• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      The lone hero
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I live in my computer. There was a portal and i walked in. Send help i am stuck now.
      How to read:

      1.)LD's are in green

      2.)regualr dreams are in red

      3.)and events in RL are in black!

      Hurray for colors!!! :yumdumdoodledum:
      My mind is bigger then the world, explains why i lost my self...


      1.)Have a LD
      2.)Have a conversation with a DC
      3.)Fly around the world (or at least until i get bored)
      4.)Successfully compelete dream recall traing (with at least 10 or more dreams)

    2. #2
      The lone hero
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I live in my computer. There was a portal and i walked in. Send help i am stuck now.
      4/29/07 Around 12:21 AM

      Ok things i did before i went to bed. I watched bleach, ate two banana sandwiches, fixed my pollow arregenment (i can't spell ok!&#33 and i answerd all of my e-mail for that day. I went fell alseep around i think umm... yeah 12:55

      1.) the Newspaper
      OK i was in this very busy room. With about at least 20 people. They were all running around shouting things. ONe of them threw something at me. I went there the window and fell. As i fell i saw many newspapers. The headlines on all of them said "19 year man dies of falling to death" Then i woke up. very werid. THat is all i remember for that dream.

      And that is all... End note:must remember to find pencil faster....
      My mind is bigger then the world, explains why i lost my self...


      1.)Have a LD
      2.)Have a conversation with a DC
      3.)Fly around the world (or at least until i get bored)
      4.)Successfully compelete dream recall traing (with at least 10 or more dreams)

    3. #3
      The lone hero
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I live in my computer. There was a portal and i walked in. Send help i am stuck now.
      4/30/07 Around i think 7:15

      Ok i just had a dream like five mintues before i woke up!! and yes like at 6:30 was when i fell alseep for the last time this moring.

      1. The freaky daycare area.

      OK in this dream i am guess i awas around like 9. i was in this werid daycare/ school area.All the time it was dark all the time. All the children were afraid. The school was set up that we went to class rooms for the entire day from day to night, then i got to go back in to the play area. Which from what i can remeber was like a bedroom/ living room. well any way we all had Spirit energy. some were stronger then others. The ones who had a massive amounts were taken away to some different place. The headmaster Darthvader (at least it looked like him) took care of takeing the children away. WEl any in the play room some kid came up to me and told me to hid this mace thing. I und it under what looked like a night stand. Few seconds after I saw "darth vader" come in. He pushed me aside reached were i hid the mace. He found it. He lifted his hand to were his plam was pointed at. Then he did something.

      At that excat monment my brother woke me and told me to wake him up at 7:20. i looke at my watch and it said 7:02 ok well that is all!
      My mind is bigger then the world, explains why i lost my self...


      1.)Have a LD
      2.)Have a conversation with a DC
      3.)Fly around the world (or at least until i get bored)
      4.)Successfully compelete dream recall traing (with at least 10 or more dreams)

    4. #4
      The lone hero
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I live in my computer. There was a portal and i walked in. Send help i am stuck now.



      Yeah i haven't been able to remeber my dream lately...maybe beacuse shchool is sot stressfull or maybe beacsue i won't stop playing games before bed..or the fact that the move coming up is getting me excited...well i just want to say this one dream i remebered from today..

      OK well i was in my house in my bed using my computer..theni got off and went down stairs. Were some how my house turned into a petting zoo. well any way i wasw walking to the kictken when i saw this doe/lioness thing following me. i kept telling it to leave me alone. but it jsut followed me around. Well i then leave the kickhen to go to the basement . I open the door and some how i i am in africa. There is a carmea man with his arm out in fornt proteching his self. And there is this loiness bited down hard on him. Then the piecie of flesh it was biteing fell off. Theni i woke up.

      I think i should stop eating before bed.... ANy one reading this comment if you want!!! (it will help me find this faster!!) Ok bye!
      My mind is bigger then the world, explains why i lost my self...


      1.)Have a LD
      2.)Have a conversation with a DC
      3.)Fly around the world (or at least until i get bored)
      4.)Successfully compelete dream recall traing (with at least 10 or more dreams)

    5. #5
      The lone hero
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I live in my computer. There was a portal and i walked in. Send help i am stuck now.
      Before i begin. I Have writen this dreams down in a notebook about four weeks before decideing to put them on the computer....so yes the dates are messed up.

      Ok in this dream i had i was in a amusement park. I was by my self. I think i wondered there through a dersert wasteland or something. I didn't see any rides so i walked around. I decied to get something to drink. I find this tower thing in the park and i go up it to find a coffe shop. In there i found steven. This guy who modded my psp.I saw what seemed to be an entire box of band-aids on his arms. He said" I WAS EXPERMENTING" Then he left. I then start to look at the menu and i see this guy from smash my wii. He says "It's-a me Mario". SO back to look at the menu i reliaze that don't have the correct curreny. SO i head toward their baclony. On the other side of the boucany was this mansion with the kids were shunned because all they did was play video games and comb their hair. Then aside comes out o fthe roof and they go oon it then i wake up.
      My mind is bigger then the world, explains why i lost my self...


      1.)Have a LD
      2.)Have a conversation with a DC
      3.)Fly around the world (or at least until i get bored)
      4.)Successfully compelete dream recall traing (with at least 10 or more dreams)

    6. #6
      The lone hero
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      I live in my computer. There was a portal and i walked in. Send help i am stuck now.

      Ok i belive i was in this werid computer cave classroom area.In the classroom was this game every one played. but some how the game got deleted and people started to find ways to play it still. Somehow i was the only one still able to play it. Someone found out i was playing it and forced me off the computer. THey started to play it then it turned off. So i got on another computer and somehow the game was ther two. It wqas some werid mario game that every one wanted to play. WEll any way i play it again then i wake up.
      My mind is bigger then the world, explains why i lost my self...


      1.)Have a LD
      2.)Have a conversation with a DC
      3.)Fly around the world (or at least until i get bored)
      4.)Successfully compelete dream recall traing (with at least 10 or more dreams)


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