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    Thread: The Answer

    1. #1
      World's Last Gunslinger
      Join Date
      Aug 2007

      The Answer

      This is my dream log.

      I will begin recording as soon as I have a dream that I remember. This will likely involve me writing things down when I awake because I don't have computer access usually when I wake up.

      Last night: nothing to report.

    2. #2
      ...Lost... The Question's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      LoL i clicked on this link because it was titled The Answer and it interested me because of my name!
      Believe nothing,
      no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha

      Adopted By - Adam

    3. #3
      World's Last Gunslinger
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Last night I had several, and I made an effort to remember them, though I know I had some earlier in the night that were related to #3, but I can't remember them. There was also some skydiving or surfing early in the night, but I can't remember.

      1-I was on a crowded beach, and the beach was at the end of some kind of inlet because you could swim straight out and hit another beach. My little sister was there, but she was about 3 or 4 instead of her current age (dream sign but I didn't notice). We just sat on the sand.

      2-Me and some guy are on a forested cliff above a different beach, and there is some kind of enemy force scaling the cliff, and so we're shooting them as they climb up with bows and arrows (I was watching Lord of the Rings last night, which probably explains this).

      3-Somehow tied into dreams I can't remember, I've got a limp and someone with me has one too, but worse, and we're fleeing some place in a forest in Ireland, we're dressed in prison garb (striped jumpsuits). We have to get through these hurdles to get away, but the other guy falls behind and is captured. I go into the thicker part of the forest, jump into a river, and float away to safety. Later I'm recounting my story to someone, who tells me I'm quite lucky because that river is cursed and haunted.

      4-I'm in a hostel in Europe somewhere and some friends of mine had a six-pack with one beer left, but it was partially drunk. A friend who had stepped out had left it behind, so I put it in his closet for him.

      5-Back to Ireland. I met the parents of a girl I'd met from Ireland when she was in San Diego, and I was listening to them talk, analyzing their faces to see how they mixed to make hers.

    4. #4
      World's Last Gunslinger
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      Aug 2007
      Forgot to login this morning.

      I had many dreams last night again, but I'm only able to remember a few.

      One was I was in a hotel or someplace, it may have been my sister's newly bought (but I've never seen it) house. Anyway, I had to go the bathroom, but in every bathroom the prior occupant hadn't flushed, so I had to go look for another bathroom.

      Another dream where I attended a Mass officiated by the Pope, somewhere inside the Vatican, and I got very emotional over this.

      I had a bunch of other dreams, some connected to last night's, but I only remember having them, not their content.

    5. #5
      World's Last Gunslinger
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      Aug 2007
      Hmmm well I only have one I remember from last night. I was convicted of some lame crime like "considering lying" and I was going to have to serve ten days in jail. I met a guy in my cell who (for a fee) got me onto the list to compete in the jailhouse wrestling tournament, which would get me better treatment by the guards and get me away from gangs and rapes and such. The only major theme to the dream was that I kept having to pay people for things, and I was worried about cash flow, which reflects my daily worries as well.

    6. #6
      World's Last Gunslinger
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      Aug 2007
      Unfortunately it's so late in the day I've forgotten them more or less.

      A Michael Myers one where he got busy fighting someone else, Jason Voorhees maybe. This almost resulted in me recognizing a dream sign, so things are getting back on track.

      Another one having to do with a casino, but I've since forgotten it.

      I gotta write these things down in the morning when they are fresh in my mind.

    7. #7
      World's Last Gunslinger
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Here's an AM report so I don't lose it all later.

      Many dreams last night! Not in any particular order.

      1.I was at some kind of a house party, but it was a MASSIVE party, and it was daytime. I'm walking around, I remember seeing a really old man drinking hevaily walking around, and there was a guy my age who shoved me to get through the door first to go on the patio. Anyway I saw this drunk female friend of mine, exceedingly beautiful (she's a figment of my dreaming mind ). Anyway we makeout for a bit and then I see my girlfriend coming, who is insanely jealous and protective yet does nothing to protect her territory except nag me Anyway I run and hide, but she's following me, so I go outside, and fly straight up, many many thousands of feet, but she's still right there waiting for me to come down. I descend and the dream ends.

      2.I was apparently working at Costco and had to bring all the carriages in at night, and while doing this, I was able to jump incredibly long distances over the rails of the little corrals in the parking lot. I was aware this was wrong (logically speaking) but lucidity did not take hold. Anyway I saw a massive deer lying in such a corral. I bumped him with a carriage to make sure he was dead. He moved a little, then his eyes turned white, and some people came to cart him away.

      3.Now it's daytime and I'm in the same parking lot. I'm in a minivan waiting for someone to return. Next to me in the van is my little brother in a car seat. This seemed wrong because though I haven't seen him since he was in one, he's 9 now and no longer uses one. But I've never dreamt of him so any chance for attaining lucidity based on that fact was gone. I then realized the car was in many people's way, so I moved it, but then my brother was in the drivers' seat, and helped me put the car in position, bc I was reaching my leg over from the passenger seat.

      4.I was receiving mail from everyone in my family from some place called Arvila? Georgia, and yesterday (IRL) my mother moved from Boston to Georgia, but she doesn't know where yet.

      5.Living in a tiny room in some bad neighborhood, a few friends were over drinking (like 4 people in a room the size of a jail cell) and they called these girls over that were supposed to get really wild. They came, they weren't attractive, and one had a lazy eye.

      6.I remember a dream with this kind of ugly chick but kind of sexy too, she was really skinny from some kind of drug use, and we got to talking about something like she had the potential to be hot if she put on a little more weight. This dream was a much bigger one but I only remember a fragment.

      7.I was taking some kind of class at a community college, the teacher was trying to get everyone aroused though, but she was like 45 and it wasn't working... tight leather pants and animal print shirts, bending over unnecessarily.

      Had I waited until 7 or 8 pm to make this entry, I'd have nothing. Don't you hate those dreams where you have a nice car or a beautiful woman and you wake up and it's not real? One thing I am doing now is waking up more often because of conditions in my room and so I make a conscious waking effort to remember the dreams.

    8. #8
      World's Last Gunslinger
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Got really drunk last night, slept the dreamless sleep of a drunkard lol


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