassy fields all around it. Got no clue at all as to why we were there. It was a bright summer day, sun shining, blue sky with only a few thin soft clouds in the sky. The temperature was warm and very comfortable outside and only a few soft breezes of wind could be felt every now and then. We got out of the car and walked away from it, over to the upper patch of grass next to the lot. Then we just stood there looking out over the enviroment and our car, parked a few dozen feet away...

      And that's the end of that night's dreaming.
      Thankyou for reading!
      Last edited by Swesent; 07-24-2007 at 07:16 AM. Reason: Added entry to Dream Journal.
      # of LDs: ~5
      # of WILDs: 1
      Next Goal: Take FULL control

    5. #5
      Member Swesent's Avatar
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      Jul 2007
      A nice two hour long afternoon nap and I hardly remember anything about it...
      Can't wait 'til I take my first B-vitamins together with dinner today.
      Anyway, here we go with the little I managed to salvage;

      This movie is rated 'E' for Everyone.

      "A wood-road drive" (2007-07-24)

      Me, my family and our dog, we all came driving on this dirt-road in the middle of some woods somewhere - might have been somewhere around the parts where my grandmother used to live. Suddenly we came to a stop and we went out of the car (dog still inside). The car was very rusty (which it is not in RL) - it was a beautiful summer's day, sun shining and clear blue sky. I don't know why we suddenly stopped, in the middle of a broad Y-crossing - all I recall is that I was really enjoying the scenery and the great weather.

      Shortly thereafter the dream fades and I wake up.
      Not very exciting but hopefully it'll at least add to my dream-recall ability.

      Back again tomorrow morning!
      Last edited by Swesent; 07-24-2007 at 05:44 PM. Reason: Added dream from afternoon nap.
      # of LDs: ~5
      # of WILDs: 1
      Next Goal: Take FULL control

    6. #6
      Member Swesent's Avatar
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      Jul 2007
      This night was very evasive! As I woke up I couldn't remember one single thing that I had dreamt about. However, as I just laid there for awhile leting my mind wonder, going over what I had done and seen yesterday (usually, things I have seen, heard and/or done the present day makes it into my dreams, if only for a little bit) and finally a few pieces started to appear. It's not much but I managed to get hold of a little bit;

      This movie is rated 'E' for Everyone.

      "I'm in the game" (2007-07-24)

      I'm in this rather large room - a room reflected off of the dining hall at my first school (only several times larger). And the colors were different. There was a green stone-tiled floor - big square tiles at least a couple of feet each in diameter. The walls were covered with horizontal two by fours and all colored with a deep black color. There were also a couple of big black pillars in the center of the room.

      Along one of the long sides (since the room had the shape of a rectangle) was a rather huge pile of broken stone boulders - as green as the floor. The entire room gave the impression that some heavy exploding had been going on in here. It was a pretty run down place. This is about the time I start to realize that I was in a game - though it felt more like I was starring in a computer- or videogame rather than a real life event. I actually think I was the main character in a pretty solid gaming experience.

      Anyways, I'm strolling about in the huge room and suddenly this semi-natural sized tank (also completely dark-green) appears. I knew this was the last boss which I had to defeat and I knew that my existance was in danger (I did not feel scared however). A little confused I tried to hatch some sort of idea what in the world I, a single un-armed human, dressed in black, had to oppose a tank with. It could just run me over or blow me to bits and that's that...

      Suddenly, about two to four black dressed ninjas appeared infront of me at the center of the room, next to one of the big pillars - they might have jumped down from the ceiling, I don't know. And on came this bad-*ss background music - extremely bassy, upbeat, catchy rock-solid kinda like a power-up tune (which I would kill for to have recorded right here as an MP3!!!). I knew that this was some sort of power-up thing - a hugely advantageous help, granted me for some reason.

      These ninjas immediately begun uncovering some assemblement holding things in the floor and there, they went ahead with building up the most huge and overpowered cannon I think I've ever witnessed (in a dream at least). This project took merely seconds to complete and once done, I had full control over it. The helper-ninjas disappeared and I begun using the cannon to blast away at the boss tank. Only two, three direct hits were needed to bring the thing down and as a last defence it summoned plenty of small explosive spheres. Those had to be detonated using the cannon (to avoid someone getting hurt by them later - the boss tank was already destroyed).

      Whilst doing this last procedure I felt that the sound was really high as the exploding went on. Sure, there were bombs detonating all around the place - but it rather felt as if the volume was cranked up way too high. A feeling which reinforced the underlaying fact that this was a game. Someone had turned up the speakers quite a bit (probably because of the super award-winning mega tune played a little while ago!)

      Nothing more than that though. The rest of the night remains in darkness to me. I might have missed the build-up to this boss or the aftermath - or maybe this was a single short dream, one of many. I guess I'll never know. May I get a better recall when my afternoon nap comes up...
      # of LDs: ~5
      # of WILDs: 1
      Next Goal: Take FULL control


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