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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      Chattanooga by way of Seattle.

      Sheena's Dream recollections

      The beginning of this post may be confusing as I am still learning to write my dream in a manner that others can understand.

      My boyfriend and I have a cat named (Higgins.) I’m allergic to cats so he’s not allowed on the bed. Well I went to take a nap and left the door to the bedroom open. My mattress is on the floor and while I lay there I suddenly feel his little paw prints press into the cover next to me. I nudge him away and he moves off the bed. I start to fall asleep and I feel him do it again so I get up and put him out of the room and shut the door tight behind me. Then I got and lay back down.

      This is when it gets weird. So I’m laying there restless and all of the sudden I feel him walking on the bed again. My eyes shoot open and there is nothing there. I think I am paranoid and must have just imagined it. I close my eyes and it happens again. I get up look around the room and check the door. I think at this point that I’m hallucinating or that something paranormal is happening because I can feel the covers moving and I just must be losing my mind. I’m a little nervous but I lay down again. This time I actually feel his fur brush against my face when he walks by and I’m too scared to open my eyes. I eventually fall asleep. (Note: during this I believe I was in and out of sleep but I can’t be sure. I know I was not dreaming though)

      I’m dreaming now and for some reason I’m in my kitchen when I become lucid. I look around and everything is antique looking sort of brown grey. It’s all my furnishing but it’s nightmarish and eerie. I try to calm down so that I won’t wake myself. I breath for a minute and then assign myself a task just to see if I have control (previous LD I have found myself with less and less control.) I wash my hands in the sink and then attempt to dry them with thought. It is unsuccessful so I wipe them on my jeans. I then decide to try and fly; all the while there is this panicked feeling. Whatever it is I’m scared of is moving in and I’m running out of time. I can’t escape the house but I manage to hover in the corner of my living room. It’s almost here now (the nightmare) and I panic. I try to wake my self up.

      This enters me into a false awakening. I sit up fat and back into the corner of the bed. My boyfriend wakes up and asks me what wrong. I’m sitting in the corner shaking and trying to explain to him about my dream and then it hits me. I might now really be awake. I tell him this and he laughs. I tell him I have to check and I go to a mirror in the bedroom but it’s to dark to see. So I got to the bathroom. I go to turn on the light and it comes on buts it’s so dim I cant make out any definite shapes. I say, “It is a dream. I’m still dreaming.” And then I wake up.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      Chattanooga by way of Seattle.

      Talking A Condo In The Sky For Dreamers Who Fly

      September 25th 2007
      Wow! I just woke up from a nap of great adventures! First of all I think I did WILD. Anyway I’m lying on my couch trying to go to sleep and my boyfriend is making all sorts of noise walking back and forth between the kitchen and the office. So I’m hearing all these noises and hearing the dog and cat walk back and forth following him.
      At some point for no reason before even dreaming I realize I’m sleeping. So lucidity is harder then usual because I don’t have anything to work with all ready in front of me. My natural instinct is to try and wake up. (Why? I don’t know.) I can’t so then I start to spin. At first I’m still in the same room and this goes on for awhile. I can see myself first person looking around at the room and at the rest of my body. I keep spinning to try and be some where else. I pick a room with flowers just as a goal but it does not work.
      I spin again. Finally my boyfriend is in the chair next to the couch and I know I’m lucid. I go to him and he and I try to have a conversation. I tell him I’m dreaming and he does not respond. I know that anything he says he will only be saying because I made him. I feel a sharp pain strike my body and I spin again to warp out of the situation. It gets weird now. Picture some sort of bad Acid trip where infinite possibilities are flying in still shots but moving so fast you can’t see them. And your tour guide is a animated smiley sticker with a sick sense of humor. It changes faces and sorts dances around then it motions for me to pick my reality. Its hovering right over my face as clear as it gets and then it makes a sick menacing grin. What follows is a horrendous sharp pain right in the little dimples in my lower back! I try to spin again. I successfully end up in the same room with no weirdness. I look around and am alone. I decide to see my deceased grandmother. I go to the window expecting she’s coming up the stairs by now but she is not. I then go into the office and look out the side window to see if she is out there and she is not. Instead there are gorgeous hills that look like Scotland with Photoshop enhancements! The greens are so beautiful. I can’t wait any longer I throw open the back door that leads out side and I jump. I fly over sandy beaches and look back out from where I came. Behind me is a sort of condo home for lucid dreamers. It just suspends there in the air with doors that have no (or need) steps. I turn back around and head down the beach. I look to my right and see my dog in a fence with a way out. I call to her and she starts running in the sand next to me. I’m laughing so hard I can’t stand it. I fly out towards the water but I can’t get piper(my dog) to join me because she’s scared. I’m over the Ocean now and everything is so beautiful. I decide to something I haven’t done while lucid. I decide to go swimming and I dive into the water.(right before this I plugged my nose with my hand and then let go a laugh with how ridiculous that was)I swam deep. I encountered sea life like jelly fish and clams little things but the deeper I got the more I started seeing large dark shadows. I didn’t want this to turn nightmarish so I swam back out into the air and proceeded to fly just over the water. You’ve seen the birds fly in V’s close to the water right? I was right in-between the ocean and the birds flying. I could have petted a dolphin. It was like I was in perfect harmony with them. Wow!It then hits me how amazing this is and I wake up.

      Truly beautiful. I' have had another dream that I've been meaning to post that I had that was even more beautiful and vivid. Look for it soon.


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