Hi there! I'm Stuart, know Idea what the ZX stands for (probably something like Zylophone Xtreme), and this is my dream journal.

I've had lots of dreams in my life, some weird, some scary, and some absolutely awesome. The reason I call my journal the 'Dream Planet' is because I can imagine all of my dream events existing on a dysfunctional, oddly shaped planet. I know it sounds weird, but it sort of works on a different scale.

I'll start posting my dreams in the order they appear, writing 3 different things for each:

A title - A title relevant to the dream, made using my wild imagination.
A Synopsis - A general description of the dream, telling it from start to finish.
Extra notes - Some odd things that don't connect with the dream, stuff I may have seen before in over dreams, etc.

Well, here goes something!