I say that my dreams are reflecting my life because the very next night after posting my last dream I guess what. You guessed it I dreamed again, but this time It hit close to home. I was just wandering around and happened to end up in a strip club except with a twist. Down by the stage of the strip club someone was on trial. How strange is that. It wasn't a mock trial either it was the real deal. The strippers just walked around strutting their stuff until the trial started. Once the trial started they went around trying to get customers to pay for lap dances. They seemed to approach everyone but me. They seemed to know that I was not going to have any lap dances. In fact I think I was there for the trial. I tried as hard as I could to hear the trial, but the music for the strippers was just to loud. Not so loud that I couldn't hear the trial at all, but loud enough so that I couldn't follow the conversations. I say this reflects my life because I have been trying to concentrate on other things beyond sexual gratification. Does anyone have any comments on this? I would love to hear what you all think.