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    1. #1
      Member KrazyGrenade's Avatar
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      Dec 2007
      Chico, California

      My dream journal. Brand new

      Well I never remember my dreams but I have been trying some of the techniques here and have achieved some success! I remembered 3 dreams this morning

      I fell asleep at 1 a.m. and set had my alarm set for 7. I woke up right before my alarm went off and got up and had a bowl of cereal. I also came onto my computer and read around on the forums and posted a bit. I did a few reality checks and thought a lot about doing a WILD. I went back to bed around 7:40. I tried to do a WILD but after around 250 breaths counted I gave up. A few times I felt like I was falling and I would stay calm but I would end up feeling wide awake after it happened. I decided to just go to sleep and wake up at 9:30 and hope for the best. These are the dreams I remembered from 9:30.

      Dream 1:
      I was biking back from what I think was work. I was on my way to Reno because I now lived in Reno apparently. I had to bike through a golf course from where I live. I noticed that a lot of new grass had been planted where it had recently been dead and houses were being built a lot farther out then usual. It was extremely hilly and it was a tough bike ride. The road had to go through somebody's backyard and over their pool. I accidentally fell into the pool. The old lady who owned the house was angry with me and started talking about how everyone fell in when they went by. I think I broke part of the pool or something too.

      Dream 2:
      I met some girl that might have been from my first dream, she was very familiar. She was cute but young. We were at some sort of semi formal event and i had to meet her dad. My teeth weren't brushed and it was bothering me in an extreme sort of way. I wanted to hook up with her.

      Random bits and pieces:
      I remember feeling like there was something stuck on my tooth and when I went and felt the outer casing of my canine fell off, the piece of tooth was similar to having a piece of clear plastic that just goes around the tooth.

      I remember vaguely doing a reality check to see what it would feel like in my dream, only it wasn't my conscious self doing it, it was my dream self, I never became lucid and I very vaguely remember this. I might have woken up afterwards and fallen right back to sleep.

      Considering this is the first time I have REALLY tried to remember my dreams I am feeling very happy about the success of this morning. I already cant wait to get to bed tonight and see what happens!

    2. #2
      Member KrazyGrenade's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2007
      Chico, California
      I had another dream last night. It's amazing how simple it is to remember your dreams if you wake up 6 hours after you fall asleep and then do a WBTB. I'm loving this already.

      Dream 1: It was a very long dream. In the dream me and my friends were like... stars of some sort of a sport. At the beginning we were getting ready to start our game and we were having some sort of ceremony outside the stadium. We for some reason put weed in the ground and started like eating the ground. It was really weird. An evil someone (I think it was a queen) had planned to take over the kingdom during the game because it was the most opportune time. All of my friends were captured but I escaped. They were all put in her "indoctrination" school of some sort. The only way to make the queen killable was to steal 3 items. I don't recall what they were. I remember that I killed the queen's mage advisor or something of the sorts. And he asked me what he had done wrong to fail fighting me and I told him it had something to do with the clothes he was wearing and how mine were more powerful. I managed to steal all 3 of the items without the queen knowing it. That part of the dream was similar to a video game and my friend and my grandma helped me play through it. I managed to sneak all the way back to the indoctrination school and my friends were surprised to see me and told me to get away while I could. I showed them the 3 items and they were amazed and didn't know what to say. Two of my managers from work (Josh and Jina) were the teachers at the school and they saw me. I thought I would be captured but they surprisingly were against the queen and told me how to defeat the queen. I would have to go to the banished kings house and use a special knocking device to get him to open the door. He did not open to normal knocks. They gave me the device (I could draw it but I don't want to). Thats as far as I remember with that dream.

      Dream 2:
      My friend Josh was in it again but I dont remember what part he played in it. I had an evil teacher of some sort (it might have been my favorite teacher currently, who teaches spanish). I went to one of my old teachers classrooms to do battle with the evil t eacher and I managed to defeat her. I think she had the ability to fly and I think green mush or something extremely odd happened after I defeated her.

      I am extremely happy with my dreams right now. I never remember my dreams and every time I have tried a WBTB I have remembered 1 or more dreams and usually in pretty good detail. I'm about ready to start trying for a LD


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